
作者&投稿:芝咱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮我写英语作文题目是( 我快乐的一天)(帮妈妈做家务)(自己做食物)这3篇50字~

One day after returning home from school, I saw the house very dirty, then lay down their schoolbags, began to organize room. First of all I am able to the entire dry, and then returned to her mother and other mothers do, I can not do. I see a Taiyan the Huhu dirty handkerchief, so I wash on the handkerchief. I detergent and pots ready, and then used dirty handkerchief, I first handkerchief wet foam, and then spread in the above washing powder, and then to Jin Er and Roll, Roll ah Roll, grip the end of再拿water-rereading Like, Xiwan after an open, clean handkerchief Xide, I was particularly pleased. Come back to see my mother, was shocked, clean up the house so clean, she commended me.


One day, I said to my mum: "Mum, let me wash the dishes." "Really? I'm so
happy to hear that." Mum said.
After dinner, my first job was to get
the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap
and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the
water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just
like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was
slippery. "Pang!" The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and
broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible! There was only one dish
In the end, my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the
dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.

帮助妈妈做家务 Help mum to do the housework After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too ...

well 我妈妈整天工作到很累。所以我决定帮妈妈做些家务。首先,我洗碗。做过之后,我扫过了地板。然后,我可怜的rabbish。做了这些,我想我妈妈会很高兴的。当我想到妈妈要来的时候,她对我的行为非常惊讶。然后我洗碗。妈妈非常高兴。我知道我做得很好 ...

1. 写帮妈妈洗碗的英语作文 One day, I said to my mum: "Mum, let me wash the dishes." "Really? I'm so happy to hear that." Mum said.After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and wa...

英语作文 my weekend chores 80字左右
My weekend chores On the weekends, I have a lot of chores to do. First, I need to clean my room, which includes sweeping the floor, dusting the furniture, and making my bed. Then, I help my mom with housework, such as doing the laundry, washing the dishes and cooking me...

对于家务,我们每个人可能从小就有接触。如何做好家务呢,下面是我为您推荐的做家务英语作文。篇一:帮助妈妈做家务 Help mum to do the housework After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water ...

the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for...

帮助父母家务初中英语作文篇1 Is it good for students to do some housework.Some people think studengts need not do any housework.They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I don’t think so. It is good for students to do some housework for three reason...

写一写在家里你都能帮助父母做哪些事情 英语作文
在家里帮助父母做事的作文:On Sunday, neither father nor mother is at home。When I saw that the house was dirty and messy, I decided to help my mother clean up。I quickly picked up the broom to sweep the floor。After sweeping up the dirt, I put it away with an iron ...


初一英语寒假日记50词,带翻译的,5篇 急!!
我读英语然后吃早饭。我帮助母亲洗碗。然后做作业打扫房间。下午我和母亲去买东西。然后和朋友们打乒乓球。晚上我看电视、看书。我今天的确很忙、过得很有趣。2)the garden Today is Sunday,it's sunny. This is a beautiful garden .Some children are playing in the garden.They are very happy...

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松滋市18568306222: 我帮妈妈洗碗用英语写出来 -
兀有葛海诺: 我帮妈妈洗碗 I help my mother to do the dishes. 或 I help my mother to wash the dishes.

松滋市18568306222: 我晚上必须帮妈妈洗碗英语 -
兀有葛海诺: 我晚上必须帮妈妈洗碗 I have to help my mother wash the dishes at night.我晚上必须帮妈妈洗碗 I have to help my mother wash the dishes at night.

松滋市18568306222: 一篇帮妈妈做家务的英语作文 -
兀有葛海诺:[答案] Today is Sunday.I got up very early,because I wanted to help my mother with the housework.She worked vey hard on weekdys,but she still have to do many houseworks after work.So I decided to help her.Wh...

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兀有葛海诺: 以感恩为主 I have a beautiful mother.I like she very much.Mother is that I have made many , I want to give her small gift in Mother's Day in that day. Thereupon, I have bought a bunch of carnation. Although price is not high,it has represented my ...

松滋市18568306222: 写一写在家里你都能帮助父母做哪些事情 英语作文 -
兀有葛海诺: 我是一个勤快的女孩,在家里帮着父母干一些力所能及的家务事:洗碗,洗衣服,扫地拖地,擦窗户,样样能行.虽然做的不是很好,但是,我也在尽自己的一份心,感谢父母的养育之恩,并且可以从从小锻炼出一颗独立自主的心,真是一举两...

松滋市18568306222: 帮忙找一篇做家务的英语作文 -
兀有葛海诺: Our family chores are often we do together, and my mother do the housework at the most, mother and father to me often to cook and wash the clothes, my father and I was mopping and wiping the table, although we are very tired, but I feel it is happy...

松滋市18568306222: 用英文写出十个我们能帮助父母做的家务,不要写作文 -
兀有葛海诺: clean the floor 擦地板 wash the dishes 洗碗 stack the dishes 把碗放起来 wash clothes 洗衣服 wash stocks 洗袜子 clean (wipe) the table 擦桌子 mow the lawn 修剪草坪 lat up the quilts 叠被子 tidy the house 打扫屋子Clean the window 擦窗子

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