
作者&投稿:再眉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It seems that I'm not smart and easy to be played tricks on,so some people who consider themselves to be clever always be impolite to me.

my parents haven't high degree,but they taught me to be an honst and kind-hearted man,so it is difficult for me to do something go against my kindness and honsty

When I got home,
turn on the TV,
the TV is on Snowdon overwhelming news,
but for me, at that time,
a reaction on my mind,
"Who is this man."

He went directly to mourn Mr./Ms Zhu at his/her grave rather than going home. At the foot of the hill, all graves look the same, like
many buns of dirt. The aspens there also
look exactly alike.

While he did't go home, he went to Mr. Zhu tomb to worship directly. All the tombs look like the same as steamed buns in foot of the hill. The alamos look like the same also on the hill.

He didn't go home,instead,he had a memorial ceremony for Teacher Zhu directly,at the bottom of the mountain,all the grave-mounds looks the same,which the samassituation as the poplar around there.

He didn't go home. He went directly to teacher Zhu's grave. Foot
of the hill, all the graves are the same soil steamed bun. The aspens at the foot of the mountain are the same.

请问这句话怎么翻译最好呢?そのほうが是什么  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 大多数男性都抵触彩礼吗?为什么? 匿名用户 2017-09-18 展开全部 不过,那样子好像反而变成一种刺激,挺好的呐。 更多追问追答 追问 谢谢你,我还想问一下,そのほうが是什么意思呢,那方面的意思吗? 追答 对。接前面说话人的...

这句英文怎么翻译 急问 !!!
1.她因那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。Because she has been operated on for two times, she is weak and can't stand up.2.教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前面花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习。Educators hold the view that the generation with the ...

You ask me why i like you. Tell you, i like that you are away from me.


“吾以子为异之问,曾由与求之问?”翻译:“我以为你问别人呢。原来是问仲由和冉求啊?”“以”:以为,名词。“之”:的,实词。这句话提到了四个人:吾是孔子子:指季子然。 因为这句话前面是季子然向孔子问的一句话。由:指仲由;求:指冉求。因为季子然问孔子,仲由和冉求这两个人可以...

翻译: 他问我跟谁说过他成绩不好。(说这句话的人是 I,叙述的事情是他的事情 he\/his).I'd told 是过去完成时态 I had told. ”我已告诉“的意思。whom I had told -- 说这句话的人是 I, 即 我已告诉过的那个人(whom).也就是他问我,“你告诉过谁,关于我的坏成绩“。

Welcome by harmony emus, this train is G1074 train, the train bound for Wuhan station, front of the train-announce: Shaoguan station


I had ever asked my mother times that what date was her birthday,but she never told me.

他当时半认真,半好奇地大声问道,他们能否增加演员Jack(让·雷诺)的片酬。他在片中饰演冷酷的法国侦探贝祖。这个答案我基本赞成,但是wonder aloud不是好奇地大声问, 应该是脱口而出地问,“Wonder aloud: If you wonder aloud, you express your thought that occur to you rather than thinking ...

龙华区13036459719: 求英语好的帮忙翻译一下这句 不要是机器翻得 如此绝望的深渊,我还能直视多少次? -
鬱兰博利:[答案] How many times dare I face to this abyss

龙华区13036459719: 请帮我把这句话翻译成英语、不要机器翻译的、
鬱兰博利: I want to find a reason in order not to leave away.

龙华区13036459719: 谁可以帮我翻译这段话成英语,不要机器的谢谢 -
鬱兰博利: I am living in the 4 floor.The groud floor is a kindergarden.Everyday I can see the kids singing and dancing happily,I navy them.How am I dreaming live a happy life as them,without worries and troubles.

龙华区13036459719: 请问这句话怎么翻译成英文?拜托不要机器翻译 -
鬱兰博利: In China,sneezing means that somebody is missing him. So when you sneeze, the one who is missing you must be me!

龙华区13036459719: 如果你的才华还撑不起你的野心,就是时候该静下心来学习了. 把这句话翻译成英文,不要机器翻译的如果你的才华还撑不起你的野心,就是时候该静下心来... -
鬱兰博利:[答案] If your talent can not support your ambotion, it's the time for you to study quietly.

龙华区13036459719: 一句话翻译,中文翻译成英文,不要机器翻译的 -
鬱兰博利: 托尼鲍威尔公司控股股份有限公司 邮政信箱453 弗吉尼亚 布里斯班Q4014 澳大利亚.荷兰31009901330

龙华区13036459719: 求这句话的英文翻译?不要机器的.谢谢 -
鬱兰博利: 个人意见哦 Sometimes,I feel you are very close to me ,and sometimes I feel you are quite far away from me.

龙华区13036459719: 请问这句话用英语怎么说啊?请勿机器翻译.
鬱兰博利: There is somebody hided in everyone's heart in his life, maybe the one can't know for ever, therefore, the one never can be replaced of.

龙华区13036459719: 把这句话翻译成英文.有难度不要用机器翻译 -
鬱兰博利: 本来这个事儿我都忘了,前不久我找东西,无意中翻看到了一个笔记本看到里面内容我才想起来 I have already forgot this ,however it came to my mind again when I happened to see something from a notebook not long ago when I looked for my things.

龙华区13036459719: 那个把这句话翻译成英语,不要机器翻译. -
鬱兰博利: When a drop of water meet the sea, she sighs with regret that the sea is so vast, that' what she went across creeks, rivers; we can know what is better after comparing.希望能帮到你. 我等着你采纳哟,不明还可以追问的,嘻嘻!

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