
作者&投稿:池邓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我要翻译 I need the translate

Further to our phone conversation, pls see the booking form
as per attachment, kindly fill it and return to us once available
fm yrs.

Kindly adv the A/C no. of cnee, like as, CDEXXX and the cargo
ready date fm yrs, I'm not sure whether U can arrange yr goods
to catch our closing time - 24/04 at hkg, anyway, kindly send me
the booking details first and I wl instruct our Shanghai office to


enablement event:一些活动用来启动新项目或新产品






中英互相翻译的软件不要网上的要好点的 语法不要老错的.
3.准确 ——用户还可启用“高质量全文翻译”,将网页内容拷贝粘贴,即可实现高质量的翻译。三.英文简历\/文章的写作和翻译易如反掌(增强)返回目录:1.在 word 中内嵌工具栏,可快速将文章进行中英 \/ 英中翻译。“全文翻译器”采用最新多语言翻译引擎,用户只需在 “全文翻译器”中打开相关文件或粘贴...

一只蚂蚁在小的河中落下。她尽全力到 catcht bank.but 她一点也无法移动。一只鸟 出于同情丢她的一个木材。藉由它蚂蚁 再一次到达了银行。她正在休息和 在草中弄干她自己。她听到一个男人来临 提高。他在他的脚上正在没有鞋子步行和 带一只枪在他的手。一旦他看见就那 鸟,他想要杀她,而且他会...

翻译如下:Linda: Mom, I'm really worried 琳达:妈妈,我真的很担心。Mom: Why? What's wrong?妈妈:为什么?怎么了?Linda: I can't find my schoolbag 琳达:我找不到我的书包了。Mom: Well, where did you last put it?妈妈:嗯,你上次把它放哪儿了?Linda: I can't ...

7.略论格语法在科技英语翻译中的运用。On the application of case grammar to the translation of EST.8.大学英语翻译教学与学生语用能力提高研究。Pedagogical Translation of College English and Cultivating Students' Pragmatic Competence.9.英语翻译不必附在书中。The English translation needn't be ...

英译中 超简单!
翻译:Here are the green willow, beautiful flowers. Lake water is very clear. Boat on Lake there are some people in rowing. Edge of West Lake and the people have. They wear T-shirts and skirts. Some people walk in, and some people in Talking about, and some people in the...

michelle..don't 不要,Michelle.I'm want to throw-up 我想吐啊。Hold on.等一下。No.No.不,不。michelle...Look all wet now.Michell, 你看全都湿了,Then go turn on the water for me,ok?帮我打开水龙水,好不?Ok.好的。Stupid...but handsome.你真讨厌!I want to bathe with...

英语Don’t ever change怎么翻译?
答: Don't ever change.可以翻译为永远不要改变的意思。其中最要注意的就是ever这个词,作副词时可表示以下意思。Ever的意思 而在本句翻译中表示永远,希望能够帮助到你。

你好,可翻译为:You came between us, said you were innocent, 夹杂于我俩间,诉说着无邪之情 but you were really a traitor.但即为叛徒一个 I thought you were honest, 幻想一路以诚相待 but you had on an invisible mask.殊不知却双面人一个 All of this in your heart and you ...

What goes up must come down 凡是上升的东西最后必定会下降 yet my feet don"t touch the ground 但至今我的双脚还未触碰到大地 See the world spinnin" upside down 我凝视着整个世界由上往下地旋转 A mighty crash without a sound 最后在一片宁静中产生了巨大的撞击 I can feel you ever...

麟游县18035418271: IT是什么 -
妫科苦参: 原意在英语中指代物的第三人称单数.另有其他单词的缩写,例如信息技术:Information Technology;即时翻译 instant translation;创新技术innovatve technology等. IT = Information Technology,信息技术.IT = internet Technology,互联网...

麟游县18035418271: 求翻译两句话,,,偏IT方面的,中翻英80分送上要求高质量,翻译软件不采纳 -
妫科苦参: The computer could be started when I pushed down the Power button, but the power would be cut off automatically after 2 seconds. During this period, the LED indicator light kept blinking, and the monitor connected to the server did not display ...

麟游县18035418271: 中国人在英语方面容易犯的错误. -
妫科苦参: 1、中式英语与地道英语、常见中式英文错误 中:It was so late there was no taxi.英:It was so late that there was no taxi available.中:It's seven twenty o'clock. 英:It's seven twenty....

麟游县18035418271: 关于电脑方面的翻译题(英转中) -
妫科苦参: 网络配置,配置、布局、设备在一个通信网络拓扑叫做.通信网络中配置通常是一种或多种的3种模式.这些配置是明星,汽车,虽然这些配置环网络可以通用用于广域网,我们举例说明它们与当地的区域网络.装置连接到网络,如终端,打印...

麟游县18035418271: lt's中文什么意思 -
妫科苦参: “lt's”是it is的缩写有,它是,“这是”的意思. 重点词汇: 1、it 英 [ɪt] 美 [ɪt] 作为代词pron.意思是:它;他;正好是所需的;事实. 作为名词n.意思是:<美俚>傻瓜,笨蛋;<俚>绝妙的人;理想的东西;登峰造极. 2、is 英 [ɪz] 美 [ɪz] vt....

麟游县18035418271: ★英国留学哪些专业是强势专业 -
妫科苦参: 展开全部1、艺术与设计 越来越多的学生了解到,英国尤其像伦敦,一直被称为欧洲创意之都,设计领域英国教育有它独特的魅力,服装、时尚专业在一阵阵潮流更新中越来越显示出自己的优势,而英国正好走在时尚的前沿,成为了众多留学生...

麟游县18035418271: 表示“实际上”“事实上”的英文有哪些? -
妫科苦参: Actually,effectively,in nature,as a matter of fact,in fact 1、Actually 英 [in fækt] 美 [ɪn fækt] 事实上;实际上,其实;实则;说起来 例句: In fact, those people have been promoted. 事实上,那些人已经升职了. 2、effectively 英 [ɪˈfektɪvli] 美 [ɪ...

麟游县18035418271: 一段计算机方面内容的中文翻译成英文
妫科苦参: With the emergence of the Internet, the website gradually into people's lives, rapid and timely information browsing, colorful on-line information network and is closely related to people's lives. It broke the geographical restrictions that make the ...

麟游县18035418271: It'sdifficultfor的中文意思? -
妫科苦参: it is difficult for sb. 对某人来说是困难的 difficult 英 [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] 美 [ˈdɪfɪˌkʌlt, -kəlt] adj.困难的;难做的;难解的;不易相处的 例句 1.It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries 非业内人士难以进入医学图书馆.2.It is ...

麟游县18035418271: 帮忙翻译一下啊,英翻中Itaddressestheconcern
妫科苦参: It addresses the concerns which were judged significant to the project in that alternative. The plan locates the buildings in an arrangement which, together with the primary ...

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