
作者&投稿:脂亚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译下面几个词 英文~

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自选股的话没有这个说法,Yahoo! Finance上的Add to Portfolio的功能比较接近这个~


Zhengzhou tsunami, Hangzhou magnitude 10 earthquake Shijiazhuang volcano erupts. Zhumadian explosion.Luohe uprising Taiyuan independence movement An earthquake measuring one hundred on the level of six'an, Anhui.
郑州海啸,杭州10级地震石家庄火山爆发。 驻马店爆炸。漯河起义太原独立运动安徽六安发生一百级地震。



举个例子,星期四下午,我从4点一直打到7:30,过后会身体会觉得痛,而且四肢无力。(友情提醒:feel limb weakness 好像有语错误,因为feel后面不能跟名词,该跟形容词;还有“一直打到”也不该是 “has been hit”……)






举例来说,这个星期四下午,我开始打篮球4:00 7:30从遭到袭击后,身体感觉疼痛,四肢无力。

当你(unable to appear?不理解耶)出现昏睡不醒,无法睡好,食欲不振的症状时,你应该减少运动量。过量的活动会降低身体的免疫功能。

抱你满意,英语老师给的答案:1.我的名字叫李华.我是一名中学生.我出生于1990年3月10日.My name is Li Hua.I am a middle school student.I was born on March 10th,1990.2.我很努力学习.I worked hard at my courses.3.我很喜欢看书. --- reading books 是非常不地道的说法!!I ...

1、考试作弊的学生要受到校方的惩罚 Any students caught cheating on exams will penalized by the school.2、你是赞成还是反对这一计划 Do you support or oppose this plan?Are you for or against the plan?3、他帮助我学英语,我很感激他 He helped me with my English,for which I am ...

Any person, any thing, and even plants are able to make the people inspiration. Therefore, "Pander shaman" in the story is no exception, I think the story of Allison just said a word, she said that hawkers would be dead before nightfall. The results, when John's body that ...

BOB is an old man. He likes walking in the street after supper. And he goes home at seven o’clock.But a car stops at his house one evening. A policeman helps him get out. Then he tells Bob’s wife: “The old man got lost (迷路) in the street. He asked me to ...

Today is Sunday.There are many people in the park,some are boating,and some are kicking shuttlecock.Some old people are walking around the lake,and two girls are singing under the tree.Xiaohua is playing with his friends,and they are very happy!

张华在一次事故中严重残疾。Zhanghua was terriblely injured in an accident.他的行为变得有点怪。His behaviour became a little bit strange.每次他的同学见到他时就取笑他。Everytime his classmates saw him, they laughed at him.他对此感到很烦恼。He was upset about this 起初,他在许多方面都...

Passage 1 啄木鸟 在花园中有许多苹果树。他们是好朋友。一天,一棵老树病了。树上有许多害虫。树的叶子也变黄了。老树感到非常难过和不舒服。另一棵树为它找了一个医生。起初,他们找到了鸽子,但她对此也无能为力。然后,他们找到了黄雀,但她也不能把老树治好。然后,他们找到了啄木鸟。她是一...

I am from Heze City,Shandong Province. Heze is located in the southwestern part of Shandong ,which has a long history.Many historical figures such as Song Jiang were born there. My hometown is the famous peony country ,it is the peony base which has the largest area in the ...

Enjoy the use of texture coarse pottery, stone bowls, a wooden spoon. Someone sick, they take to herbal medicines, or to ignite the patient smoked, or making soup for the sick bathe. They have to wear hi rich ethnic characteristics of the traditional costumes. Yucatan Peninsula ...

Under the new curriculum standard of English raises elementary school students comprehensive language ability, to the general goal of this request, instructing teachers in teaching continuously explore stimulates the student to study the interest, the methods and approaches to the greatest ...

望江县13484967871: 翻译下下面的英文?
全咳福乃: Hello! i am your new in today's chinese friend, it's a pleasure to meet you. today's game play with you for half a day, you feel about the game very well. because so we have to go to school, and your conversation. if you want to understand chinese, and understand our hero of the war. i hope you give me a letter. 刘承裕

望江县13484967871: 翻译下面英语.
全咳福乃: Bing计算机翻译: 仅供参考 We have to care for the plants and trees in school, keep our campus clean, do not throw waste, we also need to save water, leave the room to turn off the light, daily exercise, Forget Their Manners, and students get along happily.我们要爱护校内花草树木,保持校园整洁,不乱扔废物,我们还要节约用水,离开教室要关灯,每天坚持锻炼,礼貌待人,和同学相处愉快.

望江县13484967871: 翻译下面英语 -
全咳福乃: 小麦克的祖母死星期前.他非常想念她.一天下午,迈克去了城市公园在那里他的祖母过去常去.在那里,他看到一个老太太.她看起来很亲切.她坐在那里,看着鸽子(鸽子).小麦克上去,坐在她的旁边.他拿出他的食物和饮料,并提出了...

望江县13484967871: 请大家帮我翻译下,下面的英文单词! -
全咳福乃: 1.BODY LOTION 润肤露 (英文) LOIT POUR LE CORPS 润肤露 (法文)2.SHOWER GEL 沐浴露 (英文) GEL DOUCHE 沐浴露 (法文)

望江县13484967871: 翻译下面英语单词
全咳福乃: 都短语吧........ get to do sth.more thanturn topick upmake sb. do sth.turn to sb. for helpdecide to do sth.straight one's backtry to do sth.for a whileat once二 gets tomore thanasks/toturn to/for helpat once

望江县13484967871: 翻译下面的英语 -
全咳福乃: 对于过敏的鼻炎:(在大约相同的时间拿每天) 一 10- mgtablet 对成人和青少年 15 岁和资深者,一 5- 毫克可咀嚼的平板对孩子 6 到 14 岁,一 4- 毫克可咀嚼的平板对孩子 2 到 5 岁, 或4 毫克口试的一个储存器小粒对和季节的过敏鼻炎的孩子 ...

望江县13484967871: 翻译下面的英语
全咳福乃: Black Devil的别名与口感俗称"黑鬼"或"黑魔".味道很香,好像香薰油的感觉,在街上点一支,方圆5米都会闻到,保证引人瞩目,但从抽烟的角度来看,味道很淡或者说是没有,在嘴里的感觉像是甜奶油的味道,后期可能有点呛.

望江县13484967871: 翻译下面的英文,是什么意思?速度. -
全咳福乃: I wouldn't care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance.我不在乎是成功还是失败,因为只要我下定决心要达...

望江县13484967871: 英语翻译,下面的英语怎么翻译? -
全咳福乃: Here you go way too fast 你极速飞驰 Don't slow down you're gonna crash 别放慢速度否则你会撞车 You should watch - watch your stay here 你该仔细注意眼前 Don't look out you're gonna break your neck 不要东张西望,否则小心摔断脖子 So shut, ...

望江县13484967871: 谁能帮我把下面翻译成英文?谢谢 -
全咳福乃: Of course, I also have drawbacks. I like a man to stay home and do the things I like to do, but I will go for a walk after dinner made the request. Sometimes, when doing...

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