
作者&投稿:箕详 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Summery: is a solo part of a musical, adapted from ShuLi Zhao's novel . It incoperates ShanXi folk song, ShanXi and HeNan wooden clapper, along with other locally traditional musical performance arts. It also utilises a local singing style, which enhances the unique and the unsophisticated country atmosphere. The melody is emotional and filled with drama. It successfuly showcased human emotions, and crafted out the character image. The author had observed the performance of LanYing Guo and BiXia Wu on the song . The author analysed their different singing styles and ways of performing. This may provide other artists with precious experience as a singer or as a producer.


"Thirty fame dust and soil, The Cloud and months." This "dream" is our common goal of everyone's mind and ideals. And our new batch of young people to join the company as the company's new generation of force, we will first start with ourselves, every little thing from the start, steady, practical work, and strive upward, to enrich themselves, learn, work together to before! I know that the road ahead is certainly not easy, but we look for it will never give up. I believe that we will forge ahead, direct the other side. Poem goes, "ambition there, sail sea", let us carrying our dreams, sailing, work together to achieve our hearts "dream"!

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5. 老实说,我当时感到很尴尬,真希望地上能裂开一个口子把我吞灭。(to tell the truth)To tell the truth, I felt so embarrassed at that moment that I hoped there had splited a rift to swallow me at once.4. 教育重在培养学生的综合能力,而不是只注重他们的考试成绩。(emphasize ,...

5.对某事感兴趣 5. On something of interest to 6. on the stage. 7. ... Have fun from 二,句子翻译:Second, sentence translation:1.老师鼓励我说英语。1. Teachers encouraged me to speak English.2.他喜欢和外国人交朋友。2. He likes to make friends and foreigners.3.这个故事我...

old and beautiful city. Brussels has the most magnificent architecture and museums in Europe. The high-rise buildings and the medieval architecture bring out the best of each other. In my mind, Brussels is like a city of angels and I can hardly wait to go there.人手翻译 ...

麻烦各路翻译高手、帮帮忙。 帮我把这几句话翻译成英文、谢谢!_百度...
我以为、我并不是很爱他。-> I didn't think I love him so much.(我以为,我不爱他,在英语中,宾语从句的否定要放在主句中表示,不能说 I thought I didn't love him)可是为什么,我又是那么在意、那么在乎他对我的看法。-> However, why, I was so caring about his idea of me....

我作为一个有责任心的人,我不会对这些问题坐视不管,因为这是‘我们’的问题!Dear Mr. Obama, humans are a race, more time should be equal, respect each other, live together in peace together. As a responsible person, I will not sit on these problems, because this is the ' we...

文言文翻译,我经常做的事。给你参考。1.穷在闹市无人问 富在深山有远亲 In time of prosperity,friends will be plenty ,In time of adversity,not one amongst twenty.得势时朋友盈门,失势时不见一人,富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人问 http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/4548413.html?si=4 2...

你好!!!可能翻译得不太好,请见谅。Failure Before, I was too conceited thought --- not fail, forever will never defeat ... until that day, the failure of night, I caught unprepared speechless and saddened me pain, so I do not accept. However, there is no unjustifiable ...

英语高手们 谁能帮我翻译翻译吧
风景园林、正如练习今天,截然不同的历史渊源及其在园林,它是在一个课程仍在发展。在最基础的层次上,它仍然是关于建立和维护景观居住用地人类物种。然而,进步很大的知识和技术在过去的两个世纪里已经彻底改变了我们的关系与土地。一个 我们最伟大的悖论的一天,也许是这样的,我们永远不会知道更多关于自然...

全文翻译:Chinese civilization has a long history and Chinese ancient management thoughts have been accumulated through the historical practice of the working people. People are more and more concerned with ancient management theories now when the modern management theories are ever-changing. ...

)what the name of invoice to?(发票的单位写哪里?)2 可乐是可以无限续杯的,你要是喝完了,我们服务人员会自动给你满上。这个是不要钱的,只要您花一杯的钱。Our coke is unlimited refilling, as soon as you finish yours we'll refill for you, it all you can drink here....

贵州省13382716468: 求英语高手,帮忙用英语来翻译一下这段话,...
束峡舒瑞: You have been aring being the matter that you likes, you the lives every day all very fascinating, you to my felling is thus true, you have your own explicit position, you will very simply say that you likes what, don't like what, I like thus of you, this is the ...

贵州省13382716468: 求英语高手翻译 帮我翻译这段英文
束峡舒瑞: 满足埃.她六岁.我不能说我有很多明显的时尚的影响.我想我更倾向于鹅卵石一起很多小的想法从范围广泛的资源,不管它是更传统的来源如杂志、电视(主要是《绯闻女孩》的这些日子里,如果我被完全诚实和我在街上见到,或一小更为...

贵州省13382716468: 求英语高手帮我将这段文字翻译成英语 -
束峡舒瑞: Yu Qing River solitary audience, many pedestrian middle tears. Northwest Wang Chang, poor countless mountain. Castle not cover the river from flowing eastward. Jiang later Zhengchou I, deep mountain partridge smell.

贵州省13382716468: 你还请个高手来帮我翻译一下这段英语的意思. -
束峡舒瑞: Returned to before good crazy 回国之前,好疯狂 Heart quick which walks compared to the time (额,不会,对不起) “Plan to Begin”!! "计划开始" !

贵州省13382716468: 求个高手帮我用英语翻译一下这段话 -
束峡舒瑞: If has the next gerneration, I am willing to make your tooth, because does not have my time, you knew hurts

贵州省13382716468: 英语高手帮个忙,帮我把这段文字翻译成英语. -
束峡舒瑞: 第一种翻译32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333236383436:On Sunday, clear weather,10:00 A.M., I am at a store buys the thing, this is to come to an American women, she wants to buy a clothes for husband, but the ...

贵州省13382716468: 求英文高手帮我翻译下这段英文,电脑翻译的就不用了,我看不懂.在线等,谢谢大家没有分了,以后会补上的The pocket shall be provided for storing the ... -
束峡舒瑞:[答案] 人工翻译: 应该有个袋子装说明书.对于非危险区的整流器,这个袋子应该固化在控制机箱上;对于危险区的整流器,它应该固化在油槽盖的背面.袋子应该比较容易接近,并且不会妨碍整流器的冷却,监视,和维护.这个袋子应该被设计(制作)成即...

贵州省13382716468: 请英语高手帮我把这段英语翻译成汉语
束峡舒瑞: 在配售一个有效的订单前,如果你能在15天内确认把你的产品寄给我们,我们会很高兴.我们决定不像保存储备品一样保存那些最后时期未出售的所以项目.能把我们的费用寄过来吗?我希望能早点收到你的回信.

贵州省13382716468: 哪位英语高手能帮我把这段话翻译成英语呀?谢谢了!
束峡舒瑞: On the ground there is a bottle of juice, a man with a turtle fight, the results of a turtle to grab the men are very angry, when a man from his car moved juice shipped a box of juice, drink sitting next to the tortoise, the tortoise he shipped juice the car to drive away, a man was surprised.

贵州省13382716468: 来个英语高手帮我把这段英文翻译成中文.
束峡舒瑞: 在布莱克浦霍尔特托马斯和格雷厄姆白宫同意作出实际的实验进行电子邮件的飞机.这个想法,因为它是第一个完成,为飞机飞行由Blackpool机场跨越到南港 ,以及邮件被接管那里的邮局,并传送到各个目的地 .但这个方案的一部分,必须改变,由于一系列高风,究竟最终是这样的:格雷厄姆白了邮件袋在他的飞机,并提出了与它飞行的国家,在非常恶劣的天气条件,距离约7公里,返回机场.

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