
作者&投稿:和飞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

心甘情愿 [xīn gān qíng yuàn]
be most willing to
爱就要心甘情愿:Love will be most willing to

爱是无偿的付出,是心甘情愿的帮助,是彼此心灵的感应,既然选择了爱,就要真诚的对待它,珍惜它,在他(她)困难时予以支持,失败时与以鼓励,在他(她)开心时, 一起快乐,悲伤时给他(她)安慰。而不是在拥有时无视它的存在,而在失去后才知道后悔莫及。爱一个人就要他(她)永远幸福,做他(她)永远的避风港,保护他(她), 哪怕一丁点的伤害。真正的爱一个人并不是我们想象的那么简单,一次深情的拥抱,一个深深的吻,一句不变的誓言,一件不退色的信物…这一切在真爱面前时索而无味,暗而无光的。

without protest心甘情愿的
heart and soul全心全意

be most willing to
be perfectly happy to
do sth. of one's free will

be willing to do,
willingly do something

be most willing to

"无奈“ 与 ”心甘情愿“ 用英语怎么说?
In the beginning, she bounded herself home all day for the child against her will.In the end, she affirmatively quited her job for the child according to her will.

为听佛祖lecture(讲座) 心甘情愿adventure(冒险) 变卖家中furniture(家具) 只剩一些fixture(房屋固定设施) 拿着一份brochure(小册子) 作别太宗departure(启程) 沿途风景像picture(图画) 很多好看sculpture(雕塑品) 一路交流culture(文化) 有的关于literature(文学) 有的关于agriculture(农业)

更愿意的英文:More willing。willing,英语单词,主要用作形容词、名词、动词,作形容词时意为“乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的”,作名词时意为“人名;(德、芬、瑞典);(英)”,作动词时意为“决心;用意志力驱使;将(财产等)遗赠某人”。短语搭配 willing horse 自愿工作的人 ; 驯服的马 ; ...

~+名词 obey an order 服从命令 obey one's reason 按照理智行动 obey the doctor's advice 遵医嘱 ~+副词 obey cheerfully 心甘情愿地服从命令 obey implicitly 毫无保留地服从 obey meekly 逆来顺受地服从 obey promptly 迅速地服从 obey strictly 严格地服从 ~+介词 obey from fear...

心甘情愿这个词卑微又勇敢”Willing to be humble and brave "心甘情愿这个词卑微又勇敢”Willing to be humble and brave "

我想说没有mutualrurst这个字。。只有mutual。。。no reluctantly心甘情愿的意思 根据我理解,应该翻译为 我在等待无怨无悔,相互平等的情感(爱情)~

为了你 让我做什么我都心甘情愿 用英语怎么翻译
I am willing to do whatever you ask me to do for you.【whatever引导宾语从句】or I am willing to do everything\/all that you let me do for you.【that 引导定语从句】祝你开心如意!

I love you with 心甘情愿

心甘情愿的反义词:强人所难 勉强人家去做他不能做或不愿做的事情。死不甘心 成语语法:联合式;作谓语、宾语、状语;含褒义 常用程度:常用成语 感情*色彩:褒义成语 成语结构:联合式成语 产生年代:古代成语 英语翻译:be of one's free will 俄语翻译:от всего сердца 日语...

爱像镜子里自己的脸Love is like a mirror in his face 当越靠近越看不完全When closer Yuekan incomplete 本以为是苦是甜The thought is bitter sweet 心甘情愿Willingly 无怨无悔Regrets no complaints 当风景看一遍When read through the landscape 心在离别前荡起秋千Heart before...

安岳县18321195137: 心甘情愿英文怎么写 -
璩珊甘维: willingly

安岳县18321195137: 心甘情愿的英文怎么说 -
璩珊甘维: 你好! 心甘情愿 Be most willing to

安岳县18321195137: 心甘情愿地用英语怎么说? -
璩珊甘维: 心甘情愿的 willing 心甘情愿 be most willing to 全心全意地, 十分愿意地 with all one's heart来自金山词霸2006的解释

安岳县18321195137: 心甘情愿,用英文怎么说.
璩珊甘维: be most willing to; be perfectly happy to; do sth. of one's free will; be willing to...; be totally willingly content oneself with...; be of one's free will; with all one's heart; with one's heart and soul; with good cheer

安岳县18321195137: 我心甘情愿 翻译我心甘情愿 用英语怎麽说 -
璩珊甘维: 心甘情愿的英文是这个:be most willing to 剩下的就不必多说了吧?你懂得,望采纳

安岳县18321195137: 用英语怎么说“心甘情愿这个词卑微又勇敢” -
璩珊甘维: 心甘情愿这个词卑微又勇敢” Willing to be humble and brave " 心甘情愿这个词卑微又勇敢” Willing to be humble and brave "

安岳县18321195137: 英语翻译1.心甘情愿 我记得有人翻译的时候带了个“welcome”2.乐意之至都是口语啊,不是语法 -
璩珊甘维:[答案] 心甘情愿 be most willing to; be perfectly happy to; do sth. of one's free will; be willing to...; be totally willingly content oneself with...; be of one's free will; with all one's heart; with one's heart and soul; with good cheer 乐意之极 My pleasure, I'd love to,We'd ...

安岳县18321195137: 我愿意心甘情愿的等的英语 -
璩珊甘维: 我愿意心甘情愿的等 I would like to be willing to wait 心甘情愿[xīn gān qíng yuàn] 词典 be most willing to; be perfectly happy to; do sth. of one's free will; be willing to...数据来源:金山词霸 双语例句汉英大词典中中释义百度百科1 写这本书是一大乐事,辛苦绝对是心甘情愿.Writing this book has been a great pleasure, a true labour of love.

安岳县18321195137: 心甘情愿,顺其自然,随遇而安用英语怎样说?
璩珊甘维: 心甘情愿as one's will 顺其自然let it be 随遇而安go with the tides

安岳县18321195137: 我很心甘情愿做这件事情.英文怎么说? -
璩珊甘维:[答案] i am willing to do it. I am more than willing to do it. i am most willing to do it.

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