
作者&投稿:燕羽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


还有主要考一些时态(特别是第三人称),进行时,过去时等语法,温馨提示:题目不难,只要用心去答,再加上平时的一些积累,如:多练习一下英语作文,在作文中的提示词要全用上,否则会减分!!!智力题要联系上下文就可以了。 阅读不难,也并没有太多的生词!(有些会直接用汉语标出意思)




1. 单项选择(Multiple-choice)

( ) 1. Is this a bus ________ a truck?

A. and B. or C. but D. too

( ) 2. –What time is ___________? –It’s 8:00.

A. it B. this C. that D. these

( ) 3. -________ do they speak in the country?

A. When B. How C. What D. Where

( ) 4. _________ you see a little flag inside Australia’s flag?

A. Do B. Are C. Does D. Is

( ) 5. -_________ is Australia? – It’s south and east of China.

A. How B. Where C. What D. When

( ) 6. Here __________ a map of the United States.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

( ) 7. –Can you ___________ it in English? –Yes, I can.

A. say B. speak C. talk D.look

( ) 8. These are English speaking ____________.

A. country B. countrys C. countris D. countries

( ) 9. The old man has gray ___________ and ___________.

A. hairs; glass B. hair; glass C. hair; glasses D. hairs; glasses

( ) 10.Li Ming’s father is __________ than his mother.

A. tall B. taller C. very tall D. tall very much

2. 对话填空(Fill in the blanks)

Girl: Mum, I’m back. What are you doing?

Mum: I’m r____11_______ a book.

Girl: Why not have lunch?

Mum: I’m w____12_______ for your father.

Girl: Where’s my father?

Mum: In his office.

Girl: Mum, may I have l____13_______ now, please?

Mum: Are you h____14_______?

Girl: Yes, I’m hungry.

Mum: Ok. Let’s have lunch now.

Girl: What’s for lunch?

Mum: Rice, meat and f____15_______. Do you like them?

Girl: Yes, I do.

11. ____________ 12. ____________ 13. ____________ 14. ____________ 15. ____________

3. 情景对话(Dialogues)

( ) 16. 当你想说”让我们一块去旅行吧!”时,应说
A. Do you have a trip? B. Let’s go on a trip.
C. I love to go on trips. D. we are going on a trip.
( ) 17. 当你想去公园玩时,要征求妈妈同意,应说:_______
A. May I go shopping? B. I want to go to the park.
C. It’s a good park. D. May I go to the park?
( ) 18. 当你告诉别人“我家离学校很远。”时,应说:_______
A. My home is far from the school.
B. My home is very far.
C. My school is very far.
D. The school far from my home.
( ) 19. 当你想问“北京有多远?”时,应说:_______
A. How long is Beijing? B. How old is Beijing?
C. how far is Beijing? D. How is Beijing?
( ) 20. 当你想表达“我们九月一日去上学。”时,应说:__________
A. We go to school in September.
B. We go to school on September.
C. We go to school on September.
D. We go to school on September.
B} 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子朴全对话.
Nancy: Hello, 84964985.
John: _________
Nancy: Who’s that?
John: ________ is Anne. _______ you?
Nancy: This is Lucy. Thank you?
John: ________, thank you.
Nancy: Is Peter in?
John: ________. He’s not at home.
Nancy: ______. He’s not at home.
Nancy: ok. Thank you.
A. This
B. And
C. Hello
D. Sorry
E. Fine
F. No
21._______ 22._______ 23.________ 24.__________ 25.________

Sarah has four sisters. They are Betty, Mary, Rose and Ann. Sarah is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is two years younger than Sarah and one year older than Mary. Rose is nine and Ann is seven.
Sarah and Betty study in a middle school. Mary, Rose, and Ann study in a primary school. The primary school is near their home. They walk there. The middle school is very far. Sarah and Betty go there by bus.
( ) 26. Ann is older than Rose.
( ) 27. Sarah and Betty are middle school students.
( ) 28. Mary, Rose and Ann often go to school by bus.
( ) 29. Their home is near the primary school.
( ) 30. There are four girls in their family.
Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing w______ her parents. Mary doesn’t know Chinese, but she is studying Chinese. So she often s________ Chinese friends. Sometimes they don’t understand her b_________ she can’t speak Chinese well.
It’s Sunday morning. She goes out. She is walking I n the street. She is going to the zoo to see elephants and m_________, but she doesn’t know how to g_______ there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy, then he shows Mary the way to the zoo.
31.______ 32._______ 33._______ 34.________ 35.________
C} 阅读短文,回答文后问题。
Mike and john are good friends. They like taking pictures very much. Now they are looking at a beautiful picture. It is a very big picture. It is on the wall. A lady and a little boy are in the picture. They are flying a kite. They are very happy. Mike said,“how nice the picture is!”“yes, it is very nice but only a mother and a child are in the picture. Where is the farther? Jone asked. Mike said:“how stupid you are! The father is taking the picture!”
36. Are Mike and Jone good friends?
37. What do they like doing?
38. Where is the big picture?
39. Who are they in the picture?
40. Where is the father in your opinion?

5. 小作文(Composition)

请以“My Bedroom”为题目写一篇小作文。


6. 智力测试(IQ test)

( ) 42.This is the name of a day. There are six letters in it. The third letter is N. But there is no S in it. What day is it? It’s ____________.

A. Sunday B. Monday C. Wednesday D. Friday

43.Before getting off the boat, what must you do?


( ) 44.My uncle has a brother, but this man isn’t my uncle. He is __________.

A. my aunt B. my mother C. my father D. my grandpa

( ) 45. Tom’s parents have a child. But the child is neither his sister nor his brother. Who is the child?

A. Jerry. B. John. C. Alex. D. Tom.

(时间:60分钟 总分:100分)
结构 试题内容 题号 题目数 分值 答题时 间
听力部分 I.听辨单词(WORDS) 1-5 (低、四年级组) 5 5 2分钟
1-5 (五、六年级组) 5 5 2分钟
II.句子理解(SENTENCES) 6-15(低、四年级组) 10 10 5分钟
6-10(五、六年级组) 5 5 3分钟
III.对话理解(DIALOGUES) 16-25(低、四年级组) 10 10 5分钟
11-20(五、六年级组) 10 10 5分钟
IV.短文理解(PASSAGES) 26-30 (低、四年级组) 5 5 3分钟
21-30(五、六年级组) 10 10 5分钟
笔试部分 V.单词与短语(WORDS AND PHRASES) 31-45(低年级和四年级组) 15 15 8分钟
V.单项选择 (MULTIPLE-CHOICE) 31-40(五、六年级组) 10 10 3分钟
VI.单项选择 (MULTIPLE-CHOICE) 46-55(低年级和四年级组) 10 10 2分钟
VI.情景会话(DIALOGUES) 41-50 (五、六年级组) 10 10 5分钟
VII.情景会话(DIALOGUES) 56-65(低年级和四年级组) 10 10 5分钟
VII.翻译填空(BLANK-FILLING) 51-60(五、六年级组) 10 10 5分钟
VIII.完形填空(BLANK-FILLING) 66-70 (低年级和四年级组) 5 5 3分钟
61-65(五、六年级组) 5 5 3分钟
IX.阅读理解(READING COMPREHENSION) 66-75(低年级和四年级组) 10 10 8分钟
66-80(五、六年级组) 15 15 12分钟
X.小作文(COMPOSITION) 81 1 15 10分钟
XI.智力测试(IQ TEST) 82-86 5 5 5分钟


笔试部分 1. 单项选择(Multiple-choice)( ) 1. Is this a bus ___ a truck?A. and B. or C. but D. too ( ) 2. –What time is ___? –It’s 8:00.A. it B. this C. that D. these ( ) 3. -___ do they speak in the country?A...





2009——2010年五年级奥数20题 第一周:1、已知数5 0是个仅有两个数字相同的四位数。它同时是2、5、3的倍数,这样的四位数中最小的一个是多少?最大的一个是多少?第二周:2、四个连续偶数的和是100,这四个数分别是多少?第三周:3、用24朵红花,36朵黄花,48朵紫花作成花束,要使每...

A. 六分之一 B. 人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半 ( )2. What three letters turn a girl into a woman? A.SUN B. DAB C. EYE D.EGA ( )3. We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.” What is it? A. 一件无用而累的东西 B.一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色陷...

奥英试题 How many 7s are there in 100? a.10 b.11 c
b.7,17,...97 另外 77里面包含两个7,所以总共11个7.应该不是100\/7=14,因为没有这个答案。不过这道题是小学题目吗? 奥英是什么?

1.如果你觉得你的英语水平够的话,你就可以参加 2.可以(只要你会);辅导老师确实挺重要的,因为他可以打开你的思路,教给你更多的解题技巧 (你好像非常厉害,好羡慕你哦)

静安区15758486256: 五年级奥英标准分是多少? -
颜榕复方: 主要有:听力部分:共40分 有:听辨单词,句子(10分),句子理解(10分),看图理解(10分),对话理解(10分)短文理解(10分).笔试部分:共60分 单词拼写(10分),句子(10分),情景对话(10分),阅读理解(10分),看图理解(10分),智力测试(5),小作文(15分) 还有主要考一些时态(特别是第三人称),进行时,过去时等语法,温馨提示:题目不难,只要用心去答,再加上平时的一些积累,如:多练习一下英语作文,在作文中的提示词要全用上,否则会减分!!!智力题要联系上下文就可以了. 阅读不难,也并没有太多的生词!(有些会直接用汉语标出意思)

静安区15758486256: 奥数题:五年级同学参加数学竞赛,试题共20道.评分标准是:到对一道给5分,不答给1分,答错倒 -
颜榕复方: 解,对于每一个学生来说,他在答一题题目时得分都是奇数(5或者-1或者1) 这样,在答完20题后,得分总和一定是偶数,因为得分是20个奇数相加,必然为偶数.所以五年级同学得分总和是偶数 希望我的回答让你满意~

静安区15758486256: 五年级竞赛,共12道题.评分标准是:做对一题得10分,做错一题扣3分,没有做的题得零分.已知小红得了64分,又知道她有3道题没有做.问小红做对了多少道题. -
颜榕复方: 设小红做对 X 题 ; 10X-3(12-3-X)=64 10X-3(9-X)=64 10X-(27-3X)=64 10X+3X-27=64 13X=64+27 X=7

静安区15758486256: 五年级奥数题:把五个分数7/5,17/12,41/29,99/70,239/169按从小到大的顺序排列. -
颜榕复方: 把五个分数各减去1得到2/5,5/12,12/29,29/70,40/169化成小数得0.4,0.416,0.413,0.414,0.24 这样就看出大小了.

静安区15758486256: 五年级奥数题:盈亏问题 -
颜榕复方: 盈亏问题 (盈+亏)÷两次分配量之差=参加分配的份数 (大盈-小盈)÷两次分配量之差=参加分配的份数 (大亏-小亏)÷两次分配量之差=参加分配的份数 例 小朋友分糖果,每人10粒,正好分完.每人16粒,则少48粒.一共有多少粒糖?解 总人数=48/(16-10)=48/6=8人 所以 总糖果数=8*10=80粒

静安区15758486256: 关于含分数的奥数题(五年级) -
颜榕复方: 2000小学数学奥林匹克试题 预赛(A)卷 1.计算: 12-22+32-42+52-62+…-1002+1012=________. 2.一个两位数等于其个位数字的平方与十位数字之和,这个两位数是________. 3.五个连续自然数,每个数都是合数,这五个连续自然数的和...

静安区15758486256: 5年级分数的运用奥数题 -
颜榕复方: 您好!2/1*3+2/3*5+2/5*7+2/7*9+……2/99*101 =(1-1/3)+(1/3-1/5)+(1/5-1/7)+(1/7-1/9)+(1/9-1/11)……+(1/99-1/101)(这样就可以全部约去了) =1-1/101 =100/101

静安区15758486256: 2010年全国小学五年级的奥英比赛多少分可以进决赛? -
颜榕复方: 60多分或者50多,30多不行,我考过44分 也不行 !!!!信我!数学的30多分就OK.

静安区15758486256: 五年级下册数学人教版《英才小灵通》第45题奥数怎么做?题目是一个五位数27a8b,既是3的倍数,又 -
颜榕复方: 解:根据已知条件,未位的数,不是5就是0,即b=5或0,当b=5时,这个五位数,个、十、百、千、万位上的各数之和是3的倍数,此数才存在,即:2+7+a+8+5=(22+a)是3的倍数,则:a可以=5、也可以=8,即该数是:27585,或者是:27585,这两个数均满足条件;当b=0时,这个五位数,个、十、百、千、万位上的各数之和是3的倍数,此数才存在,即:2+7+a+8+0=(17+a)是3的倍数,因此:a可以=1,也可以=4,还可以=7,因此该数是:27180,27480,27780;因此:b=0时,a=1,4,7;b=5时,a=5,8;

静安区15758486256: 请找出两个比六分之一大比五分之一小的分数.五年级奥数题. -
颜榕复方: 1/6=5/30=10/60=20/120 1/5=12/60=24/120 符合题意的两个分数为:21/120和22/120,即7/40和11/60 通分找中间两个即可,23/120也符合题目要求

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