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Now ,The retail business especially chain industry of our country develop rapidly, the large-scale comprehensive supermarket among them most obviously sends. The competition is fierce day by day too, in the course of constant expansion of large-scale comprehensive supermarket, the logistics will become the key factor which will restrict enterprise's development when being provided and delivered. Especially face the foreign and fierce market competition, such as Wal-Mart, the powerful impacts of such large-scale supermarkets as Carrefour,etc., so, the logistics provides and delivers the importance which seem special. In the face of present situation, the advantages of development provided and delivered through the logistics of foreign large-scale chain supermarket of the introduction and its development, can use the experience of the foreign chain supermarket for reference, the growing up healthy and sound of the supermarket of chain of our country of push where it can be better. In addition, analyse the current situation of the development of the comprehensive supermarket of our country puts forward the present existing problem. On the basis of analysing, put forward and develop the countermeasure that the comprehensive supermarket of our country provides and delivers in the logistics, thus offer for sound development of the comprehensive supermarket of our country and have something to do with and consult and draw lessons from.

This topic in welds in robot's foundation, the work table welding special plane has carried on the design to the carpentry with the hydraulic pressure type chilling press on, and has used a three location double robot welding apparatus. This article elaborated this welding apparatus's design process in the machine part and the control section two aspects. The machine part is mainly to the carpentry with the hydraulic pressure type chilling press on the work table welding special plane structural design, including the detent mechanism, the attire to clamp the organization and the support organization. The welding apparatus is composed of a welding robot. The man-power will weld initially the carpentry the work table places with the hydraulic pressure type chilling press on welds in the platform, carries on the localization by the positioning system and fixed. About welds the robot to be possible to carry on along the guide rail moves, the work piece fixes on the work table motionless. Control achieved some of the major PLC and the communication between the robot is designed to PLC for the control center to control the robot to move around in orbit to complete the welding of the control system. Meanwhile, the article gives some robot system described, to deepen understanding of the robot system.
Key words: welding robot; positioning mechanism; clamping mechanism; welding machine; PLC; communication

1、 Piao Z,严J C, Cui x L. ning木醋酸[J的]处理和有机组分Refi。 林产品化学和产业, 2003年, 23 (2) : 17-20.木醋酸研究的2、 Yoshimoto T.目前情形在农业用法的[M]日本。 台湾: 特别出版物台中区农业改善Statin 1993年, 3 (35) : 811-820.关于木醋酸章程机制的3、 Wang H Y.研究对植物生长[D的]。 哈尔滨: 东北林业大学2005年。
4、吴x D,另外药剂治疗的Cao M J.作用对幼木形态特征和玉米[J的]幼木抵抗干旱的能力。 玉米科学2006年, 14学报(1) : 120-122, 126。
5、张Q G,关于绝氧发酵泥浆组成的复合杀虫剂的李P P,杨Q F.实验性研究和添加剂[J]。 中国社会的交易农业工程2006年, 22 (6) : 157-160.

举例:1、 Piao Z, Yan J C, Cui X L. Refi ning process and organic component of wood vinegar [J]. Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products,2003, 23(2): 17-20.
1.一群叫Piao Z, Yan J C, Cui X L. Refi ning 的中国人 写的叫process and organic component of wood vinegar “木醋中的有机成分与加工”的文章,发表在[J]. Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products,2003, 23(2): 17-20.一本叫《林业产品化工》的期刊

4,吴微型,曹M j的影响不同药剂处理对幼苗的形态特征和玉米幼苗的研究[J] droughtresistant能力。玉米科学学报,2006,14(1):120-122,126。

1,朴Z的严赛马,崔X宁属再融资过程和木醋研究[J]有机组成部分。化学和,林产工业,2003 23(2):17-20。二,吉本吨现状]地位研究M期木醋在日本农业的使用[。台湾:特别出版物台中区农业改良他汀类药物,1993,3(35):811-820。三,王荷永调控研究木醋机制对植物生长研究[D]。哈尔滨:东北林业大学,2005。四,吴微型,曹M j的处理对不同药剂对苗木形态特征和幼苗臼] droughtresistant能力玉米[。 ,玉米科学2006,14(1):120-122,126。五,张机QG,李聚丙烯,杨Q实验楼组成,研究农药化合物的厌氧发酵液和添加剂的研究[J]。在农业工程学报2006,22(6):157-160。

1.Reading books can broaden our eyes.(开阔视野)2.Reading books will bring us a lot of knowledge.(长见识)3.Reading books can help us relax ourselves when we are tired.(在疲惫时休息)参考资料:自己翻译

1.网络由我开始! I started by the network 2.网络因我更精彩 Network me more!3.缤纷网络,因为有我!Jazz Network, as I have!4、网络世界无限大!unlimited Internet world!5、网络世界从这里开始! the world of networks from here 6、我要的精彩!I want Highlights 7.给你好看!To em...

Be in charge of automobile electron clients developing and assorting with company clients resource, mainly in Changchun and Shenyang area.2、处理公司遗留的呆坏账;Deal with the bad debt left behind by the company.3、参与公司的业务员招聘、培训工作;Be concerned with the operation specia...

想。有人给我煮方便面。 I expect, someone to prepare me instant(其实不要instant更好,太长了) noodles 想。有人给我擦干头发。 I expect, someone to dry my hair 想。有人把我不小心遗落的小头绳认真的收放起来。 I expect, someone to treasure the taenia I dropped 想。有人陪我看...

Here we go, life’s little lessons 在行走的路上我从生活上汲取经验 Sometimes I mess up my intentions 有时我也会迷失方向 I get lost; the cost was losing everything I’ve known 迷路的代价就是从此一无所有 Laying here, staring at the ceiling 躺在那里,望着天花板 Sometimes still ...

In the past century, human beings have damaged the forests to an astonishing extent. There used to be 7.6 billion hectares of forests on the earth while there were merely 5.5 billion hectares in the 19th century. There were only 3.95 billion hectares left in 2005. During the...

the enterprise also needs to try to please them.”Today's company is facing the even more keen competition, how do the win customers defeat the competitor, the answer are satisfying the customer to need, to make the customer to be pleased the aspect to complete the work. Only ...

this pathetic, so tired of life, though we cried tears and told myself to be strong, listen to my mother, not to hurt her. But I am helpless, sad when you can have a shoulder to rely on me, I just want to be a simple joy of children forever!采纳吧!嘻嘻。。。

Follow your footsteps, such as fire suppression of the moths, there is no fear of the light around you ..I knew I was flying over the sea was like the butterfly, will one day die, their wings folded section is my destiny ...Mirage ... I love you ... before the ...


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牧福珊瑚: HELP! I am stranded on an island by myself! There's no food, nobody with me, and my boat is broken! I can now only write a letter to ask for help. If you see this letter, please come and find me, I want to go home. Thanks...

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牧福珊瑚: 证券市场上就是群体的买入卖出行为. "The flock effect" of t...

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