
作者&投稿:励花 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我的大学生活 四人英语对话带翻译~


A: How have you been? It had been quite some time since we last met.

B: I am fine thank you. Let me introduce to you. This is my classmate, C .

A: Nice to meet you C. I am A. I'm a psychology student.

C: Nice to meet you too A.

B: Our exam is over. How about yours?

A: Today is the last day of my final exam.

C: This means all three of us are having holiday from now onwards.

A: Yes. Do both of you have any plans for your holidays?

B: I'm planning to go travelling. Since my holiday is three weeks long.

C: Where is your travel destination?

B: Singapore.My sister and her family lives there.I will be staying in their house.

A: It is very convenient then. I heard the accomodation there is very expansive. Since your sister is there then you don't need to worry much.

C: I am planning to get a part time job.

A: Have you found one?

C: Yes. I am thinking to work in my brother's company. They are currently in need of a temporary worker.I can fill in the vacancy.

B: That is very lucky of you. Most people will face difficulties in getting a part time job.

C: So how about you A? What is your holiday plan?

A: Just like B, I am planning to go for a trip but I have not decide on which country to visit.

B: What do you have in mind?

A: I was thinking about Thailand or Korea.

C: Well both places are interesting.

A: Yes I think so too. That is the reason why I have not make up my decision yet.

B: I've got to go now. See you soon then.

C: See you.

A: Bye. Take care.

A:Good afternoon.
B,C,D: Good afternoon.
A:How is going on today?
B:I got lots of homework and I don't know how to do it. The worst is that I need to hand up it tomorrow.
A:Oh, it's terrible!
C:It's nothing compare with mine. My teamates didn't want to work at all! They just wanted me to finish because they thought I do have that ability! What amazing persons!
A: Oh, that sounds pretty difficult. Hm...did you just talk to them?
C:I've tried but they said it was me that want high scores while they didn't.
B:And maybe they would say it's superman's ability to save the world.
C:You just got it.
D:Look, I have an idea. Perhaps, you will not agree with me but it's my first choice. Regard it as your own work and work on it, then never work with them.
C: But they are my friends.
A:Yes, I agree with D. They didn't perform as your friends.
C:Fine, I shall try.
B:So, can anybody give me a suggestion?
A:What is about?
B:Write an article about your happiest thing.
D:You think that difficullt?
D:Do you have anything that make you happy?
B:Unfortunately, no.
C:You are not a person that never smile.
B:But I can't write it long.
C:I get the point.
D:Yeah. The key is try to tell a person what makes you happy, remember the person knows nothing.
B:That works?
C:Yeah. Details and causes are important.
A:Come on boys. The bus is coming!
D:Oh, I should go now. See you tomorrow!
B,C:See you.

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莘万复方: A:Good afternoon. B,C,D: Good afternoon. A:How is going on today? B:I got lots of homework and I don't know how to do it. The worst is that I need to hand up it tomorrow. A:Oh, it's terrible! C:It's nothing compare with mine. My teamates didn't want ...

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莘万复方: 如果是你自己的作业,我建议你先用汉语写下来,然后翻译成英语,这样你基本不用背,便于记忆,学习嘛,不能走捷径的

当雄县19216129216: 急求!!!,明天就要,话题为大学生活,四人英语情景对话,大概每人八句左右~~时间五分钟左右 -
莘万复方: A:Good afternoon.B,C,D: Good afternoon.A:How is going on today?B:I got lots of homework and I don't know how to do it. The worst is that I need to hand up it tomorrow.A:Oh, it's terrible!C:It's nothing compare with mine. My teamates didn't want to ...

当雄县19216129216: 英语口语 - 怎样过一个有意义的大学生活 -
莘万复方: 如果你喜欢上大课,就是一堆人一起上口语课,去其他培训不错.如果你想1对1的方式,老师能及时与你对话,让你有开口说口语的想法,能及时纠正你的口音和发音方式的话,我给你推荐一个培训机构wìzbee不错,这个机构引进最新西方的教学方法,电话教学,外教每天打电话给学生进行教学,每个学员都有个性化的教材,这样让学生不必出门,在家就能学习,而且时间可以自己定,这样就更自由了.真正做到1对1其实最主要的原因就是他电话授课,你看不到老师,所以你必须要用语言来表达你的想法而不能通过肢体语言帮助你的传达你的想法,所以这对你的口语和听力都有很好的帮助,可以搜索下“wìzbee英语口语培训机构”百度搜索第一行就是的,人气很高.

当雄县19216129216: 我的大学生活 四人英语对话带翻译 -
莘万复方: Zone of your friends and you should have said .很高兴第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳. 如果对本题还有什么疑问,请追问.

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莘万复方:[答案] A:Who can gave me a girl? B:NO!I haven't one! C:I have only one,can't gave you. D:You can play a chicken instead.

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莘万复方: 可用汉语文字记录日常生活时的对话,然后再翻译成英语,(在线翻译器)可帮助完成,愿楼主愉快

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莘万复方: A: I really like the school life. It's so peaceful and so fun. look, we spend all our time on the campus, we go to class, we eat here, we have fun together, we rest together. really very wonderful .

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莘万复方: 这个自己想啊! Suggestion (only suggestion! Don't copy!) Hi, XXX. I want to talk about the University life with you. First, I want to talk about our teacher first. The teacher that I like most is ......... He/She is our .............( Subject ) teacher. I have three ...

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莘万复方: It's my great honor to be here to talk to you about the livig in the university. Of course we came to university to learn the knowlege, so most of the time we go to class and listen to some speeches, but it is different from the high school teaching. The ...

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