
作者&投稿:束匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语口语简单4人对话 急需!!!谢谢!!!!!!!~

Making an Appointment
D: Robert, have you ever been to the Great Wall?
R: No, I've been in Beijing for more than six months and I've always thought of visiting the Great Wall, but I never have time.
G: Me, too.
T: Several colleagues from me department and I are driving to the Great Wall this Sunday. How about coming with us?
R: Great! Today is Friday, so it will be on the day after tomorrow. I just happen to have time then. I'd like very much to go with you.
D: What time do you think we should set out? 7 o'clock or 8 o'clock?
G: How about 7 o'colck? I can be at your department office or at the school gate at six fifty.
T: No problem. It's settled then. By the way, don't forget to bring your video camera with you.
G: I will. See you then.
T: See you.

那啥 我复制粘贴过来滴行不。。。

A: Hi guys, how are you doing?
B, C, D: Great, buddy!
B: Hey D. I heard that you just come back form India. How do you like that country?
D: Well not bad, but what really impress me is the good I.
C: Really? Tell us more about the food.
D: You know, the most famouse food in India is curry but you might don't know there are so many different curries in India.
A: Yes, I know. My roommate is from India and he said besides the flavor, there are also some curries in different colors, red, white, yellow, green even black.
C: Sounds great, it is my first time to hear that. But what does the different curries taste like?
D: Some of them taste almost the same except for the spicy degree.
A: So which one you recommend the most?
D: Well, it is hard to tell. But I tried one black curry at the last day in the airport, which is really special. This curry smells kinda bitter but after taking several mouthful, you feel a little sweet.
B: Sounds interesting. Do you remember the name of it? I do want to try it.
D: Sorry, I don't really remember the name.
C: No problem, we can go to visit A's roommate someday. I think he must know that.
B: Good idea. We can also ask him to write down the recipe ...
C: And ... we can then hold an little party for Indian food in my home
A: Great idea.

B: Hey buddies, did you guys watch the program on discovery channel last night?
A: No. What's that about?
C: I watched part of it when it started to talk about scary snakes, looks so gross, so I turn it off then.
D: Oh, do you mean the one talking about the most dangerous animals in the world? I wathced it, it's awesome.
C: Sound funny. Tell us more.
A: Yes, please.
B: The program shows us the top ten dangerous animals in the world. Besides some anmails like lion, snake and crocodile. There are few animals you never thought would be listed in the top ten.
A: Really? What is that?
B: Take a guess.
C: sprider?
B: Bingo! That's one of them but not the topest one.
D: Anaconda must be one of them
A: Hey, I think anaconda is one kind of snakes, isn't it?
B: Yes, it is. But they separate it from poisonous snakes because of different way of attacking target.
A: Ok. So what is the no. 1 danegerous animals in the world?
B: You have no idea ... it is the hippo
C: Hippo? Are you kidding? I thinkg it is sort of cute.
B: Cute? It is not the first word comes up with me after watching the program. The scientist in the program mentions that the hippo has an extremely strong teeth and oral muscle. It can kill a crocodile immediately by a bite.
D: Oh, it is really shocking me.
C: Me too.
A: Interesting. I want to go back to watch the replay tonight.

a: good morning, sir ,can i help you?
b:i would like to buy a computer for my son.
a: oh ,it is on the second floor ,the life is there .
b: ok ,thank you.
a: your welcome.
then "a" come to second floor
b : excuse me ,i would like to buy a computer for my son.
c : ok ,this way please .
does he want a desk-top or a lap top?
b: a desk-top.
c :some computers came this morning.
b: they look wonderful,can you switch one on for me,please?
b:not bad! i will buy this one, bythe way,where can i buy a desk?
c: donnot worry about that,there are some desks available here and if you decide to buy a computer here, a desk can be a little cheaper.
b:fantastic! i will have this one ,do you deliver goods?
c:yes ,sir. write down your address and phone number. you can pay it over there.
b: ok ,thanks.
b is paying money.
b: how much should i pay?
d: wait a monment . oh ,it is totally 600pounds.
b: can i use credit card ?
d: sure.
b:here is my credit card.
d: here is your card ,sir,thank you for shopping here ,bye!
b: bye !

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FANS A: Hi everyone, how's everything going?B, C, D: Going great.A: Did you watch the program of American Idol last night?B: Sure I did.C: Me too. There is one participant from our college. I've got to support her.D: Really, who's that?C: McCoy, the one ...


a: good morning, sir ,can i help you?b:i would like to buy a computer for my son.a: oh ,it is on the second floor ,the life is there .b: ok ,thank you.a: your welcome.then "a" come to second floor b : excuse me ,i would like to buy a computer for my ...

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