reference. 商务英语里什么意思 如 Interviewer should

作者&投稿:植苇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
37、The interviewer should take down notes at the~

C: being interviewed

7 essential business negotiation tactics:

Having trouble winning over that one key person at work? Expert negotiators at the FBI and elsewhere have found active listening to be key in any negotiation. Here are seven keys to active listening. (Also see the companion article Secrets of successful business negotiation" for tips from former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss.)

1.Showing Your Interest: Prove you're listening by using body language or brief verbal replies that show interest and concern. Simple phrases such as "yes," "OK" or "I see" effectively show you are paying attention. This encourages the other person to continue talking and relinquish more control of the situation to the negotiator.

2.Paraphrasing: Tell the other person what you heard them say, either quoting them or summarizing what they said.

3.Emotion Labeling: This means attaching a tentative label to the feelings expressed or implied by other person's words and actions. This shows you are paying attention to the emotional aspects of what other person is conveying. When used effectively, emotion labeling is one of the most powerful skills available to negotiators because it helps identify the issues and feelings driving the other person's behavior.

4.Mirroring: Repeating the last words or main idea of other person's message. This indicates interest and understanding. For example, a subject may say, "I'm sick and tired of being pushed around," to which a negotiator can respond, "Feel pushed, huh?" Mirroring can be especially helpful in the early stages of a crisis, as negotiators attempt to establish a nonconfrontational presence, gain initial intelligence and build rapport.

5.Open-Ended Questions: Use open-ended questions instead of "why" questions, which could imply interrogation. If you do most of the talking, you decrease the opportunities to learn about other person.
Effective open-ended questions include, "Can you tell me more about that?" "I didn't understand what you just said; could you help me better understand by explaining that further?" and, "Could you tell me more about what happened to you today?"

6. "I" Messages: Negotiators have to avoid being provoking when they express how they feel about certain things the other person says or does. Using "I" statements lets you ostensibly shed the negotiator role and react to the subject as just another person.
For instance, you might say, "We've been talking for several hours, and I feel frustrated that we haven't been able to come to an agreement." This is also an effective tactic if the other person verbally attacks, because it lets you respond with, "I feel frustrated when you scream at me, because I'm trying to help you."
Remember: Never get pulled into an argument or trade personal attacks with a subject.

7. Effective Pauses: Any good interviewer knows the power of the long, awkward silence. People tend to speak to fill spaces in a conversation. Therefore, you should, on occasion, consciously create a space or void that will encourage the other person to speak and, in the process, provide additional information.

reference n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书
vi. 引用
vt. 引用


1.reference (to sb/sth)



3.reference (to sb/sth)

推荐 自荐 简历

reference的意思是提及,参考的,引用。一、用法 1、名词:提及,谈到;参考,查阅;(引自书或诗歌的)引言,引文;引文的作者,参考书目;(帮助或意见的)征求,征询; (为方便查询所用的)标记,编号;推荐信,介绍信;介绍人,推荐人 2、形容词:参考的,用于查阅的;文献索引的,参照的 3、动...

reference n. 提及; 查询; 征求; 引语; 编号; 参考书目; 推荐信; 介绍人;adj. 供参考的;v. 引用;变形 过去分词: referenced 复数: references 过去式: referenced 现在分词: referencing 第三人称单数: references 双语例句 1. Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference....

n. 参考; 参考书; 提及,涉及; 证明人,介绍人;v. 引用; 参照;[例句]He made no reference to any agreement 他没有提到什么协议。

references ,英语单词,可作为名词、动词。1、名词:参考文献;参照;推荐信(reference的复数)2、动词:附…以供参考;把…引作参考(reference的三单形式);3、音标:英\/'refərənsɪz\/ 美\/'rɛfərənsɪz\/;4、例句:All references to the local...

reference. 商务英语里什么意思 如 Interviewer should
reference n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书 vi. 引用 vt. 引用 在这里是"介绍信"的意思。国外的企业在招聘的时候,很重视知名人士或知名企业等给面试者提供的介绍信。

Recipient reference是什么意思
reference 读法 英 [ˈrefrəns] 美 [ˈrefrəns]n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书 vi. 引用 vt. 引用 词汇搭配:frame of reference 参考系 ; 参照系 ; 参照架构 reference electrode [电] 参比电极 ; [电] [分化] 参考电极 ; [物化] 对照...


1、词性不同 citation只是作为名词使用,表示引语、引文、引述、(被)引用等。而reference不但可以作为名词使用(意思和citation类似),它还可以作为动词使用,表示查阅;参考;给(书等)附参考资料等。2、引用内容不同 citation是指所引用的内容,可以是名言或者某本书某个研究的观点。例如:Statistical ...

reference 是指 在学术论文、文章或书籍中作者引用过的其他资料或文献,其目的是为了加强论述的信服力和可靠性。作为一个学术国际惯例,每个论文都需要提供一个 reference list,列明所有在文章中出现的参考资料,以方便读者参考。除了学术论文以外,工作简历中也常常需要提供 reference,以便未来雇主联系你的...

“reference”和“referee”的区别:两者都有审稿人和审查人的意思。如果不是什么非常重要的场合,两者基本可以直接等同对待。1.审稿人:绝大数杂志要求作者在投稿时提供2~4名同行专家作为审稿人 (reviewer or referee)2.审查人:(Editorial Board Member)、审查人(Reviewer or Referee) 担任各专科医学会...

杨浦区13086171901: reference. 商务英语里什么意思 如 Interviewer should -
超施甘油: reference n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书 vi. 引用 vt. 引用 在这里是"介绍信"的意思.国外的企业在招聘的时候,很重视知名人士或知名企业等给面试者提供的介绍信.

杨浦区13086171901: 英语语法中reference指的是什么? -
超施甘油: 应该是参考的意思,就是给你一番讲解之后,“reference to”(参考)例句,或者参考某文献资料那种吧.最好能给一个具体的语境,才能更好地帮到你.

杨浦区13086171901: 英语语法中reference指的是什么?如题. -
超施甘油:[答案] 应该是参考的意思,就是给你一番讲解之后,“reference to”(参考)例句,或者参考某文献资料那种吧.最好能给一个具体的语境,才能更好地帮到你.

杨浦区13086171901: 商务英语report procedure商务英语中,report由reference,procedure,findings,conclusion四部分组成,请问procedure具体写些什么东西? -
超施甘油:[答案] procedure 应该是做一件事的“流程” 你可以按5W+1H原则来写, Why Who When What Where How 按这个来写. 即:为了什么,谁,应该在,哪里,什么时候,做,什么事情,怎么样去做.其中,关键是:how (怎么样完成)

杨浦区13086171901: 商务信件 开头 Your ref: 是什么意思啊 -
超施甘油: Your ref: 即 Your reference: 意思为,你的(档案)编码

杨浦区13086171901: 外贸英语中 our ref:(人名) your ref:(人名). 请问这两个ref是什么意思?在什么时候用呢? -
超施甘油: 供参考这些通常都是不填人名﹐而是号码﹐编号 用英文字母及数字组成 代表一些特别意思 供档案纪录之用ref 在这里是 reference 的简写 有参考(编号)的意思当然 reference 也可以指人 指介绍人﹐推荐人

杨浦区13086171901: 外贸中常见的Ref一般是什么的缩写 -
超施甘油: 是Reference 的缩写 指参考,关于

杨浦区13086171901: reference什么意思中文翻译 -
超施甘油: reference 英[ˈrefrəns] 美[ˈrɛfərəns, ˈrɛfrəns] n. 参考; 参考书; 提及,涉及; 证明人,介绍人; v. 引用; 参照;

杨浦区13086171901: 英文报告的reference 怎么写啊? -
超施甘油: 报告里的reference就是当你引用了其他书/网页/报纸等其他东西的内容时,让你表明的资料来源.比如:Moir, Anne, and David Jessel. Brain Sex: The Real Difference between Men and Women.London: Mandarin, 1991.格式为:作者名字,标题(书名),副标题,出版地(或来源地址),发行商,发行年(或者发表时间)

杨浦区13086171901: 外贸英语中Ref. Order和T.O.S.各是什么意思? -
超施甘油: 既是order 已是订单 不能有"参考" Ref= reference, 应是ref no= reference number 订单号码 订单本身分两种 样品单 sample order 及 订单 Sales Order TOS= Term of Sales 例如 FOB, C&F,CIF, LDP 基本上写Terms 就好 TOS 反而不常用 造成误解 (建议回答的 写清原由 帮助理解跟记忆 除非回答的人也一知半解 那就别来显摆)

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