帮忙把中文翻译成英文 关于故宫

作者&投稿:姬独 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He spent about one day of play in the National Palace Museum

oor. Clean up the door , just enter Neiting by that the Hall of Supreme Harmony, neutralizing the hall , the Bao He hall , passing through Qian, Neiting is allotted the middle road , east road and three west road routes. If being to gradually loaf about partly, this three routes can only travel a bar , may pass through a middle road in general. The middle road leaks but looks at (among them some already having refuted for exhibition government department at the provincial level) and imperial local gardens stopped by Qian Qing Dynasty palace , deliver the Thailand hall , feminine Ning palace , concubine of an emperor imperial concubine. Come to say time travels the Palace Museum , comparatively laborious in the half of the day the sort. To arrange an one-day tour to be nice. If having time , wanting to watch a little thin, may arrange 2nd to loaf about then. (2) the idealest make a visit to routes are that the door enters Forbidden City from the midday , the hall , Qian in proper order, paying a visit to the inner gold water bridge , the Tai He county door , the Hall of Supreme Harmony , neutralizing the hall , Bao He along middle axis clean up the door , Qian Qing Dynasty palace , deliver the Thailand hall , feminine Ning palace , imperial garden and then. (3) finishes paying a visit to an imperial garden , can pay a visit to the store the elegant palace , feminine palace of feather , Yong Shou county palace up , salty good fortune palace , Changchun palace , Tai Ji hall in proper order by the fact that imperial garden on the left side door enters six palaces of west (also shout open the auspicious palace) , put up and then inner right returning to the clear door of Qian public square, the east line enters the inner left door , may pay a visit to six palaces of east in proper order postpone the happiness palace , Yong He City palace , scenery sun palace, take advantage of that the Qian palace , the pure palace of bell. Finish paying a visit to six palaces of east but return to the clear door of Qian public square again along east Chang An street, entering the tin celebration door through the scenery luck door toward the east , enter and then the emperor pole door again , can pay a visit to the emperor pole hall , the Ning birthday palace , put on an expression of the play building , the smooth tone cabinet , cultivate moral character hall , Qianlong garden , Zhen Fei well, the at last puts up a chastity being spellbound along door west line the martial art door leaves the Palace Museum. Warn of especially Tour the Palace Museum , can move forward from Tian'anmen, also can move forward from the back door- - - - epithet of a great conquering general door. Enter , pass through a stretch of black brick shop field public square from Tian'anmen, just get to the Forbidden City front door- - - - midday door. Pass through the midday door , be a big public squares, there are one gold water bridge on public square. The gap bridge is grand Hall of Supreme Harmony after the Tai He county door. Clean up the door , just enter Neiting by that the Hall of Supreme Harmony, neutralizing the hall , the Bao He hall , passing through Qian, Neiting is allotted the middle road , east road and three west road routes. If being to gradually loaf about partly, this three routes can only travel a bar , may pass through a middle road in general. The middle road leaks but looks at (among them some already having refuted for exhibition gov1) tour the Palace Museum , can move forward from Tian'anmen, also can move forward from the back door- - - - epithet of a great conquering general door. Enter , pass through a stretch of black brick shop field public square from Tian'anmen, just get to the Forbidden City front door- - - - midday door. Pass through the midday door , be a big public squares, there are one gold water bridge on public square. The gap bridge is grand Hall of Supreme Harmony after the Tai He county door. Clean up the door , just enter Neiting by that the Hall of Supreme Harmony, neutralizing the hall , the Bao He hall , passing through Qian, Neiting is allotted the middle road , east road and three west road routes. If being to gradually loaf about partly, this three routes can only travel a bar , may pass through a middle road in general. The middle road leaks but looks at (among them some already having refuted for exhibition government department at the provincial level) and imperial local gardens stopped by Qian Qing Dynasty palace , deliver the Thailand hall , feminine Ning palace , concubine of an emperor imperial concubine. Come to say time travels the Palace Museum , comparatively laborious in the half of the day the sort. To arrange an one-day tour to be nice. If having time , wanting to watch a little thin, may arrange 2nd to loaf about then. (2) the idealest make a visit to routes are that the door enters Forbidden City from the midday , the hall , Qian in proper order, paying a visit to the inner gold water bridge , the Tai He county door , the Hall of Supreme Harmony , neutralizing the hall , Bao He along middle axis clean up the door , Qian Qing Dynasty palace , deliver the Thailand hall , feminine Ning palace , imperial garden and then. (3) finishes paying a visit to an imperial garden , can pay a visit to the store the elegant palace , feminine palace of feather , Yong Shou county palace up , salty good fortune palace , Changchun palace , Tai Ji hall in proper order by the fact that imperial garden on the left side door enters six palaces of west (also shout open the auspicious palace) , put up and then inner right returning to the clear door of Qian public square, the east line enters the inner left door , may pay a visit to six palaces of east in proper order postpone the happiness palace , Yong He City palace , scenery sun palace, take advantage of that the Qian palace , the pure palace of bell. Finish paying a visit to six palaces of east but return to the clear door of Qian public square again along east Chang An street, entering the tin celebration door through the scenery luck door toward the east , enter and then the emperor pole door again , can pay a visit to the emperor pole hall , the Ning birthday palace , put on an expression of the play building , the smooth tone cabinet , cultivate moral character hall , Qianlong garden , Zhen Fei well, the at last puts up a chastity being spellbound along door west line the martial art door leaves the Palace Museum. Warn of especially Tour the Palace Museum , can move forward from Tian'anmen, also can move forward from the back door- - - - epithet of a great conquering general door. Enter , pass through a stretch of black brick shop field public square from Tian'anmen, just get to the Forbidden City front door- - - - midday door. Pass through the midday door , be a big public squares, there are one gold water bridge on public square. The gap bridge is grand Hall of Supreme Harmony after the Tai He county door. Clean up the door , just enter Neiting by that the Hall of Supreme Harmony, neutralizing the hall , the Bao He hall , passing through Qian, Neiting is allotted the middle road , east road and three west road routes. If being to gradually loaf about partly, this three routes can only travel a bar , may pass through a middle road in general. The middle road leaks but looks at (among them some already having refuted for exhibition government department at the provincial level) and imperial local gardens stopped by Qian Qing Dynasty palace , deliver the Thailand hall , feminine Ning palace , concubine of an emperor imperial concubine. Come to say time travels the Palace Museum , comparatively laborious in the half of the day the sort. To arrange an one-day tour to be nice. If having time , wanting to watch a little thin, may arrange 2nd to loaf about thenernment department at the provincial level) and imp

Since 1840, 100 years after the National Palace Museum has never been a large-scale maintenance.

After the founding of New China in 1949, the Forbidden City Palace Museum building on the census, the problems for the Forbidden City, the implementation of restoration of ancient buildings in the history of the Palace of the first five years of governance and emergency planning, and fundamentally changed the old society, left the Forbidden City dilapidated and desolate landscape of the show so magnificent scale.

In 1973, the instructions of the Central Palace Museum, the second five-year plan to develop a "National Palace Museum, five-year repair protection plan." In addition to strengthening the planning repair old buildings, mainly related to installation of heat pipes, cable engineering, sewage pipeline engineering, lightning protection devices, and many other, more specialized protection.

The Forbidden City since 2002 overhaul plan, has to continue until 2020. In addition to gradually opening up the stage after a number of repair spots, but also the museum staff of more than 1,000 long-term occupation of the office space to re-repair, then, "open areas" will increase from the current 30% to 70% .

Since the 100 years after 1840, the Palace Museum has never had large-scale maintenance.

After new China was founded in 1949, the Palace Museum through to the palace building, according to the census, the existing problems of the Forbidden City, the ancient palace implement repair in the history of the first five-year governance and emergency planning, radically changed the old society left the palace of desolate visage, make the remnants of the show a magnificent scale.

In 1973, the Palace Museum was according to the instructions, and formulate the second five-year planning the Palace Museum five-year repair protect programming ". The planning of ancient architecture in addition to enhance repair outside, mainly involves installing heat pipe and cable engineering, wastewater pipeline engineering, lightning protection equipment, etc., more professional protection scheme.

And from the beginning of 2002 to ?

Since the 100 years after 1840, the Palace Museum has never had large-scale maintenance.

After new China was founded in 1949, the Palace Museum through to the palace building, according to the census, the existing problems of the Forbidden City, the ancient palace implement repair in the history of the first five-year governance and emergency planning, radically changed the old society left the palace of desolate visage, make the remnants of the show a magnificent scale.

In 1973, the Palace Museum was according to the instructions, and formulate the second five-year planning the Palace Museum five-year repair protect programming ". The planning of ancient architecture in addition to enhance repair outside, mainly involves installing heat pipe and cable engineering, wastewater pipeline engineering, lightning protection equipment, etc., more professional protection scheme.

And since 2002 palace overhaul plan, lasts until 2020. This one phase except in open after some repair of scenic spots, but also by the palace will more than 1,000 staff long-term occupation office houses to the repairs, at the appointed time, "open" by the proportion will now increased to 30% of more than 70%.

The transformation of Peking was a formidable task for the emperor and his advisors, and it imposed heavy burdens on the people. Although some of the Yuan city walls and palaces remained intact, the general plan of the city had to be altered and much new construction undertaken to meet the emperor's specifications. Because the lack of adequate economic base, the city depended on massive shipments of grain and provisions from the southeastern
China. The military organization had to be restruc­tured to handle this overall. Above all, institutional arrangements had to be changed; this affected imperial agencies in Nanking and in other parts of the empire. The transfer of the capital to Peking was certainly the most complex and far-reaching imperial project undertaken during the Ming dynasty.

Between 1403 and 1416 some modest institutional rearrangements were initiated.Meanwhile, the construction of new palace build­ings got under way. During this period the physical and economic foundations of the new capital were laid down. Although no really massive construction was under­taken in Peking until 1416, preparations for new palace buildings and for repairs to the city walls began in 1406. In August the emperor ordered minister of works, assistant censor-in-chief, and others to assemble men and materials at Peking; ostensibly he was responding to a request by senior officials, who thought that a palace should be built for his forthcoming visit. Officials were sent to cut timber in the forests of Kiangsi, Hu-kuang, Chekiang, Shansi, and Szechwan. Others organized the manufacture of bricks in the Northern Metropolitan Region. In 1407 a great work force of artisans, soldiers, and common laborers was recruited from all over the empire; these included over seven thousand Annamese artisans, who had been captured and sent to Peking by Chang Fu. But construction was hampered by an inadequate supply system and a lack of close supervision. Work proceeded slowly, and no major buildings were completed during these years.


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来宾市19515359691: 故宫英文怎么翻译 -
毋昆稚儿:[答案] forbidden city是紫禁城 the imperial palace是故宫, 看你想要哪一个咯

来宾市19515359691: 故宫的英文翻译 -
毋昆稚儿:[答案] The Imperial Palace is also called Forbidden City,it was first started building in 1407,and cost two hundred thousand workers for fourteen years,and,completed in 1420.All its palaces consist of 9999 rooms."9" is recognized as a favorable number in ...

来宾市19515359691: 北京故宫英文介绍英文+中文翻译 -
毋昆稚儿:[答案] The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing biggest,most integrity of thou building cluster.It is ... 4 doors,center door Wu door,east door Donghua door,west door Xihua door,north door Shengwu door. 故宫位于北京市中心.中...

来宾市19515359691: 故宫用英文怎么讲?
毋昆稚儿: 1.北京故宫:通常可以说The Forbidden City 也有人翻译成The Purple Forbidden City 故宫的官方网站上是Palace Museum,但这个说法更贴近“故宫博物院” 2.沈阳的故宫是The Imperial Palace of Qing Dynasty.

来宾市19515359691: “故宫”的英文是什么
毋昆稚儿: The Palace Museum

来宾市19515359691: 求英语翻译!翻译题 原文如下:帮忙翻译成英语,水平越高越好~谢谢!紫禁城是中国明代和清代帝王的皇宫,坐落于北京市中心,故宫博物院位于此.紫禁城... -
毋昆稚儿:[答案] The Forbidden City is the imperial palace of Ming and qing dynasty of China ,it is located in the centre of Beijing,and the national Palace Museum is also there.For nearly five hundred years,the Forbidden City is not only being home of the emperors but ...

来宾市19515359691: 故宫简介翻成英语,约60到70左右的字,回答符合的我会给悬赏,请大家帮忙☆初一水平的,简单易懂一点,最基本介绍北京故宫的语言就可以了,英语... -
毋昆稚儿:[答案] 故宫旧称紫禁城.是明清两代皇宫,中国现存最大最完整的古建筑群.1988年被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”. 故宫占地72万平方米,屋宇9999间半,建筑面积15.5万平方米.为一长方形城池,四角矗立、风格绮丽的角楼,墙外有宽52米的护...

来宾市19515359691: 故宫的英文翻译 -
毋昆稚儿: The Imperial Palace is also called Forbidden City,it was first started building in 1407,and cost two hundred thousand workers for fourteen years,and,completed in 1420.All its palaces consist of 9999 rooms."9" is recognized as a favorable number...

来宾市19515359691: 词组互译:紫禁城翻译成英语 -
毋昆稚儿:[答案] the Forbidden City 固定词组 ph. 紫禁城 (位于北京的古代中国皇帝所居住的宫殿)

来宾市19515359691: 英文翻译:故宫
毋昆稚儿: the Palace Museum the Forbidden City(紫禁城)

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