
作者&投稿:虞狄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Lovely in appearance, it doesn't need any battery as a power supply. It accquires energy from the sun, making it practical, out-going and environmental-friendly without any worry about being short of power or such things. Where there is it, where there is good mood !

2. The warm, lovely solar-energy toy can swing its green,thick smooth leaves and centre flower back and forth in the sun, bringing you great joy. It can also be placed in the car,the balcony,the office or indoors as a cute decoration. Whenever you catch sight of the happily-shaking apple flower, even when you're out of sorts, you will immediately forget about all the worries and feel relaxed from your head to foot!

翻了好久啊。。 上面四篇都是机译的不要采用啊~

有一本书叫bread of life。这句话可能是书的主旨意思吧。

  1. He felt faint for the short of food.  

  2. We should make full use of time to study hard so that we can meet the command of future society. 

  3. The prosperous commericial of Shanghai leave a deep impression on all visitor. 

  4. As we all know, the use of MP3 is a big progress compared with the recorder. 

  5. He beat other players in the Olympic Games, and set a new world record. 

1.he felt faint because of lacking food .2.we must make full use of our time to study so hard that we can satisfy demend of future society 3.the boom of shanghai business leaves an unforgetable impression on all visitors 4.as we all know ,the use of mp3 is an advanced development compared with records .5.he defeated other athletes and created a new record in the olmpics .

1、He feels faint because be lack of food
2、We fully use the time for studying so that to meet the demand of the future society
3、The business prosperity of Shanghai has left deep impression to all visitors
4、It is known to all,compare with the recorder,it is a great progress to use MP3
5、He has made a new world‘s record because he defeated the other opponents in the Olympic Games

1.He felt faint because of a lack of food.
2.We make so full use of our time to study hard, that demand the future needs of society.
4、As everyone knows, compared with the tape recorder using MP3 is a great progress.
5丶He beat the other competitors in the Olympic Games, has record a new world record

He felt dizzy because of a lack of food

5 ) 。因此,当它发生的新工厂是雨后春笋般冒出需要劳动力,成千上万的无家可归者和饥饿的农业劳动者,他们的妻子和孩子,被迫进入城市寻找工作,任何工作,任何情况下,这将让他们还活着。

5、We value the time being with families.——我们非常珍惜和家人共度的时光。6、Saturdays arc family days; we alway arrange ssome interesting activities.——每周六是家庭日,我们总要安排一些有意思的活动。

翻译:你在每次面试中所花的时间不要超过10分钟。一、safe 1、含义:adj. 安全的;安然无恙的;可靠的;谨慎的。n. 保险箱 2、用法 safe的基本意思是“安全的,不会有危险的”,指某人或某物处于一种不受危险威胁的状态,也可指“没有受到损害的,平安的”,多指某人或某物在经受长时间的危险...

5.如果你想给人留下好印象,其诀窍在于始终如一的保持自我,你最佳的自我。To be yourself, the best you, is the way to impress others a great image of yourself.好辛苦啊...给分吧.

I had a dream that I was riding a horse. When I was riding a horse, I felt that I was about to fall down, because the horse was always staggering and stopped when it came to half a circle. When I woke up, I found that I didn't have a quilt on my body. I used ...

孩提时,人们对他的评价并不高。 be highly spoken of 被某人高度赞扬评价

1 ,做什么在[于] XXX ,是舌?总觉得做非常的形状擅长的ど…呼吸拔主人想的物品喔 !2 ,我 ?,自己的 XXX 翅膀唉然而,XXX 在乘吧想要和忽然发现随时乘被既嘛又~3 ,互相忙碌的之后吧…磨破 ?说是借 啊中断了 可是,吧,他看 ?士的勉 ?也同一地方 ?正做着生命既…又~妨碍 ?极认为...


Do yourself a favor: please being happy!帮帮你自己:一定要幸福!Despite any frustration or unpleasant might happen, please smile to yourself.不管发生什么样的挫折和不愉快的事情,请微笑面对。"Hey, what's that? Does that matter?"“嘿,那是什么?有事吗?”Being able to live in the...

1 知人者智 2 勿以己度人 3 不要有先入为主的偏见 moccasin指印第安人的鹿皮靴,moon是月亮,表时间,那么two moons就表示两天两夜,所以这句话的字面意思就是如果你没有亲自穿着鹿皮靴走过两天两夜,那么你就无法理解穿着它的人的感受。引申意义为没经历过久不能感同身受。结合我们中国文化的...

茅箭区15893718862: 翻译5句话,速度
郜瑗消糜: There are three people in my family, my parents and my father is an engineer, my mother is a housewife. I love my home.

茅箭区15893718862: 急求这五句话的翻译 速度!!! -
郜瑗消糜: 【仅供参考】76 灯烫感依旧,烫了警察的手.77 这封信要用英文写,必要的信息要完全哟.78 他们看到这里的工人要比其他城镇的工人身体更健康,工作效率更高.79.最初,他认为人生下来时并没有好坏之分.80 在英国人们普遍认为教育不仅仅是给课堂上孩子的头脑灌输知识和事实,而且也是塑造他们的个性.

茅箭区15893718862: 速度,用四句话翻译以下句子
郜瑗消糜: Speed "I will graduate 1994-2000-2004 2000 to Dongshancollege, Journal of Computer Science Department, 2004 to date,a computer company. The main course learning, computer science, Chinese, mathematics, English, Physical Education.Features hobby, swimming (swimming school has won the firstgame) music

茅箭区15893718862: 速度求英语翻译
郜瑗消糜:One, I was looking for him, he happened to come in. Two, in fact, most Chinese learners of english. Three, without a doubt, the box is placed on the train to several of the. Four, everything was shaking, seems to be the end of the world has come to. ...

茅箭区15893718862: 速度求英语翻译..
郜瑗消糜: 1.The students in Class4 would like to have a meeting in the afternoon 2.Students are free to read books which they like 3.Teachers want students to bring their homework to school tomorrow 4. The girl wants to thank her friends ' help

茅箭区15893718862: 翻译以下句子!求速度
郜瑗消糜: 1. 单于仰慕苏武的节操,每日派人探望、问候苏武的情况,而把张胜逮捕,关进了牢中. 2. 把苏武囚禁起来,放在大地窖里面,不给他吃喝.

茅箭区15893718862: 速度求:英语翻译
郜瑗消糜: Today is Teacher's Day. To thank for caring us in these two years, we send our wishes to u.U pay much on us ,but sometimes we are not precious and hope u can forgive yours children. Now it is in Grade Three, and hope you can pay much more and...

茅箭区15893718862: 求翻译下面的句子~!速度!
郜瑗消糜: 1. Have you ever seen hanged people? 2. I have heard people say he is a very honest man. 3. Jiaoren the local government built him a house. 4. Managers wanted the project completed as soon as possible. 5. His good deeds so that he was the ...

茅箭区15893718862: 【急】求下边5句话翻译~谢谢各位为了!!! 速度回答的话,会追加分的,放心!! -
郜瑗消糜: 1.栄成市は山东半岛の最东部に位置し、韩国と日本と海を隔て、中国から韩国に最も近い都市である. 2.栄成市は三面が海に囲まれ、中国の海岸で最も早く日升りを迎える都市だ. 3.栄成市は四季がはっきりしているし、気候が良いし、环境も优れたし、「自然のアールバー」と言われ、「最も住みやすい町」とも评価されている. 4.栄成市は人口が少なく、交通が便利だし、现地の人が亲切だし、人を気持ち良くさせる. 5.栄成市は豊富な旅行资源がある...このような静かで、美しい小町に居れば、诚に莫大な幸せだ.

茅箭区15893718862: 速度!!!一句英文求中文翻译!!! -
郜瑗消糜: 直译:任何场合都能穿的鞋引申:不变应万变,一招鲜等

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