
作者&投稿:孔管 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、 Jack likes Chinese food very much.


2、Lucy is at home now.


3、I have a very beautiful hat.


4、My friend likes to do the same things as I do.


5、He lives in Shanghai.


6、Beijing is a beautiful city.


7、I don't think you are right.


8、We agree with you.


9、I always play computer games on weekend.


10、I have a Chinese friends.


11、It helps child acquire and practice Simple Present Tense.


12、She is in your house.


13、Do you go to school at7:00 every day?


14、She doesn't like apples.


15、He is fourteen. He is at schoo.




The earth moves round the sun.地球绕着太阳运行。

时间状语:often 经常,usually通常,always 总是 every week (day, year, month……)每周(天,年,月......),once a week一周一次, on Sundays 在周日,sometimes 有时等。


1、一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks

2、以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes

3、以"辅音字母+y"结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies

一般现在时结构: 1. 主语+谓语+其他(表动作);2. 主语+be+表语(形容词、名词充当表语)。当主语是第三人称单数时,动词变相应的第三人称单数形式。

be(am,is,are)动词:(作谓语动词时) 肯定句;主语+be动词(am,is,are)+其它。

1、I am a student.(主语+be动词+名词)。

2、They are hungry.(主语+be动词+形容词)。

3、He is out.(主语+be动词+副词)。

4、That pen is mine.(主语+be动词+代词)。

一、一般现在时(present simple)的定义:描述现阶段经常反复发生的动作或者存在的状态。例如:I have two English classes on Tuesday morning. 我在星期二的早晨有两节英语课。这句话的意思是,一旦到了周二早上,我都有两节英语课,周周如此,循环往复,反复发生。二、一般现在时的标志词 频率副词:...

一般现在时的句子如下:1、Jack likes Chinese food very much.杰克很喜欢中国饮食。2、Lucy is at home now.露茜现在在家。3、I have a very beautiful hat.我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。4、My friend likes to do the same things as I do.1我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。5、He lives in Shang...

1、They are playing basketball now.2、Listen, She is singing an English song.3、Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.4、We are making model planes these days.5、It's 6:30 now. I am getting up.6、Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom ...

一般现在时是英语中最基础的时态之一,表示目前正在发生的动作、状态或经常性的行为。以下是一些例子:I walk to work every day.(我每天步行去上班。)She speaks four languages fluently.(她能流利地说四种语言。)They study hard for their exams.(他们为了考试而努力学习。)He plays basketball...

英语 一般现在时 的例句有哪些
一般现在时的例句:1、I do my homework every day. 我每天做作业。2、He watches TV every day. 他每天看电视。3、I have lunch every day. 我每天吃午餐。4、He likes animals. 他喜欢小动物。5、Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海坐落于中国的东部。

1.She likes animals. 2.Lilei gets up at six o'clock . 3.I am good at English. 4.You seem to be tired. 5.My family have five people. 6.He is a teacher. 7.Jackie is our favorite movie star. 8.Coke is her favorite drink. 9.Kate is my best friend. 10.My mother ...

1. 一般现在时,例句: We have six classes every day. 我们每天上六节课。2. 现在进行时,例句:I am playing computer games now.我正在打电脑游戏。3. 现在完成时,例句:She has been to New York twice. 她已经去过纽约两次。4. 现在完成进行时,例句:He has been teaching...

My friend likes to do the same things as I do.我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。7、we often go to the party.我们经常去聚会。8、I have a very beautiful hat.我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子。9、You should smile all the time.你应该一直微笑。10、Lucy is at home now.露茜现在在家。

1,My name is ...2,I'm ... years old.3,I have a lot of friends.4,I can paly football.5,I know who you are.6,Earth moves around Sun 7,You are my best friend.8,There are many people there.9,I love my family.10,I think you are right.11,He is a boy.12,She...

英语一般现在时的基本结构有:1、肯定句构成:主语+动词(注意人称变化)+其它成分 例句:I have a pen.译文:我有一支笔。2、否定句构成:主语+助动词(do\/does)+ not +动词原形+其它成分 例句:He dosen’t have a dog.译文:他没有养狗。3、一般疑问句:助动词(do\/does)+主语+动词原形...

玛纳斯县18782856775: 20个一般现在时的句子 -
叱干萱美红:[答案] 一般现在时I have a book.I get up at six everyday.We have many classes at weekdays. I am happy.I am a boy.It smells good. 一般过去时I went to school yesterday.I had five classes this morning.I ate an hamburger just now. I was a student two years ago....

玛纳斯县18782856775: 英语一般现在时的句子怎么写 -
叱干萱美红: 主语加上动词 三单加s或者es

玛纳斯县18782856775: 写二十个一般现在时的句子一英一汉 -
叱干萱美红:[答案] They want good jobs . 他们想要好工作 2.The coat matches the dress. 外衣和裙子很相配 3.This workdoes not satisfy me . 这项工作我不满意 4.He always takes a walk after supper. 晚饭后他总是散散步 5.Everyone is in high spirits now. 现在大家都情绪...

玛纳斯县18782856775: 帮我造10个英语一般现在时的句子 -
叱干萱美红: He is Tom . The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west . He runs fast . I have milk for breakfast every day . They have a new teacher this term . We all like sports . She usually goes to school by bike . They swim in the river in summer . On the ...

玛纳斯县18782856775: 六年级英语找出10个一般现在时的句子 -
叱干萱美红:[答案] 1.I usually play football on Friday afternoon. 2.I have many books. 3.Gao Shan's sister likes playing table tennis 4.She lives in a small town near New York. 5.I watch TV every day. 6.David has got a goal. 7.We have four lessons 8.Nancy doesn't run ...

玛纳斯县18782856775: 给我20个一般现在时句子(英语)句子不要太长,也别太短 -
叱干萱美红:[答案] 用这些套,一个句型套4句就有20了 it is... this. there is. i want... i don't want...

玛纳斯县18782856775: 英语 一般现在时 -
叱干萱美红: 一般现在时 表示经常的或习惯性的动作,表示现在的状态,及客观事实和普遍真理.常与often,always等频度副词连用.My father often gets up early in the morning He has breakfast at 7:00 every morning The boy is twelve The sun rises in the east there be 句型 There are some children in the park There is a bottle of milk in the table

玛纳斯县18782856775: 一般现在时的句子 要短一点 有翻译 急!!!!!!! -
叱干萱美红: i love you 我爱你 i miss you 我想你 I go to school 我去上学 I need torelax 我需要休息 you can stay here as you like 要是喜欢你可以呆在这里 —Are you ready?—你准备好了吗?—Yes,I am.—是的,我准备好了.(—No,I'm not.—不,我没准备好....

玛纳斯县18782856775: “一般现在时”用英语怎么说“一般现在时 -
叱干萱美红: present indefinite 英文发音:[ˈpreznt ɪnˈdefɪnət] 中文释义:一般现在时 例句: I think the present indefinite tense is the easiest tense of all. Do you know what it means? 我想一般现在时是所有时态中最容易的,你知道它的含义吗? 词汇...

玛纳斯县18782856775: 帮我造10个英语一般现在时的句子 -
叱干萱美红:[答案] 1 I like running. 2 She goes swimming every day. 3 He is often late for shool. 4 They never go to library. 5 We usually go to shool by bus. 6 You don't need to close the window. 7 I am a student. 8 She wants to go shopping this afternoon. 9 Spring Festival ...

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