
作者&投稿:巨柴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 划出课文中所有一般过去时的动词。2. 你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事。Youdidn’tdoyourbesttodoit。3. 我昨日看电视了。IwatchedTVyesterday。4. We often played together when we were children. 我们小时候常在一起玩.5. W 6. 我们昨日没在一齐。Weweren'ttogetheryesterday。7. 一般过去...

I had a busy weekend.\/What a busy weekend I had!

SV He swims .SVO He plays basketball .SV +IO +DO He buys me a book .SV+IO+OC He calls me baby.SVP He looks handsome .

一般过去式:过去发生的事情或行为,即你已经做过的,代表这个事情在时间上已经成为过去。一般都会有标志性的过去的时间做提示,或者干脆以动词的过去式来表示过去发生的事情。如:i did not go to school yesterday.———yesterday 表示过去的时间 i was not a child anymore.———was 表示动词的过...

英语句子改成过去式 百分百把握做对的进 高分悬赏
1 I was a bank clerk。I worked with people。people gave me their money or got their money from me 2 I wore a white uniform and I helped doctors。Sometimes I worked in the day and sometimes at night 3 My work was dangerous。Thieves did’t like me 4 I liked ...

1.肯定:She wondered along the coast line and felt confused about her future.否定:I didn't get anything from my hard working.疑问:How could you break her heart like that?2.肯定:The sweet summer breeze toched my cheek.否定:I didn't feel hot because of the sweet cool ...

过去式的英文句子 还要翻译成中文
3.He collected money from the passengers and put the money yn a bag.他收集乘客的钱,把钱寅一袋。4 Them was a doule-decker bus.他们是一个双层巴士 5 In the past,none of the bus driver were women 在过去,没有一个司机是妇女。6 I did not go to school yesterday.昨天我没去...

1. 我本不该拥抱太过炽热的梦,比如明天,比如你。2. 相思醉人心,落寞染红颜,而今心系谁,徒守满身残。谁知花开尽出,落满了我思念的海,朝阳升落,演了岁月剧一场,你还未出现在我身边,我怎敢停止对你的期盼。3. 或许有一天我们都老了,但是我还是记得当初你让我心动的样子。4. 有一个...

关于一般过去式句子和翻译,一般过去式这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 1. 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作。2、说话的侧重点只在于陈述一件过去的事情,不强调对“现在”产生的影响。3、...

七年级下册英语8单元十个过去式句子并翻译 很急哦!!!
When was he born? 他是什么时候出生的?He was born in June,1985. 他出生在六月,1985年。Where was he born? 他出生在哪里?He was born in Marylang, the USA. 他出生在美国的马里兰州。Was it like a flower before? 之前它是像一朵花...

钟离庞13935301012问: 英语 第二单元的过去式句子怎么写(好的有分)RT(如题)“你”“我”“Ta(不论男女)”“我们”“你们”“Ta们”各种过去式的句子 -
铁东区施复回答:[答案] I bought a present for my friend last week 上周我给我的朋友买了一个礼物 Did you play basketball after school yester? 昨天放学你打篮球了么 We weren't afraid of dogs any more 我们不再怕狗了 You didn't go shopping three years ago 三年前你不...

钟离庞13935301012问: 用过去式造句子 -
铁东区施复回答: I was born in Qiqihar,and I will be the honor of Qiqihar !意思是,我生在齐齐哈尔市,今后齐齐哈尔市将以我为荣.这一句是用过去式和将来时进行比较,不知道你们学了将来时态没有.was born,是出生于哪一年的意思,固定用过去式(过去时态);honor,荣耀,荣誉.be the honor of ……,成为……的荣耀.如果没有学将来时,也可以用过去式和现在时态比较,如下:I was born in Qiqihar,and now I am the honor of Qiqihar !

钟离庞13935301012问: 用过去式造句子我们老师要全市公开课,让用过去式造个句子,还非要有新意的,搞笑点的,小女才疏学浅,模式:(举个例子)I was fat then,but iam thin ... -
铁东区施复回答:[答案] I was born in Qiqihar,and I will be the honor of Qiqihar !意思是,我生在齐齐哈尔市,今后齐齐哈尔市将以我为荣.这一句是用过去式和将来时进行比较,不知道你们学了将来时态没有.was born,是出生于哪一年的意思,固定用过去式(过去时态);...

钟离庞13935301012问: 英语过去式句子的应用最好有翻译 -
铁东区施复回答:[答案] 1.I went home after school yesterday.2.Lily played games after class this afternoon.3.Bob played football after school 4.Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday.5.I went to the park yesterday....

钟离庞13935301012问: 怎样快速的区别开一般过去式,过去完成时,现在完成时,最好举几个句子,附有文字解说. -
铁东区施复回答: 一般过去式:谓语为动词的过去式(通常是-ed),如:I finished my homework.我写完作业了.过去完成时:谓语为had+动词-ed,如:I had finished my homework yesterday. 我昨天就写完作业了.现在完成时:谓语为have+动词-ed,如:I have finished my homework already. 我(现在)已经写完作业了. 如果还不明白的问我.

钟离庞13935301012问: 用过去式写一段你的好朋友昨天一天干什么的句子 -
铁东区施复回答: 回忆里他向我挥手,不停的灰手,我问他肿麽了,他说:唉!今天打摆子!

钟离庞13935301012问: 写两个 过去式的句子 并且把翻译写出来,简单点的 我好 能理解 -
铁东区施复回答: I wenthome early last night. 动作有关昨晚我回早了. John sanga nice song this morning. 今早约翰唱了首动听的歌

钟离庞13935301012问: 英语过去式句子的应用 -
铁东区施复回答: 1.I went home after school yesterday. 2.Lily played games after class this afternoon. 3.Bob played football after school 4.Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday. 5.I went to the park yesterday.6.We went hiking last month.7.I bought this ...

钟离庞13935301012问: 过去式句子:凯丽牵着玛丽拉男孩上岸 -
铁东区施复回答: Kelly took Mary pulled the boy went ashore.

钟离庞13935301012问: 一般过去时肿么构成,恩,要简单点的,最好有例句,求...... -
铁东区施复回答: 动词直接用过去式:He played football at 6:00pm yesterday. 系动词直接用过去时:the light was on the desk. 诸如此类,都是表示过去某个时间的状态

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