
作者&投稿:江魏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Don't litter the packaging of the goods we bought.
2. Pay attention to paper saving at school
3. A knowledge contest will be held for garbage sorting




一般现在 She loves music她喜欢音乐 My husband goes to work everyday 我丈夫每天都去上班 Our teacher looks very young我们的老师看起来非常年轻 现在进行时 I am doing my homework 我正在做家庭作业 They are playing outside. 他们在外面玩儿 We are listening to the teacher我们正在听老师讲课...

1.He is a boy who is very polite.2.She is a girl who likes to wear white dresses.3.She is a girl who likes to simle very much.


한 입 크게 베어 물었다.一接过苹果他就咬了一大口。베다 切,割 물다 咬 베어 물다 可以翻译成咬,3아이에게 큰 &#...

计算机语言层次不同,可从接近于被特种计算机立即理解的详尽低层次语言到被大量计算机接受的可自动识别的尖端高层次语言。3. From the time when our caveman ancestors gnawed their wild-pig bones in front of their smoking fire to our own days when we sit around a table spread with snowy ...

翻译如下,准确度有保证 1.她越说越激动 The longer she talked ,the more excited she got. (got也可用was代替)2.大学一毕业,他就开始找工作 He began to look for a job when he graduated .3.赢得全校师生尊敬的最佳途径就是努力学习、得高分 The best way to win respect from all the...

1.就广义上的语言技巧水平来说,这个是比较可靠的。2.实际上,大量增加数量而同时又限制资源的供给,会造成很大的困难。3.对“精通”只要有个模糊的认识就足够了(however prestigious the testing body concerned.这句真不知道什么意思。。。)。

他第一次便抽到一个中奖号码。三、interviews 1、含义:n. 面谈;会见;面试;接见。vt. 接见;采访;对 ... 进行面试。vi. 面试;采访 2、用法 interview通常解释为“访问”,而不作为“接见”的意思。因此Peter interviewed Mecheal是“皮特访问麦克”,不是“皮特接见麦克”;“interview”可作...

求翻译三个句子、翻译成日文 迷失于黑暗中的可悲之影, 伤害鄙视他人...

这句话翻译成解决数学问题很难,行不?意思查不多 改更通顺一点的话 <数学题难解> 풀기 어렵다 难解 풀기 쉽다 好解,容易解 불순한 의도로 접근하&...

鲤城区13757597253: 英语翻译翻译三个句子:\1..我喜欢戴帽子的那个女孩/穿红上衣的那个女孩.2.我喜欢那个最漂亮的女孩.3.我喜欢这个 聪明可爱的女孩. -
宏趴复方:[答案] 1\I like the girl with a hat on her head.\I like the girl in red. 2\I like the most beautiful girl. 3\I like this smart and lovely girl.

鲤城区13757597253: 翻译三个英语的句子1.他非常喜欢游泳.2.明天我和爸爸妈妈一起去购物.3.杰克正在吃饭.谢谢大家了! -
宏趴复方:[答案] 1.He likes swimming very much. 2.I'll go shopping with my mom and dad tomorrow. 3.Jack is eating.

鲤城区13757597253: 英语翻译三个句子: 1、玛丽最好的朋友,喜欢和玛丽做同样的事情,使得她很不高兴. 2、青少年应英语翻译三个句子: 1、玛丽最好的朋友,喜欢和玛丽... -
宏趴复方:[答案] 1.Mary is My best friend,I like to do the same thing with Mary,make her very unhappy.2.Adolescents should be allowed to have personal thoughts,we need to learn how to overcome with the complications o...

鲤城区13757597253: 用英语翻译三个句子1在所有吃喝的东西中水是最重要的.2人不吃食物能活好多天但缺水两三天就会死亡.3造成水污染以至于无法使用.英文翻译初中快一点!... -
宏趴复方:[答案] Water is the most important among whatever we eat or drink. People do not eat food to live several days but will die 2 or 3 days dry. it Caused water pollution so that can not be used.

鲤城区13757597253: 英语翻译翻译3个句子 第一个:他太震惊了,以至于无法把事情叙述清楚.(要用account)第二个:如果时间允许的话,我们要先去看我们的祖父母.(用... -
宏趴复方:[答案] He is too shocked to account the thing clearly.If time permits, we will go to see our grandparents first.Staying in England for 10 years is the reason why Mr Sun speaks English so well.

鲤城区13757597253: 英语翻译请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英文,1.让我们享受一下这个周末吧.2.我爷爷经常在下午散步.3.来参观一下我们的新学校吧! -
宏趴复方:[答案] Let's enjoy this weekend My grandfather often goes walking in the afternoon Come and visit our new school!

鲤城区13757597253: 英语翻译求大神翻译三个英语句子,第一Every thing will be good第二It is my last第三At the end 大神也可以结合起来看, -
宏趴复方:[答案] 1.每件事情都会是好的 2.那是我最后的一场 3.最后

鲤城区13757597253: 这三个句子用英语翻译.我的钢笔和橡皮在文具盒里.她的书包在椅子上.你的字典在桌子下面. -
宏趴复方:[答案] My pen and eraser in the pencil case

鲤城区13757597253: 用英语翻译三个句子. -
宏趴复方: smoking does harm to health(...do harm to...) he spends too much time in playing computer games(spend...in dong....,in可省略) she makes her life by singing in the club.(make ones life)

鲤城区13757597253: 英语翻译3句 -
宏趴复方: 1, I like to collect information from television. 2, as more and more cold weather I can not eat the ice cream (used as) 3, in charge of my home by her mother.

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