
作者&投稿:潮昭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I can't thinkof a single search I have done where a board has not instruct me to look atsitting CEOs first
主句I can’t think of a single search (which或that被省略了) I have done 我想不起来我所做的任何一个调查研究
从句:where a board has not instruct me to look at sitting CEOs first.
Where指代的是前文出现的research, 意思是in the research(在调查中),在调查研究中董事会没有要求我首先考虑在任的CEO。

1.(The idea of consciously seeking out a special title)2、( was)3.( new to me, )but ,realized,not without appeal.

其中,1里面的of consciously seeking out a special title为同位语,解释idea的内容。不是定语,定语是用来修饰限定的,而同位语是用来进一步解释说明的,说明了是什么idea

后面半部分but ,realized,not without appeal.
不符合语法规范,你确定 没有漏掉东西吗?大概是一个but引导的并列句:
1.(The idea of consciously seeking out a special title)2、( was)3.( new to me, )but ,when realized,it is not without appeal. 有意识地选一个特别的标题这个想法对我来说很新奇,但是,一旦这个主意被实现,它也不失吸引力。

You have read with concern that the number of problems caused by irresponsible social drinking is rising.
第一层结构(主干)中 You是主语, have read是谓语,that从句作宾语。SVO结构。
宾语从句中the number of problems 为主语,is rising 是谓语,caused by irresponsible social drinking是后置定语。SV结构。

你对 由于不断上升的不负责任的醉酒而引起的大量问题 感到忧虑。

irresponsible social drinking is rising这个状语修饰the number of problems


1, 第一句话里at airport是状语,和I went to the airport类似,arrive和go都是不及物动词,不需要宾语,因此where引导的问句,问的就是状语。2,develop into在这里是作为联系动词的,和become或是am is are类似,后面接的是表语,表语是表示主语的性质、状态的。

有些事情把它要把 心态 放平,如 果你 不放平 的话,看 事情 就容 易走偏

句子分析:整体是一个条件状语的主从复合句。逗号前是条件状语从句,表示如果(具备某种条件, 会怎么怎么样);逗号后面是主句部分(此句中,逗号后面的部分是描述在前面的条件下会产生的结果)。在逗号后的主句部分又包含一个宾语从句(that things will happen in the way you want them to);一个同...


请英语大神帮我分析一下这句话,Life is like a game 人生就像一场游戏...
人生是一场博弈 Life is a game like可以去掉

fail sth.本意就是“……没及格,没通过”的意思。fail的过去式是failed.主语都说明了是 I,那就没必要在math test前加my了,你总不会是把别人的math test给failed掉了吧。is 的过去式为was\/were, 一般作系表结构。通常有:1.主+动+宾 2.主+系+表 希望对你有所帮助。

现在我是那个理解不了您的人 yo主语,soy系动词 el是表语先行词,que引导定语从句修饰el,说明我是怎么样的一个人。我觉得把这话倒过来楼主你保证能看懂El que no le entiende a usted soy yo le就是a usted,为了避免歧义,西班牙语中习惯这样的复指,去掉也可以。

是不是你说了或做了什么让他不能忍受的话了.这句话最明显的两个意思是1.你是他所爱的人.2.他已经尽自己所能去对待你了.再需要什么做什么过于迁就或者忍让 事是不可能的了,这已经是他的极限了.有什么矛盾心平气和的沟通沟通嘛.相信你们会马上和好的.祝你们幸福美满 ...


二道江区15111616560: 麻烦各位大神帮忙分析一下这个英语句子的构成成分,...
邸盆胃好: 您好,这个句子是(主谓)机构,其主干结构是:主干:The pictures were taken by an amateur photographer.主语 = the pictures谓语 = were taken(一般过去时的被动语态)方式状语 = by an amateur photogrpher但很多语法书,会把被动语态的...

二道江区15111616560: 大家帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构和语法,在线等,急急急!!! -
邸盆胃好: 独立主格结构.Seeing from the hilltop, I find the beatiful scene.[伴随情况状语] [主][谓] [定] [宾]

二道江区15111616560: 哪位大神帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构啊 -
邸盆胃好: Through these studies 状语 we consider 主句的主语和谓语 the SOCestimation 宾语 the most urgent to address at the present time,宾语补足语,带有一个不定式短语 since it is arguablythe most important one状语从句 that lays the foundation for ...

二道江区15111616560: 英语提问:麻烦分析一下这句话的结构,After the Ambassador had gone to investigate,a man called Horst aimed a fire extinguisher at him under the ... -
邸盆胃好:[答案] under the impression 原以为是这样的,以为 I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow. 我以为你明天才来呢. 大使去调查后,一个名叫霍斯特把灭火器对准了他,他以为这位大使着火了.

二道江区15111616560: 请帮我分析一下这句话的句子结构,主谓宾等That's why it makes such good sense to begin with context. -
邸盆胃好:[答案] 这是一个表语从句 主句是that is --that是主语,is是谓语系动词 从句是 why it makes such good sense to begin with context ---从句都有完整的句子结构:it是形式主语,makes是谓语,sense是宾语(such good是修饰sense的定语),to begin with ...

二道江区15111616560: 麻烦帮我分析下下面这句英语句子的结构.What illustrates in the picture does reflect the reality that most of school children nowadays have no less than one after... -
邸盆胃好:[答案] What illustrates in the picture,是主语从句,没错 that 引导的,是定语从句,修饰 the reality. What illustrates in the picture 主语从句 does reflect 谓语 the reality 宾语,下面是定语从句 that most of school children 从句主语 nowadays 状语 have 从句谓语 ...

二道江区15111616560: 请大侠帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构.是什么从句~Thus,in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers ,coupled with the desire... -
邸盆胃好:[答案] 在我看来,句子比较纠结,我觉得coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incoms那一坨是非谓语做后置定语,修饰demand of individual consumers...

二道江区15111616560: 请帮我分析下这句的语法结构谢谢!Is there something repellent about me?前半句是主系表结构,从repellent about me 这里是什么成份? -
邸盆胃好:[答案] Is there something repellent about me? 前半句是主系表结构,repellent 是形容词作定语修饰 something about me是介词短语作定语修饰 something repellent 注意 修饰不定代词something的形容词必须放在后面

二道江区15111616560: 请帮我分析一句英语句子的语法结构,Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed--and perhaps never before has it ... -
邸盆胃好:[答案] 这其实是两个句子由破折号和and连接起来了.第一个句子很简单 第二句是倒装,正常的语序应该是:(and perhaps) it has never served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Eu...

二道江区15111616560: 谁来帮我分析一下这个句子的结构?Our music teacher is a pretty woman with long hair .仔细说明一下这个句子的结构,尤其是WITH这一部分. -
邸盆胃好:[答案] 主系表结构 主:Our music teacher,系:is ,表语:a pretty woman with long hair . with long hair 是woman的后置定语.

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