
作者&投稿:昌诞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My hometown is a small village in yushe. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here.

Hello everyone.My name is Happier1.I come from Guangxi. I'm very happy to come here to study with you. This class feels just like a big family to me. I'm interested in sport,pop music.I also enjoy playing games on net.I would love to play with you so
  Hello everyone.My name is Happier1.I come from Tianjin.
  I'm very happy to come here to study with you.
  This class feels just like a big family to me.
  I'm interested in sport,pop music.I also enjoy playing games on net.I would love to play with you sometime.
  I hope I can become your friend soon and make our dreams come true together.

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

  But in the old days, it was a poor and backward little town. many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

  In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

  I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

英文介绍我的家乡如下:我的家乡,是一个美丽的小城.My hometown is a small beatiful country.那里有我很多美好的回忆.there remains a lot of my delighted memory.我在那生活了12年.I lived there for 12 years.我很喜欢我的家乡.I love my hometown very much.那里有美丽的山水,纯朴的人们.繁...

用英语介绍自己的家乡简短如下:1、Beijing, the capital of China,is a very beautiful and important city,which is one of the ancient cities in China. There are many famous wonders and beautiful spots,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,Beihai Park and so on...

1、介绍自己的家乡(Introducing your hometown);2、补充背景和细节描述(Adding background and details);3、表达自己对家乡的喜恶(Talking about what you like or dislike about it);4、描述家乡的变化(Talking about how it has changed over time)。正文:My hometown - Yang Village, is...

介绍自己故乡是北京的英语作文:My hometown is Beijing. I have been living in Beijing since I was born. I love my hometown full of laughter and laughter.There are many ancient buildings in my hometown, such as Temple of Heaven Park, Palace Museum, and some snacks: sugar man, ...

you cannot miss Lanshan .It is very beautiful .Zhu Xie Wanzi (猪血丸子)is a must to eat because it is the tradional food in Shaoyang.It is round which is just like a ball and it is very delicious .But you cannot eat it as soon as you buy it from the market because ...

Let me introduce my hometown---Wuchuan city.Wuchuan is located in the westsouthern of Guangdong Province, it is belong to Zhanjiang city, Wuchuan has long history which is from the Neolithic Age. and now It is a opening city which is called famous town of architecture also is ...

Welcome to my hometown! Fujian is my hometown. It is a modern and busy province. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see green hills, big trees and nice flowers. There ...

"My hometown is in Qingdao, is a beautiful coastal city. The red tile green tree, blue sky, is Qingdao's iconic scene. Tourists come here in addition to being able to appreciate beauty, still can eat the delicious seafood. Qingdao is a very livable city, summer is not too ...

library to buy books,pay the cashier that in the little girl is me!我的家乡在广州,这里有很多高楼大厦,还有美味的老火靓汤,这里的公园又大又美,草长得又绿又多,树长得又高又挺拔,花儿开得又鲜艳又美丽.这里还有全国最大的购书中心,我经常去图书馆买图书,那个在收银台买单的小女孩就是我!

喀什地区13352518188: 请以“My hometown”为题,用英文写一篇60词的短文介绍自己的家乡.要点如下: 1. 我的家乡是一座美丽的现代化城市,在长江以南. 2. 安静,空气新鲜... -
融怖善唯:[答案] My HometownMy hometown is a beautiful city. It is south of the Yangtze River. It is quiet. The air is fresh. There are many green trees and flowers here. We can hear the birds singing and smell the ...

喀什地区13352518188: 英语小作文:以“My Hometown”为题写一篇短文介绍你的家乡. -
融怖善唯: 你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案: My Hometown My home town is a small town, which is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. There are hills and villages around my hometown. Through the river, ...

喀什地区13352518188: 假如你是来自农村的小朋友,根据你在城市里的朋友介绍你的家乡,想象说你家乡的房子,小桥,河,树木空气!不少于5句话(英语作文) -
融怖善唯:[答案] 这个小作文很简单了------- MY HOMETOWNI live in a beautiful country.There are the fresh air and beautiful river.A bridge over the river.Surrounded by trees.There are many house in woods.I love my beaut...

喀什地区13352518188: 描写乡村的英语作文(必须是英语,而且不少于5句话) -
融怖善唯: My Hometown 我的家乡 My hometown lies on the Plain of North China.The famous Grand Canal of China is to the east of our village.This is the place where my forefathers have lived for generations.When I was a boy I often played with other children ...

喀什地区13352518188: 写家乡变化的英语作文(5年级上学期水平)五句话就够了 -
融怖善唯: My hometown changes much. It becomes more beautiful. There are more high buildings in the city and more trees flowers along the sides of the streets. We live a happier life than before. The city looks like a beautiful garden now.我们的家乡变化很大.它变得更漂亮了.成立有更多的高层楼房,沿着街道两旁有更多的树木和花草.我们比过上了更幸福的生活.这座城市现在看上去像一个美丽的花园.

喀什地区13352518188: 帮帮忙,我现急需一个关于“介绍家乡”的小学生英语作文!!! -
融怖善唯: 我的家乡My hometown is Guilin(不知道楼主啊,不过桂林差不多了吧?). I have lived here since I was xx years old. The city is a very modern and developed city, but the natural beauties are still visible. Amidst the modern skyscrapers is a river ...

喀什地区13352518188: 一篇英语关于介绍自己家乡的作文80字 -
融怖善唯: Welcome to my hometownMy hometown is Nanning in Guangxi .It's very beautiful place, famous by the green city. standing near a wide river at the foot of continuous low green hills. Youcan see many birds, for example, swallows and sparrows, fly up ...

喀什地区13352518188: 用英语关于你家乡四季的小短文,不少于五句话. -
融怖善唯: It's often windy in spring. It's always very hot in summer. The sun shines every day. It's always warm in autumn, but it rains sometimes. It's often cold in winter, and it snows sometimes.

喀什地区13352518188: 介绍家乡的英语作文谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英语,我的家乡是河南洛阳,中国人有一句俗语叫做“洛阳牡丹甲天下”牡丹一般是在4,5月份开放,每当那个... -
融怖善唯:[答案] My hometown is henan luoyang, the Chinese have a phrase called "luoyang peony enjoys" peony is generally in 4 months open, every time when the time of luoyang peony will open, everywhere throughout th...

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