
作者&投稿:段干国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

English is important and useful to us。How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions。

First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs。Watching English movies is also helpful to us。
Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible。Don’t be afraid of making mistakes。
The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make。Wed better join the English club and practice with others。
Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines。Its good for us。At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries。

In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well。



English?is?very?important?today,we?have English?classes?in?school?every?day.?How?do?I?study?English??In?the?morningbefore?I?go?to?school I?will?listen?to?the?English?text?recording,follow,therecording?to?read?the?text.?And?before?the?class?in?the?schoolwe?will?have?anEnglish?words?dictation.After?school?I?will?do?some?English?homework.?In?theevening,before?I?go?to?bed,I?will?listen?to?the?English?channel?on?the?radioto?improve?my?listening.?I?also?have?some?foreign?net?friends,we?can?talk?inEnglish?on?line?so?I?can?practice?my?speaking.These?are?how?I?study?English.在今天英语是很重要的,我们每天都有英语课。我如何学习英语?在早上上学之前,我会听课文录音,跟着读课文。在学校上课之前,我们会有一个英语单词听写。放学后我会做一些英语作业。晚上的时候,在我睡觉之前,我会用收音机收听英语频道来提高我的听力。我还有一些外国网友,我们可以在网上用英语交谈来练习我的口语。这些就是我怎样学习英语的。想要学英语的朋友想必都知道,如今的英语培训教学模式主要分为线上英语培训和线下英语培训两种。经过我的仔细对比和研究,我觉得线上外教一对一的这种教学模式更值得大家选择,这种教学模式的好处就在于随时随地都能学习,方便快捷,能自主规划学习时间。点击蓝字免费领取,欧美外教试课:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】跟着真人外教一对一学习地道英语。阿卡索外教网课程有,成人英语、少儿英语、雅思托福、商务英语、职场英语、四六级英语等课程分类,每节课25分钟,课均不超过20元,性价比很高。  还有其他什么学习问题,可以百度搜“阿卡索vivi老师”为您分析解答。  想要更多的英语学习资源,可以百度搜“阿卡索官网论坛”免费下载。




 English is important for us in the modern world. So, how  can we  study it well?First,  I think we should listen to the  teacher carefully in class,  it is also important  to  read  english every day. Then, watch more  English movies ,it can improve your listening and reading skills. Next,  memorizing  popular lyrics  is a good way to practice your reading skills. At  last,  don't forget to ask  your teacher when you  have  problems.   





First, you should take notes and take them here and there. When you’re free, you can take them out and read it. Next, you should read English loudly. Many students know many grammars, but talking with others is hard. So reading is very important. It can make progress in your talking and listening, and it can also make you get excited, let you have a nice day. Then, talk with people in English; it’s interesting and very used. Finally, most importantly, try your best to learn English. No pains, no gains. I hope you can improve your English. Good luck! 





Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. Listen to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English and attend English debbates and speech contests. If we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes. What's more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. I believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well.






Plan for English Learning

  I'm a middle school student. I love English, but it's hard for me. Now I have a good plan to learn English。

  I have a pronunciation problem. I can't pronounce so well. So I plan to listen to the tape and read after it. I can't read English passages quickly and can't write a passage clearly. Now I plan to read more and practice writing often. As for listening, sometimes I can't understand what others are saying. So I plan to improve myself by listening to the radio and TV. Grammar is the most difficult for me. I have no idea of it, but I think my English teacher can help me with it。

  With this English-learning plan, I'm hoping for great progress。








How to learn English well

  English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions.

  First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We'd better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

  In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well.








The Way To Learn English

  Many people study English today, as English is widely used around the world. We can find many institutions that are out of school for English study. Learning English has become a trend, everybody wants to obtain the ability of speaking English. There are many ways to learn English well, first, watching American movies and TV series. It is a good way to have access to the local language, you can hear the original accent, sometimes, what the teacher tells you is not the right thing. Second, speak English as can as possible. Never be shy of saying English, the language is useful only you speak, everybody is not perfect, we have the right to make mistakes, so when you are laughed at by others, never mind it and let it go. Someday you can possess the ability of speaking perfect English.






Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. Listen to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English and attend English debbates and speech contests. If we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes. What's more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. I believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well.

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林屈地诺: Learning English takes time so if we want to learn it well, we should spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our ...

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涪城区18533401111: 怎样学好英语的英语作文(有题目) -
林屈地诺: How to study English well?The English is very important for us. I have been study English for eight years and really love it. I think the best way to learn new words is by reading English magazines. Watching English movies is not a bad way to learn English.Joining the English club at school can improve our English.


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