show和suggest的区别 都当显示讲的区别

作者&投稿:淡震 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
show和suggest的区别 都当显示讲的区别~


show 是显示、展示 ,

suggest 有暗示和建议的意思。

all over the show [口]到处, 遍地
be the whole show [美]充当主要角色; 唱独脚戏; 包办代替
be fond of show 喜欢卖弄
bench show [美]狗[猫]展览会
boss the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
run the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
by a show of hands 举手表决
chat show (电视台)现场访问节目
dumb show 哑剧; 手势
fashion show 时装展览
floor show 夜总会席地节目演出
for a show 为夸耀, 为给人家看
get a fair show [美][澳]得到公平[合适]的机会
give away the (whole) show 露马脚, 泄露秘密
give sb. a fair show 给与表现机会, 公正地对待某人
go to show 说明, 证明
good show [口]显著成绩
have a show of 有机会, 有可能
have the show of 有机会, 有可能
stand a show of 有机会, 有可能
stand the show of 有机会, 有可能
have sth. to show for 在...方面有可显示的成绩
hush-hush show [讽, 口]极端秘密的事
in dumb show 打着手势
in open show 公然
in show 外表上, 有名无实地
leg show 大腿舞
let the whole show down 搞垮整个事情
make a good show 好看, 大出洋相
make a show of sth. 卖弄, 显示; 展览; 装样子
make a show of oneself 丢丑, 出洋相
meat show [美俚]卖弄色相的脱衣舞
on show被展出
one-house show 经费不足, 效率不高的小商店, 小企业
picture show 画展; 电影, 电影院
put on a show 假装, 装病
put up a good show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好]
put up a bad show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好]
quiz show 智力竞赛节目
quiz program 智力竞赛节目
raree show 西洋镜[景]; 街头演出
road show 巡回演出; (首轮影院的)新片放映
run away with the show [美俚]取得特别突出的成就, 成为人们注意的中心
run the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
side show 穿插的小节目; 枝节问题, 次要事件
stand no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
stand no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
have no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
have no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
steal the show 抢镜头
stop the show 赢得热烈的掌声而使表演为之中断
talent show 业余能手演唱会
talk show [美](电视、无线电)访问节目, 座谈节目
whole show 整个组织, 全部活动 唯一重要的人物, 显要人物, 注意中心
Wild West show [美]牛仔戏
show forth [古]公布于众, 发表, 宣布
show in 领进(客人等)
show into 领进(客人等)
show itself 呈现, 露出
show off卖弄, 炫耀 陈列; 使显眼
show of hands 举手(表决)
show of reason 似乎有理
show oneself 出现, 露面
show one's cards 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算
show one's colours 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算
show one's hand 表明自己的计划或意图
show one's heels 一溜烟地逃走;[美]【体】追过, 大显比赛的优越本领
show one's teeth 发怒
show sb. the door 逐出, [美]拒绝要求
show out 送出(客人)
show sb. over 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. round 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. around 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. what one is made of 向某人显自已的才能、力量、品德等
show the wing (用飞行访问)显示空军力量
show up 到席, 露面; 显眼; 暴露; 揭发; 嘲笑; 使人难堪

suggest用法 :
suggest doing sth. 建议做某事,如:
I suggested going home. (我建议回家)
suggest that... 建议,注意:这是从句中用虚拟语气,即
I suggested that we should go home.(我建议我们回家)


/ səˈdʒest; US səgˈdʒ-; səɡˋdʒɛst/ v
(a) [Tn,, Tf, Tw, Tg, Cn.n/a] ~ sb (for sth); ~ sb/sth (as sth) put sth/sb forward for consideration 提出某事物[某人]供考虑; 提议; 建议: I suggest a tour of the museum. 我提议去参观博物馆. * Whom would you suggest for the job? 你建议由谁来做这工作? * I wrote suggesting that he should come for the weekend. 我写信请他来度周末. * Can you suggest how we might tackle the problem? 我们怎样处理这问题, 你能给出个主意吗? * He suggested taking the children to the zoo. 他提议带孩子们去动物园. * I suggest Paris as a good place for a honeymoon. 我提议去巴黎, 那是度蜜月的好去处. (b) [, Dpr.f, Dpr.w] ~ sth to sb propose sth to sb 向某人提议某事物: What did you suggest to the manager? 你向经理提了什麽建议? * I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way. 我向他建议我们用另一种方式处理这个问题.
[Tn, Tf,, Dpr.f] ~ sth (to sb) put (an idea, etc) into sb's mind 使某人想到(某事物): Which illness do these symptoms suggest (to you)? 这些症状(照你看来)像是什麽病? * His cool response suggested that he didn't like the idea. 他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意.
[Tn, Tf] state (sth) indirectly; imply 间接表明(某事物); 暗示; 意味着: `Are you suggesting that I'm not telling the truth?' `I wouldn't suggest such a thing for a moment.' ‘你的意思是不是说我没说实话?’‘我没有那个意思.’
[Tn,] ~ itself (to sb) come into sb's mind; occur to sb 出现在心头; 想到: I tried to think what could have happened, but nothing suggested itself. 我尽力回想到底出了什麽事, 但什麽也想不起来. * An idea suggests itself to me. 我想起一个主意来.
> suggestible / -əbl; -əbl/ adj easily influenced易受影响的: I did many stupid things when I was young and suggestible. 我年轻时受外界的影响做过不少傻事.suggestibility / səˏdʒestəˈbɪlətɪ; US səgˏdʒ-; səgˏdʒɛstəˋbɪlətɪ/ n [U].
suggestive / -ɪv; -ɪv/ adj
1 ~ (of sth) putting particular ideas or associations into sb's mind 提示的; 暗示的; 引起联想的: an aroma suggestive of spring flowers 使人想起春天的花朵的一种香气 * a complex, suggestive poem 意蕴很深的、 予人以丰富联想的诗篇.
2 making sb think of improper things 使人产生邪念()的: He gave her a suggestive glance, and she blushed. 他用挑逗的目光看了她一眼, 羞得她满脸通红. suggestively adv.
show 2
/ ʃəu; ʃo/ v (pt showed, pp shown / ʃəun; ʃon/ or, rarely, 罕读作 showed)
(a) [Tn, Cn.a, Cn.g, Dn.n,] ~ sb/sth (to sb) cause sb/sth to be seen; display sb/sth 使某人[某物]被看见; 显示或展示某人[某物]: You must show your ticket at the barrier. 必须在检票处出示票. * The film is being shown at the local cinema. 本地影院正在上映这部电影. * Her paintings are being shown (ie exhibited) at a gallery in London. 她的画正在伦敦的一个美术馆里展出. * The photo shows her dressed in black. 在这张照片里, 她穿着黑衣服. * In the portrait he is shown lying on a sofa. 在这张画像中画着他躺在沙发上. * He showed me his pictures. 他给我看了他的照片. * She has shown them to all her friends. 她把那些东西给她所有的朋友都看过了. (b) [Tn, Tf, Tw] allow (sth) to be seen; reveal 使(某物)被看见; 显露: A dark suit doesn't show the dirt so much. 黑色的套装禁脏. * My shoes are showing signs of wear. 我的鞋已经显得旧了.
[I, Ipr, Ip] be visible or noticeable 看得见; 可察觉出: Your petticoat is showing, Jane. 简, 你的衬裙露出来了. * Does the scar still show? 伤疤还看得出来吗? * His fear showed in his eyes. 他眼里露出恐惧的目光. * Her laziness showed in her exam results. 她平时懒惰从她的考试成绩可以看得出来. * His shirt was so thin that his vest showed through (it). 他的衬衫很薄, 连里面穿的背心都能看见.
[Tn no passive 不用於被动语态, Dn.n, Dn.w] point (sth) out; indicate 指出(某物); 指示; 告知: The clock shows half past two. 时钟的针指着两点半. * Show me which picture you drew. 告诉我哪张是你画的.
[Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (a) ~ itself be visible 呈现; 可看出: His annoyance showed itself in his face. 从他的脸上可以看出他有烦恼. * The sun didn't show itself all day. 一整天没出太阳. (b) ~ oneself be present; appear 出席; 出现: He showed himself briefly at the party. 他在聚会上匆匆露了一面. * The leader rarely shows herself in public. 这位领导她很少在公众场合露面.
[Tn, Dn.n,] treat (sb) with (kindness, respect, cruelty, etc); give; grant 对(某人)(和蔼、 尊敬、 残忍等); 给; 施予: The king often shows mercy (to prisoners). 这位国王常(对囚犯)大发慈悲. * The priest showed me great understanding. 神父对我非常理解. * They showed nothing but contempt for him. 他们对他轻蔑已极.
[Tn, Cn.a, Cn.n no passive 不用於被动语态] give evidence or proof of being or having (sth) 证明、 证实或表明为或有(某特质): show no signs of intelligence 表现得一点也不聪明 * a soldier who showed great courage/showed himself to be very brave 表现得非常勇敢的士兵 * She showed herself unable to deal with money. 她做出的事表明她不善理财. * He showed himself (to be) a dishonest rascal. 他的表现证明他是个无赖.
[Tn, Tf, Tw, Tnt, Dn.n,, Dn.f, Dn.w] ~sth (to sb) make sth clear; demonstrate sth; prove sth 使某事物清楚; 阐明或证明某事物: show the falseness of her claims/that her claims are false 证明她的说法不确 * show (him) how to do it/what to do 告诉(他)如何做[做什麽] * His expression shows how unhappy he is. 他的表情说明他非常不愉快. * Her new book shows her to be a first-rate novelist. 她的新书表明她是第一流的小说家. * They were shown the tragedy of war. 他们了解到了战争的悲惨. * She showed her methods of analysis to her pupils. 她向学生展示自己的分析方法.
[, Tn.p] lead or conduct (sb) to the specified place or in the specified direction 引领(某人); 引导; 指引: We were shown into the waiting-room. 把我们带到了候客室. * Please show this lady out (of the building). 请把这位太太送出去. * The usherette showed us to our seats. 女引座员把我们带到座位上. * Our trained guides will show you round (the museum). 我们这些训练有素的导游来带你们参观(博物馆).
[Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (infml 口) prove one's ability or worth to (sb) 向(某人)证实自己有能力或价值: They think I can't win, but I'll show them. 他们认为我赢不了, 但我要让他们看看.
(sl 俚 esp US) appear; show up 出现; 露面: I waited for you all morning but you never showed. 我整个上午都在等你, 但是没见到你的影子.
[I] (US) win a place (third or better) in a horse race 赛马中得名次(前三名).


show 是显示,suggest 是暗示

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My mother is the one who love me most around the world.She gave me life,gave me everything i have.But,how to get along well with our kind mother?My mother is very kind-hearted,she always gives me useful suggesstions when i was in trouble,not just helps me.She told me ...

1、what programs do you like best?how often do you watch them...
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Based on my personal experiences and opinions, there are suggetions that can be taken. First of all, the students should take every chance to practise their English speaking. For example, they can talk to others in English, take part in some English activities such as the English...

平昌县15225411955: show和suggest的区别 都当显示讲的区别 -
大叔重酮康: 前者show就是直白的显示,表明 后者suggest有点介乎表明和暗示之间的程度,有点需要推理才出结果之意,而推理的严谨程度又不及,imply暗示.

平昌县15225411955: show 和suggest哪个是weaker claim -
大叔重酮康: show 意思是 “表明”,加比较确切地指出或相当肯定地显示;suggest 意思是 “建议”,即提出自己的主观主张.显而易见,后者属于 weaker claim.

平昌县15225411955: 大家帮我看一下为什么这句话里的suggest能用show来替代吗?To a certain degree,good manners SUGGEST a person's good education and breeding. -
大叔重酮康:[答案] 额.这个难道是cloze题? 嗯其实这种意思差不多嘛,show的话就是说展现了什么,suggest就是暗示了什么,但是从句子意思的角度来看呢还是suggest比较通顺,细细去比较一下吧,这种题目也说不出个道理他答案规定这样就这样了吧,要学会默默...

平昌县15225411955: 大家帮我看一下为什么这句话里的suggest能用show来替代吗?
大叔重酮康: 额..这个难道是cloze题? 嗯其实这种意思差不多嘛,show的话就是说展现了什么,suggest就是暗示了什么,但是从句子意思的角度来看呢还是suggest比较通顺,细细去比较一下吧,这种题目也说不出个道理他答案规定这样就这样了吧,要学会默默的接受..我也是这样过来的555..

平昌县15225411955: 为什么有的单词后面加s不是复数还是单数,比如shows,suggests.另外三单和复数什么区别? -
大叔重酮康: show,suggest 都是动词,在主语是第三人称单数多时候,需要加s

平昌县15225411955: 选择题 快! -
大叔重酮康: suggest在此为"暗示"的意思.意思是"他说所说英语暗示了他是澳大利亚人例句:a silence that suggested disapproval.沉默暗示着反对sound:听起来:给人一种特别的印象,其后的词通常是其前面词特征的描述.例句:That argument sounds reasonable.那个观点听起来有道理

平昌县15225411955: suggest to do 与 suggest doing 用法上有什么区别? -
大叔重酮康:[答案] 先更正一下lz,没有suggest to do 这种形式,的确,suggest 后面 可以跟to,但to 这时是介词,后面要跟宾语,具体用法是:suggest + 名词/代词+to +人.如:We suggest the plan to him.另外就是suggest doing sth.表示“建...

平昌县15225411955: suggest 和indicate和show排个序,哪个更stronger -
大叔重酮康: demonstration展示illustration说明show表演indicate指明

平昌县15225411955: suggest与suggestion的区别和用法 -
大叔重酮康: suggest和suggestion有什么区别?一个是动词形式,一个是名词形式,意思相同,但是使用是在句子中的位置和承担的成分不同 suggest 动词 建议, 提出, 使想起, 暗示 例如: 1、 联想 a cloud that suggests a mushroom. 一朵让人想到蘑菇...

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