
作者&投稿:臾磊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 No sooner had I lain down than the telephone rang.
2 Never had he ever seen such a wide river before.
3 Behind the room was a hill with many fruit trees.
4 Had you arrived earlier yesterday,you would have seen his father.
5 Nowhere can we find a boat to ferry us.
6 Only in the deep forest can we find such amazing plants.
7 Only when he heard that the game had already started had he gone to the stadium.
8 Under no circumstances will we use nuclear weapons first.
9 Never has he fallen in love with the room.
10 Never had he thought that the project would have been completed so fast.


1 The first impression is unforgettable,and so is the last impression.
2 What is more important is how to solve disease, harm, death and economic losses that propablely happen.
3 The contribution to computer technology no longer restricted to any one country
4 The world's birth rate is decline, and so is the death rate.
5 Never had he expected to finish the project so quickly.
6 If they have not been working hard, he wouldn't have achieved such a great achievement

1、教堂附近有一间破旧的小屋(a ruined cottage)
Nearby the church is there a ruined cottage.
So small is the mark that I can hardly see it.
3、无论什么情况下都不要放弃计划(under no circumstance)
Under no circumstance will this plan be given up.
4、他刚睡着,就听到有敲门声(No sooner.... than)
No sonner did he fall asleep than heard the tap-tap.
Seldom do I hear such beautiful sound.
6、直到半夜才停雨(Not until....)
Not until mid-night did the rain stop

1.A ruined cottage lies near the church.
2.The mark is so small that I can not see it.
3.Give up the plan under no circumstance.
4.No sooner he heared the tap-tap than went to sleep.
5.I selom hear sound of signing pretty like this.
6.The rain did not stop until midnight.

1.Near the church there is a ruined cottage。
2.So small is the symbol that I can hardly see it。
3.Under no circumstance can we give up our plan。
4.No sooner did he go to sleep than he heard a knock at the door。
5.Seldom had I ever hear such a beautiful song。
6.Not until the midnight did it stop raining。

1.A ruined cottage stands nearby the church.
2.So small the mark was that I hardly saw it.
3.Under no circumstance can we give up the plan.
4.No sooner did he fell asleep than he heard the sound knocking at the door.
5.Seldom have I heard such beautiful sing.
6.Not until the midnight did it stop rainning.

Near the church there is a ruined cottage.
So small the mark is that I can hardly see it.
Under no circumstance shall we give up the plan.
No sooner had he slept than he heard the knock on the door.
Seldom had I heard so beautiful song.
Not until midnight did the rain stop.
要给我加分啊 谢谢啊

1.he not only once read that book, but also remembered the contents of inside.2.though she is very young, she was already a manager of big supermarket.3.only use this kind of method, you then can work°out this problem.4.if isn't thus to work hard, they will not ...

英语特殊结构的句型比较固定,在纷杂的英语句子中找出一些普遍性和代表性的规律,对理解或翻译颇有裨益。在尊重汉语习惯表达方式的前提下,如何将英语特殊结构译成准确的汉语,是提高翻译水平的关键问题之一。 1、倒装句 英语倒装句,无论是完全倒装,还是部分倒装,都与汉语的语序有差异,翻译时应尊重汉语习惯,将句子理顺。

求一些汉语翻译成英语的倒装句倒装句 晚上要写呢 麻烦了啊 谢谢_百 ...
1. There is a factory behind school.2. The children are climbing up.3. It seems like there is a mountain far away.4. I haven't watched TV a lot recently.5. You cannot give in on difficulties under any circumstances.6. You can only improve your spoken English this way.7...

Not until ... can you ... 是倒装吗?对应的非倒装句型是什么?
慌忙的气氛,生动地描绘了一个紧张,混乱的场面,以抓小偷。英语 翻盖是一个重要的修辞手段。使用倒装句丰富了我们的语言,了解和掌握使用各种句子倒装句,不仅将提高我们的英语升值,以提高英语技能也将受益。因此,写适当用一些倒装句的文章将更加生动的表情,功能强大。参考:Web内容 ...

before George 是地点状语放在句首,要求句子全部倒装。因为空格 后面的who had arrested him three times for drug-taking是一个定语从句,而定语从句要紧跟先行词,所以空格前面的名词,一定是policeman,这样才能是“逮捕他三次的警察”。如果选 C的话,就翻译成,站在警察面前的是那个曾经三次因吸毒...

1. Far away standing an old man.2. This is the second time I've been to the square.

倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和 一般过去时。常见的结构有:1)here,there,now,then,thus等副词置于句首,谓语动词常用be,come,go,lie,run。There goes the bell.Then came the chairman.Here is your letter.2)表示运动方向的副词或...

1)看到 介词和副词,想到的是全部倒装。如:Here comes the Sun.Up jumped the boy.2)否定副词、频率副词需要部分倒装。你说的:既没有方位介词也没有否定意味的词在句首,只能说明这类词没有全数遇见过,如rarely seldom, hardly, scarcely 本身就含有否定要倒装,frequently, more than once 等...

1.Not until he was at home that he realized his cellphone was in the classroom.2.So popular the book you referred to is that it is not available to buy one.3.Not only did she company me when I was ill,but also did all my work....


海北藏族自治州18789427943: 用倒装句翻译英语句子1、我刚躺下,电话铃就响了.2、他过去从未见过这么宽的河.3、在房间的后面是一座小山,山上有许多果树.4、你昨天要是早一... -
高晨三七:[答案] 1 No sooner had I lain down than the telephone rang. 2 Never had he ever seen such a wide river before. 3 Behind the room was a hill with many fruit trees. 4 Had you arrived earlier yesterday,you would have seen his father. 5 Nowhere can we find a boat ...

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 帮忙翻译个英语句子!要用倒装句!...
高晨三七: In front of the house is a little garden. Only by this way can you learn English well. Seldom is he late for school. Not until the techer came, did he finish his homework. So proud he is, he never takes others advice. Only if Mary invites me, would I like to come. May you have a happy birthday! 这些都是倒装句的典型用法.

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 帮忙用英语倒装翻译一下 -
高晨三七: Not only did he reach the goal ,but also wasting time前倒后不倒

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 用倒装句翻译英语句子 -
高晨三七: 1 No sooner had I lain down than the telephone rang. 2 Never had he ever seen such a wide river before. 3 Behind the room was a hill with many fruit trees. 4 Had you arrived earlier yesterday,you would have seen his father. 5 Nowhere can we find a ...

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 英语翻译用倒装句翻译1 我从未读过这些书2直到那个时候我才发现他错了3他对英国文学一点都不感兴趣4这就是生活 -
高晨三七:[答案] 我晕啊,怎么那么多人的翻译这么奇怪啊,外国人要这样说话全世界没人懂了.况且还不倒装-.-1.Never have I read these books.2.Not until that time did I realize he was wrong.3.No interests does he have in foreig...

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 用倒装句式翻译句子.英语高手请进!~ -
高晨三七: 1. After he just finished reading the poem, the students began to ask him questions.2. Under any situation, I will never and ever do any damage to our country.3. Once upon a time, there was an old fisherman lived in the village beside the beach.4. I ...

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 用倒装句翻译句子 -
高晨三七: 1. 它在这呢 Here it is 2. 它们在这儿呢 Here they are 3. 这是我们的风筝 Here is our kite 4. 你的袜子在这儿 Here are your socks希望对你有帮助,祝你天天开心^_^

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 帮忙翻译一句句子他虽然很年轻,但是他在钢琴上很有经验.要用Young开头的倒装句. -
高晨三七:[答案] Young as he is,he has abundant experience in playing piano.我觉得用丰富的修饰经验更确切.

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 帮忙把句子翻译成英语
高晨三七: 呵呵,这个句子有2 种翻译方法 1. I will not only study hard, but also do well in my job.这是正常语序的. 2. Not only will I study hard, but also do well in my job. Not only在句首,要用倒装语序

海北藏族自治州18789427943: 英语倒装句翻译 -
高晨三七: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:萌萌教育1,前面坐着一位老妪(ahead) Ahead sat an old woman. 2,他们一言不发地走了(away) Away they went without a word 3,在这座大楼下藏着秘密(beneath) Beneath the building hid ...

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