
作者&投稿:包保 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

Mr. King's dream of all men created equal is mine too. When I hear his speech, I e to know thatI have the same dream that people should work together and live together like brothers. Nobody will take advantage of others,with less work but more ine. But no, Mr King's dream remains as a dream even after so many decades since he left us. Look, people who have more houses want to keep them all for themselves, although there are so many people who do not even have a room to stay in. On the other hand, many people ,who have nothing, do not want to work harder to earn something on their own. They just plain that all men are not created equal.

So, if we look close at human beings, we will realize that Mr. King's dream will be a dream for a long, long time. Still, I admire him because at least he has a great dream, which is leading many people to treat others better.




急求一篇关于美国历史的英语作文 高中水平。长一点更佳 谢谢啦_百度知 ...
The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet...

所谓的frontier,是指美国历史上曾经存在的一条基于人口普查所划出的线,这道线的西部人均密度不足每平方英里两人,即拓荒的前线。1889年,最后一个纯原住民定居地区——俄克拉何马州开放非原住民定居;转年,美国人口普查局宣布“前线”已经不再存在(the frontier was closed),标志着美国的“西部...

急求关于美国历史的英语作文 长一点的 最好是原创的


at least he has a great dream, which is leading many people to treat others better.本篇是关于马丁路德金的一篇文章,马丁路德金发动了美国民权运动,将“非暴力”和“直接行动”作为社会变革的方法,迫使美国国会在1964年通过(民权法案),宣布种族歧视和隔离政策为非法政策。追问 好谢谢 ...



美利坚共和国的成长》莫里森,康马杰,洛依斯腾堡著 天津人民出版社 《美国外交史》比米斯著 商务印书馆出版 《火的考验:美国南北战争及南部重建》麦克弗森著 商务印书馆出版 《美国总统列传》大卫 惠特尼著 天津人民出版社 《美国共和党史》《美国民主党史》小阿瑟 施莱辛格主编 上海人民出版社 《近...

【求助】想了解一些关于美国的发展历史。 上课的时候老师说现代很多先进技术都不是美国人发明的,却都是美国籍的人发明的。因此很想通过美国的短暂几百年的发展史,以及它的基本地理知识和气候等相关知识进一步了解下美国的社... 上课的时候老师说现代很多先进技术都不是美国人发明的,却都是美国籍的人发明的。因此很...

百度百科里基本讲清楚了 1794年,美国总统乔治·华盛顿为了避免战争,缓和同英国的关系,派遣约翰·杰伊去伦敦与英国签订杰伊条约。杰伊条约激怒了法国,当时法国正在与英国交战,法国认为这一条约意味着美国同英国形成了同盟,破坏了此前美国在英法战争中一直保持的中立,实质上违反了美国同法国之间的友好通商...

前进区19769273731: 求有关美国国家历史或成长史的英语作文,适合作大学英语演讲用,要求3~估计500字以上吧,有的话请上传一下,急用,\(^o^)/~ -
攸安鲨肝:[答案] The full name of the United States of America USA (English: United States of America), was a British colony, all sorts of ... 经济发生了显著变化,北部、南部经济沿着不同方向发展.[4]南北矛盾日益加重. 1861年4月至1865年4月,美国南方与北方之间进...

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攸安鲨肝:[答案] The full name of the United States of America USA (English:United States of America),was a British colony,all sorts of factors ... [7]进入90年代,美国计算机产业发展迅速,并带动全球的高科技信息产业,开拓了新一代的产业革命. The original ...

前进区19769273731: 急!高分求一篇关于美国发展的英语论文!关于美国发展的就可以,可以
攸安鲨肝: 1.INTRODUCTION The United States consists of 50 states and Washington D.C... the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus sailed west from Europe and landed on one ...

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前进区19769273731: 急求一篇关于美国的作文《America》用英语 -
攸安鲨肝:[答案] americaamerica name is the united states of america.american beginnings in europe in the 16th and 17th centuries .in a new land.the settlement in virgia,puritan new england ,and catholic maryland,quak...

前进区19769273731: 急求一篇介绍美国的英语文章,最好在250字左右. -
攸安鲨肝: The United States of America (commonly referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, the States or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North ...

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攸安鲨肝: The United States has 50 states. the government is make up of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. the legislative is the Congress, which composes of the House of Representatives and the Senates. the head of the executive branch is...

前进区19769273731: 求一篇介绍美国概况的英语短文,100词,急!!! -
攸安鲨肝: The United States is the world's third or fourth largest nation by total area, before or after the People's Republic of China, depending on how two territories disputed by China and India are counted. Including only land area, the United States is third in...

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攸安鲨肝: The United States The United States is big .Let me tell you about the United States. The United States is speaking-English country.Washington D.C.is theThe capital city of the United States.The United States is south of Canada and west of China....

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