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因为明天可能不会像昨天这样冷;不会像昨天一样下雨;可能是一个大晴天!Because tomorrow might not be as cold as it was yesterday not as rainy as yesterday, or maybe it will be a sunny day!哪一天花开,不一定是昨天的最美丽,或许明天的会更好!Flowers bloom every day, and the most ...

请把一段话翻译成英文 谢谢
I will do everything I can to make it work. I will do my best and won't let you down. Whether I can get this job or not, I'm so appreciate that you can give me this opportunity.我帮你改了一下,你写的有点没信心。虽然我现在的英语并不是很好,但是我一定会让英语变得非...

I come from Qufu, Confucius's hometown, is a well-known tourist destinations, such as the three holes: Confucian, Confucius Temple, Konglin. The famous snack here is pancake, which is sweet and delicious, reasonable price. Welcome to Qufu for tour and tasting pancake....

Hi,everyone! My name is XXX. I'm five years old and come from the middle class two of Little Sun Kindergarten. Today I'm going to sing a song for you, the name is XXX. hope you like it. Thank you!晚上好不用 good evening,太成人化了,就用hi!,活泼自然,符合小孩子的...


原话翻译版:on the desk, there is picture. It's a pencil sketch drawn by my deskmate. It's a picture of a chicken, standing on a balloon. Held in the chichen's beak, is a flower with many stems branching out. Beside the chicken, there are two blooming lotus flowers with...

What exactly is suffering? It can make you now stand in happiness of clouds into the next moment the abyss of pain. It comes suddenly, and without warning.Her life is a tough journey, but she never to think the future will go to which direction.She was only learn a word, ...

Hello everyone!I am glad to stand here because this is the first time for me to talk with you. Though my English is very poor, I will try my best to speak some English .陈夏琪,Your English is very good!余燕丽,You are a good weiter,郭嘉欣,You are a beautiful and ...

在方法学,责任引入和不换岗等反面, 人们面对这种环境时的缺乏成熟的一面便表现了出来 Responsibilities and accountabilities are often abandoned and the sense for urgency in certain situations appeared underdeveloped.责任与义务往往被人们弃之不顾,而且 在一些领域,人缺少紧迫感 Finally,lower job ...

The HILP Process is our patented method designed to get top dollar for your home HILP程序是我们的专利产品,它的设计是为了让您的家居更好。The Home Improvement Listing Program (HILP) is an innovative real estate program.房屋修缮项目表程序(HILP)是一个创新的不动产程序。This program ...

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英语 -
荣史苯唑: I love life now, the sun, replenish. Learning every day more than 8 hours, although sometimes feel tired, but at least meaningful. 7:00 to get up every day, although sometimes feel trapped, but at least admire very much their own. 3.1 lines per day, ...

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英语
荣史苯唑: Time goes by so fast, and today I leave the last day. This leave my brother' s small restaurants to bookstores, on the Internet, the very substantial. Beginning tomorrow, and to enter the tension of their lives. I will work hard for the examination of the near future. 闷闷!

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英文 -
荣史苯唑: 当所有人都关心你飞的高不高时,只有少数人关心你飞的累不累,这就是朋友! When everyone is interested in if you fly high,there are few people who are concerned about whether you feel tired,those are friends!

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英文文字. -
荣史苯唑: Mankind has from the primitive society development, exploration of new energy has never been interrupted. In modern times, with the continuous exploitation of water energy, fossil energy, nuclear energy and other difficult problems. Not only are ...

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英文!高分! -
荣史苯唑: 她想尝试一切.她会说四种语言(英语,汉语,法语和西班牙语),会弹钢琴,小提琴,会敲鼓,而且她还是个体育迷!但她的最爱还是音乐.她很幸运的得到了Jay Chou的帮助!她的新专辑混合了流行和摇滚.19岁时,...

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英语
荣史苯唑: It was a sunny day last sunday.My friends and I were playing football in the garden near our house. We were deeply absorbed in the game and none of us saw a little girl approaching us . suddenly One of my friends kicked the ball so hard that the ball...

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英文,周末急用!! -
荣史苯唑: 布莱克夫妇非常喜欢吃水果.每天,布莱克先生(太太)都会去她家边上的店里买水果.水果店里的店员和她很熟并会给她很多帮助.布莱克太太可以在这里买很多种的水果,比如苹果,梨子,橘子和...

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英文
荣史苯唑: 如果我能解释爱是怎么产生的, 我早就成了百万富翁了! 我只知道爱是由眼神开始,渐渐蔓延至心灵直至灵魂深处. 你非常迷人,让我感觉强烈,我希望能接近你,感触你的心跳.和你度过钻石般闪耀充满生气、光芒、爱意和欢笑的日子.

鼎城区15757195891: 翻译一段英语短文 -
荣史苯唑: When I was eleven years old,one day I went skating with a friend.在我11岁时,有一天,我和朋友一起出去溜冰.It was my first time to go ice skating,so I was nervous.那是我第一次溜冰,我...

鼎城区15757195891: 一段英语翻译 -
荣史苯唑: stoked: 极其兴奋 hang ten: 是冲浪术语, 指双脚站在冲浪板前端, 十个脚趾紧抠着冲浪板. 这里可以意译为"冲浪"The dog is stoked. 这只狗见水就来精神.Other dogs may sit up or fetch, this...

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