
作者&投稿:佘袁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  爱情是文学中一个永恒的主题,受到了历代文学家的青睐,成为经久不衰的创作题材。下面是我带来的幸福爱情的英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


  持续了60年的 爱情 故事

  It was a freezing day, a few years ago, when I stumbled on’a wallet in the street. There was no identification inside. Just three dollars, and a crumpled letter that looked as if it had been carried around for years.


  The only thing legible on the torn envelope was the return address. 1 opened the letter and saw that it had been written in 1944一almost 60 years ago. I read it carefully, hoping to find some clue to the identity of the wallet's owner.


  It was a "Dear John" letter. The writer, in a delicate script, told the recipient, whose name was Michael, that her mother forbade her to see him again. Nevertheless, she would always love him. It was signed Hannah.


  It was a beautiful letter. But there was no way, beyond the name Michael, to identify the owner. Perhaps if I called information the operator could find the phone

  number for the address shown on the envelope.


  "Operator, this is an unusual request. I'm trying to find the owner of a wallet I found. Is there any way you could tell me the phone number for an address that was on a letter in the wallet?"


  The operator gave me her supervisor, who said there was a phone listed at the address, but that she could not give me the number. However, she would call and explain the situation. Then, if the party wanted to talk, she would connect me. I waited a minute and she came back on the line. "I have a woman who will speak with you.


  I asked the woman if she knew a Hannah.


  "Oh, of course! We bought this house from Hannah's family thirty years ago."


  "Would you know where they could be located now?" I asked.


  "Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home years ago. Maybe the home could help you track down the daughter."


  The woman gave me the name of the nursing home. I called and found out that Hannah's mother had died. The woman I spoke with gave me an address where she thought Hannah could be reached.


  I phoned. The woman who answered explained that Hannah herself was now living in a nursing home. She gave me the number. I called and was told, "Yes, Hannah is with us"


  I asked if I could stop bye to see her. It was almost 10 p.m. The director said Hannah might be asleep. "But if you want to take a chance, maybe she's in the day roomy watching television."


  The director and a guard greeted me at the door of the nursing home. We went up to the third floor and saw the nurse, who told us that Hannah was indeed watching TV.


  We entered the day room. Hannah was a sweet, silver- haired old-timer with a warm smile and friendly eyes. I told her about tinding the wallet and showed her the letter. The second she saw it, she took a deep breath. "Young man," she said, "this letter was the last contact I had with Michael." She looked away for a moment, then said pensively’,"I loved him very much. But I was only sixteen and my mother felt I was too young. Ile was so handsome. You know, like Sean Connery, the actor."


  We both laughed. The director then left us alone. "Yes, Michael Goldstein was his name. If you find him, tell him 1 still think of him often. I never did marry," she said, smiling through tears that welled up in her eyes. "I guess no one ever matched up to 0 Michael..."


  I thanked Hannah, said good-bye and took the elevator to the first floor.


  As I stood at the door guard asked,"Was the old lady able to help you"


  I told him she had given a lead"At least I have a last name. But I probably won't pursue it further for a while I explained that I had spent almost the whole day trying to find the wallet's owner.


  While we talked, I pulled out the bruwn-leather case with its red-lanyard lacing and showed it to the guard. I 1e looked at it cluscly and said, "tley, I'd know that anywhere. That's Mr. Goldstein's. He's always losing it. I found it in the hall at least three times"


  "Who's Mr. Goldstein?" I asked. "He's one of the old-timers on the eighth floor. That's Mike Goldstein's wallet, for sure. He goes out for a walk quite often."


  I thanked the guard and ran back to the director's office to tell him what the guard had said. He accompanied me to the eighth floor. I prayed that Mr. Goldstein would be up.


  "I think he's still in the day room," the nurse said. "He likes to read at night...a darling old man."


  We went to the only room that had lights on, and there was a man reading a book. The director asked him "Goodness if he had lost his wallet. Michael Goldstein looked up, felt his back pocket and then said, it is missing."


  "This kind gentleman found a wallet. Could it be yours?"


  The second he saw it, he smiled with relief. "Ye afrernoon. I want to give you a reward."


  "Oh, no, thank you," I said. "But I have to tell finding out who owned the wallets," he said, "that's it. Must have dropped it this you something. I read the letter in the hope of finding out who owned the wallet."


  The smile on his face disappeared. "You read that letter'?"


  "Not only did I read it. I think 1 know where Hannah is."


  He grew pale. "Hannah'? You know where she is`? How is she? Is she still as pretty as she was?”


  I hesitated.


  "Please tell me!" Michael urged.


  "She's fine,and just as pretty as when you knew her."


  "Could you tell me where she is'? I want to call her tomorrow." He grabbed my hand and said,"You know something'? When that letter came:, my life ended. I never married. I guess I've always loved her."


  “Michaelaid. "Come with me’The three of us took the elevator to the third ,We walked toward the day room where Hannahw,as sitting. still watching TV. The director went over to her. "Hannah,”he said softly. "Do you know this man"


  Michael and I stood waiting in the doorway.


  She adjusted her glasses, looked for a moment, but didn't say a word


  "Hannah, it's Michael. Michael Goldstein. Do you remember'?"


  "Michael'? Michael? It's you!"


  He walked slowly to her side. She stood and they embraced. Then the two of them sat on a couch, held hands and started to talk. The director and walked out, both of us crying.“See how the good Lord works, it will be said philosophically. "If it's meant to be,it will be."


  Three week, later, I got a call from the director who asked,"Can you break away on Sunday to attend a wedding?"He didn't wait ibr an answer."Yup. Michael and 1-lannah arc booing to tir the knot"


  It as a wedding with all the people at the nursing home joining in the celebration.Hannah wore a beige dress and looked beautiful Michacl wore a dark blue suit and stood tall.The hume gave them their own room, and if you ever wanted to see a 76-year-old bride and a 78-year old groom acting like two teen-agers, yuu had to sec this couple


  A perfect ending for a love affair that had lasted nearly 60 years.



  As Anna looked out the window of her old beach house on the edge of the emerald sea, she bedpan to remember all the beautiful memories she had there throughout her many years. One memory in particular seemed to come to mind It was about 70 years ago late in the month of.August. Anna was 16 years old and that was her first summer together with Peter. Although she felt that she had been with him forever, it had only been a short month since then had tirst met on that very beach. This particular day was so memorable that Anna found herself thinking about it all the time, since Peter ha、passed away.


  Early that morning at about 5:45, Anna awoke to the sound of a tapping on her window. When she opened the window, to her surprise Peter was standing there with a

  picnic basket and a blanket. Peter told Anna that since it was his last day at the beach this summer that he wanted to spend the entire day with her. from the time of the sunrise to after the sunset on the horizon. After they watched the sunrise early that and ate their romantic picnic breakfast. they一sat on the swing at the nearby park.They talked for hours on end, telling each other how they would keep in touch until they could be together the following summer.


  It was a beautiful day and the aun beamed down on them in the early afternoon as they swam in the waves of the crystal clear water at the beach. Anna could remember them splashing and playing in the water for what has seemed like a million years and not knowing where all the time had gone.

  那天天气很好,他们在海边清澈的波浪里 游泳 ,午后的阳光照耀在他们身上安娜仍然记得,他们在海里打着水仗,时间在嬉戏中不知不觉地流失。

  It was already starting to get dark on the beach. So then, Anna and Peter dried off and found a pretty spot at the top of a hill they had often gone to talk throughout the summer. They set out their blankets and laid in each other's arm until all of sudder it began to pour. Most people would have thought that the rain would put a damper on their prfect day, but Anna still remembers the strike of excitement it sent through her, as the drops poured down.The way Peter had taken her by the hand and led her down the side of muddy hill to the beach sent chills up her spine.They began to dance right there on the sand, in th a pouring rain. As they danced. in each other strong embrace.Anna could still remember Peter's exact words. He said to her.‘f love you Anna and f want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life’At that very moment. Anna knew that she felt exactly the same and that they would be together for the rest of their lives.


  As the rain bedpan to stop and the clouds cleared from the sky, Peter and Anna sat down to watch the most beautiful sunset that either of them had ever seen. Peter walked Anna home that night and regardless of how hard it was for the both of them to say good-bye; they both knew it had to happen eventually. Throughout that year, Anna still remembers sending and receiving dozens of letters and pictures to keep in touch.


  Thinking back through the 69 wonderful years that they had together, that one day is the one that stands out most in her mind Although she had many more memories that are unforgettable with Peter, she still thinks back to the way he looked that night. The way his wet dark hair fell over his sapphire blue eyes still put butterflies in Anna's stomach’!In addition, the way that his strong body made her feel so safe as they danced in the rain, like ht would never let her go.


  Anna spent many days and nights for the past nine months since Peter had passed away reminiscing" about that one special day they had together, she never regretted any of the time they had spent together. She only cherished the way that sun looked as it raised and tell over the horizon. Anna continued to sit by her windowsill and dream of yesterday and she would continue to until the day she could be with her one true love, Peter again.


тō、╭宝°ЬαΟ ╮╄→【⒈⒋⒊⒎】属於·莪们dё婞福╭ァ ┏从你说话的举止中莪螚感觉到叻你的背叛┏ ┎惢在滴血┐ 谢谢!你的杰作!ㄗs:,╰.*?迷茫__ 。? ノ ;{{让ωǒ..|`卟知所措つ┉...┈━═☆ 错过了`⒐~~8.能再﹎挽回﹏ (我爱你。) ---┈-- ---﹨,...

(有人说,我的爱情只是我的自以为。)Let everything blank, with the life to 6 I say to you that three words.让一切都空白,用生命去诠释我对你说的那三个字。The original love never leave, but I remember you forgot.原来爱情从来都没有离开过,只是我记得你却忘记了。I don't want...

可是他是仆人,而她却是高高在上的公主,莱昂无法确认他的爱情,可他抱着最后一线希望,想知道芭莎会不会爱他。 这天,莱昂给公主和王子们准备的甜点依然是冰激凌,由于真正的巧克力冰激凌还未研制成功,他急中生智,在芭莎的那份冰激凌上直接用巧克力写了几个英文字母"DOVE",正是DO YOU LOVE ME的缩写。他相信如果...


13.人生平静便是福,平静生活,真实而洒脱。生命太短,最没有意义的就是不情愿的重复,所以人生第一要义不是天天幸福,而是不烦,喜怒哀思悲恐惊,酸甜苦辣咸麻涩鲜,都是人生经验。 14.结婚是爱情的坟墓,但是如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。 15.要成功不需要什么特别的才能,只要把你能做的小事做得好就行了。 16...


吾愿执子手不弃 爱之相守并白头 蓝天碧海夜夜心 顺兮韶华阅千帆 福兮相与淡如禅

人所处的环境不同 ,但凡福祸相依,苦乐掺半,只要从容处世,看淡得失,积极努力地发掘生活中美好的一面,幸福的感觉就会接踵而来的...幸福其实就在我们身边、就在我们眼前、就在时空的分秒间。。。幸福是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态,幸福的特征就是心灵的平静,所谓知足...


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大季促强筋: Love Love is the ultimate prize in life, the gift that I am most thankful for. The description of love is found in every smile, every pounding heart, and the sweet taste of every single kiss. Love is an emotional feeling deep inside the human soul. Love is ...

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大季促强筋: 爱情 I'm in love with you from theday i knew you till now. 我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界. Two souls ...

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