
作者&投稿:弘该 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Many people come to a conclusion,they can't win the war.
Finally,he decide to come to our side.
Don't throw,it maybe used in coming days.
Before long,he come to like his job
How you come to so lazy
I have never come up against the word
Come on.Don't be afraid ! this is not serious than you think
Of course, you will come across lots of difficult.
It's not easy to come at fresh vegetables here in winter.


Many people have come to the conclusion that they cannot win the war
He finally decided to come to our side
Don't throw away! ' might be used in the future.
Before long, he took to his work.
How did you become so lazy
The word I seem to come across
To. To. Don't be afraid! it didn't you think so terrible
Naturally, you will encounter many difficulties
Fresh vegetables in this place in winter is not readily available


But destiny for me , which is a start.但是,命运对我来说,这是一个开端。 Time remind me a lot.时间提醒我很多东西。 People or other things.人或其他东西。 People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.人们谁真正爱一次的可能性要大得多爱一次。 Last winter, wh...

问题补充:不好意思,第四条我补充 从北京到桂林的旅游线路,你可以先去著名的漓江,坐在小舟上欣赏美丽的景色,然后可以去银子岩,那是中 国第4大岩洞。在桂林的羊朔线的洋人街将是你购物和吃饭的好去处。在那你将会体会到不一样的中国特色。On the route from Beijing to Guilin,you can go to...

China, the world's fourth largest economy in the world economy resulted in a growing stage a far-reaching impact, with the trend of the world to speed up economic integration. Among countries ever closer economic ties. And the financial crisis will undoubtedly have a significant ...


of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.但是却极少有人要求书能给予我们什么东西。非常普遍的情况是我们看书时,脑子里一片混沌,充满了矛盾的想法,要求小说要真实可信,诗歌要虚假不实,传记要吹嘘颂扬,历史要支持我们自己的偏见。If we could banish all such preconceptions when we r...

谁可以帮我翻译一篇英语稿 直接翻译就行 急用!!!
No man is born wise or learned 在人的一生中,人总是在不停地学习,没有人是一出生就拥有知识的,一个人总是在不停地进步,知识是一步一步积累的。 In life, the people are constantly learning, no one is born with knowledge of, a person always in constant progress, step by step ...

英语达人请近来帮我翻译一下 非常简单
尛月啊有错 堂表兄弟姐妹不能用brothers之类的 那是指亲生的 而应该用cousins 而且定语从句that 后面的make应该是三单makes因为主语country是单数 英琛 第四排的that后面多了个it.我的翻译:I am glad to hear from you.My name is ...,and I am a ...-year-old Chinese girl.My parents ...

B:是的,每到周末我们打九折,凡是消费满二百元的顾客可获得一张贵宾卡,以后每次到我店可享受八折优惠。并且每周都会举行一些有趣的比赛,例如个人厨艺大赛,吃汉堡大赛等,赢者均有奖品 Yes, we give a 10% discount every weekend, customers will receive a VIP card with a purchase of 200 ...

As an chinese,I believe everyone is very proud for the 28th Olympic games.Because It'll hold in our capital,beijing.The year 2008 will be a history for us.The theme of this game is one world,one dream.we are looking forward to joining in the games.People all over the ...

Folks' Home, attending the sports meeting, doing ritual servicees and so on. I am looking forward for this opportunity, my respective teachers, and certainly I will not let you down.根据前面几个人的答案,再改了一些语法错误。希望对你有帮助(*^__^*) 还有什么问题可以PM我~...

永定县18041342159: 进来帮我翻译一个英语句子? -
征残氨酚: Fool me like you 谢谢采纳

永定县18041342159: 会英语的进来帮我翻译一下. -
征残氨酚: unselfish love无私的爱.The old man said his pension was enough for him and his daughter didn't need so much money.He donated the money because he wanted to help those in need. 那老人说:他的退休金够他自己用,并且他女儿也不需要那么多钱. 他捐钱是因为他想帮助需要帮助的人.(捐的他自己的存款)

永定县18041342159: 急啦~~那位英语好的,进来帮我翻译下呐~~! -
征残氨酚: 宝贝,你让我感到很舒适安逸,而这让我安心,我将想你每一天. 看看行不

永定县18041342159: 英语好的进来帮我翻译 -
征残氨酚: 我说喂,你要清醒别再轻易掉眼泪. said feed, you must sober do not shed tears easily again. 是是非非你要勇敢去面对,该放就放别让自己那么累,无所谓,自由自在的飞,让梦纯粹,静候轮回.The right and wrong you want to face bravely, should put does not put by oneself that tired, indifferent, free flying, lets the dream be pure, awaits calmly the samsara.

永定县18041342159: 懂英语的进来,请帮我翻译一下 “我宣誓,从现在开始,我对我的未来负百分之一百的责任 -
征残氨酚: I swear,from now on,I take 100% responsibility for my future.(人工翻译,各处与您的要求对应,意思绝对自然准确)

永定县18041342159: 英语高手进来,请帮我翻译几句求饶的话,最好是美国俚语对不起,我真的不是故意的,请您不要这样做好吗?我错了!请您放过我这次吧,我保证不会再有... -
征残氨酚:[答案] Sorry,I really am not intentionally,please you do not complete likethis?I was wrong!Asks you to let off my this,I guaranteed will not beable again to have the next time!You have forgiven my this,asked!Asked you!Please do not have to me like this

永定县18041342159: 会英语的进来一下下 帮我译英文 -
征残氨酚: We will send the balance waybills later所差 WAYBILL 稍后补发 In addition, here are the balance waybill还有 这是所差WAYBILL Happy holiday!节日快乐!

永定县18041342159: 英语高手进来一下,,帮我翻译这个句子,,
征残氨酚: 楼主,您好,很荣幸能为您解答. 我的翻译如下:在您所处的区域,我们无法为顾客提供服务 region [ˈri:dʒən] n.地区,地带,区域;范围,幅度 希望我的一点小小的建议能给你带来帮助,祝你好运!

永定县18041342159: 请英语高手进来帮我翻译一下,谢谢,要保证准确率哦 -
征残氨酚: Do I imprisoned you? Or do you occupy me? You broke my heart? Locking doors and twisting. Lost lock key is that I, perhaps your own. Since then unable to open the door, always, you, in my heart. 你试试.

永定县18041342159: 英语好的进来帮我翻译一下 一定要准确哦!拜托
征残氨酚: your happiness is my happiness 这两句都能这么翻译

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