请根据首字母或括号内的提示用单词的正确形式填空 小题1:The _______ (perform) of all the dancers on t

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请根据首字母或括号内的提示用单词的正确形式填空 (共15题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)小题1: Harry Potter ,~

小题1:author 小题2:dedicated 小题3:furious 小题4: appeal 小题5: account 小题6:permission小题7: gently 小题8:sought 小题9:genuine 小题10:physicist 小题11:surrounded 小题12:measures小题13:exist 小题14:urban 小题15:impressive 试题分析:小题1:author 名词作者author。注意该词的单词拼写。小题2:dedicated 固定搭配be dedicated to sth/doing sth="be" devoted to sth/doing sth小题3:furious 形容词暴怒的furious,与介词with连用。小题4:appeal 固定搭配appeal to呼吁,吸引,迎合;我们能够呼吁慈善组织帮助这些不幸的人。小题5:account 固定搭配account for占据…的比例;解释….的原因;你能解释一下实验中这一系列失败的原因吗?小题6: permission 名词允许permission作为介词for的宾语。小题7: gently 用副词gently做状语来修饰动词smile。小题8:sought 动词seek寻找的过去式,seek for寻找…。小题9: genuine 名词真正的genuine,该词相当于true。小题10:physicist 名词物理学家physicist,注意构词法-ist结尾的通常都是指人的名词。小题11:surrounded 动词包围surround,本句中的名词himself与动词surround构成了被动关系,故使用过去分词在句中做补足语。小题12:measures 动词measure指重量达…;长度为…;该词没有被动语态的形式。小题13: exist 动词存在exist。句意相互尊敬,就不存在相互的真爱。小题14: urban 形容词城市的urban。相当于与乡村的rural。小题15: impressive 形容词令人印象深刻的impressive,是由动词impress转换而来。点评:单词拼写考察实词居多,特别应注意名词单复数的变化,动词时态语态的变化,形容词和副词的变化,以及虚拟语气等具体语法的使用。

小题1:misunderstood 小题2:debating 小题3:attended 小题4:consists 小题5:theory 小题6:defeated 小题7:attraction 小题1:考查动词形式。结合后面的did可确定misunderstand的时态。小题2:考查动词形式。debate about sth with sb就...[事情]与某人争论/争辩 。小题3:考查attend的意义。attend vt.出席,参加;[常用被动语态]照顾;陪伴小题4:考查consist的意义。consist of 由…..组成,由………构成。注意主谓一致。小题5:考查theory 的意义和拼写。小题6:考查defeat的意义和时态。小题7:考查attraction的形式;不可写成attract。

小题10:affects/ influences
小题11:anyhow/ anyway

根据首字母填英语单词:g( )a place with many flowers and trees...
一个一个空帮你填哈:garden ;tomorrow piano tv hour Thursday 希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!学习进步哦!及时采纳,谢谢。

what did you t( ) a( )?(在括号里填写字母,根据首字母)
what did you t(alk ) a(bout )?what did you t(ear ) a(part )?你把什么东西给拆了?

1 operating ( be doing 正在做某事)2 thousands ( thousands of 成千上万的)3 satellites 人造卫星 (人们用卫星来发送和接收信息)4 She was seen to cry under the tree ( by me ) just now.括号里可要,可不要。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_...

一.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词 二.用括号里单词的适当形式填空._百度...
一.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词 1. Lisa often takes pictures in the park. This is one of them. It's beautiful.2.Mr lee has two sons and a daughter.They're clever.3.We call the son and the daughter of father's sister cousin.4.We call mother's sister aunt and mother'...

1) entertained 2)mountainous; 3)Unfortunately 4)overcome 5)astonished6)amused 7).explanation 8)hunger 9)humourous 10)failed 略

”故填part。小题3:考查固定短语。“这个夏天,我有机会和父母去乡下旅游。”go on a visit to sp“去某地旅游”。故填visit。小题4:在乡下,作者认识到了大自然的真面目。realize“意识到”。故填realize。小题5:乡下的生活比较简单,和城里的很不同。故填simple。小题6:乡下的路上很少有汽车...

1,Where is Mary? Does she leave alone?[貌似没有off什么事]2,Through his behavior in the rainy night,he is a good person in my mind。1.apartment 2.personal

bill quick worth southern blind 1.fastest 2.regretted 3.western 4.success 5.fried 6.Russian 7.lightly 8.cookers

二.完成句子 (15分) 根据括号中中文、首字母提示或句子结构的语法性...
1.permission 2.limited 3.lying 4.unbelievable 5.apologize 6.weaknesses 7.slightly 8.impatient 9.sight 10.puzzled 11.discount 12.what 13.one 14.whoever 15.that 略

...money in that bank.(根据首字母填空) 括号里填什么?急
he will collect some money in that bank 【collect money 】集资 有不会的可以再问我

祥云县15845469465: 根据句子和首字母提示,在括号内填入一个恰当的单词 I like s( ) at school -
正征阿巴:[答案] I like (studying,学习) at school. 我喜欢在学校学习. like doing,喜欢做.

祥云县15845469465: 根据首字母提示,在括号内填入适当的单词,使句子完整.1.I don't b____ - there are trees that can blossom all year around.2.The round box is well d_____.I'd ... -
正征阿巴:[答案] 1.I don't believ there are trees that can blossom all year around我不相信能够会有大树可以一年四季都开花结果2.The round box is well done.I 'd like to take it as a souvenir.圆盒子完成得很好,我想要把它当...

祥云县15845469465: 根据首字母以及括号里的提示补全单词 -
正征阿巴: 1. smart 2. apartment3. anstronaunt4. pollution5. Robots

祥云县15845469465: 根据首字母以及括号里的提示补全单词Gina is a s______ - girl(clever)I will live in an a_____ - alone.(a number of rooms in a building to live in)David wants to ... -
正征阿巴:[答案] 1.smart 2.apartment 3.anstronaunt 4.pollution 5.Robots

祥云县15845469465: 根据首字母提示或括号内的汉语意思拼写单词. 1. I made my assistant my a___ - while I was abroad. 2. Those dead soldiers were buried in the t____. 3. We ... -
正征阿巴:[答案] 1. agent 2. tombs 3. destination 4. governs 5. abundant 6. parallel

祥云县15845469465: 根据首字母提示,完成下列单词.括号前的就是首字母哦1.Last Sunday we went to a beautiful b( )2.There is a l( ) milk in the glass.3.I like eating f( ) fish.4.Did you ... -
正征阿巴:[答案] 1.Last Sunday we went to a beautiful b( each) (beach海滩) 2.There is a l(ittle ) milk in the glass. (little一点) 3.I like eating f( resh) fish. (fresh新鲜) 4.Did you like your v( oice)? (voice嗓音) 5.He w(alks )to school every day. (walk走路 walks第三人称单数) 6....

祥云县15845469465: 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空. - ( )(who) apples are those? - ( )(they) are Li Ming's. -
正征阿巴:[答案] 【Whose 】 apples are those?-【They 】 are Li Ming's. 那些是谁的苹果? 是李明的. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

祥云县15845469465: 根据句子意思和首字母提示,补全单词,并在右边的括号内写上中文意思.1.Tony visited m( ) places last summer holiday.( )2.The food was s( ) in Sichuan.( )3.A... -
正征阿巴:[答案] many 许多 sold 卖 wrote 写 happened 发生 forests 森林 最后一个如果是trees的话,就好做了,但不是,那么现在这样就有些牵强了

祥云县15845469465: 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词.在括号里填.1.Don't run in the road.It's d( ).2.There are many children in the zoo.E( ) is very happy.3The shoes are not m( ) .They'... -
正征阿巴:[答案] dangerous; everyone; mine; eight/ eighty/ enough.

祥云县15845469465: 根据首字母提示,在括号内填入适当的单词,使句子完整. -
正征阿巴: 1.I don't believ there are trees that can blossom all year around我不相信能够会有大树可以一年四季都开花结果2.The round box is well done. I 'd like to take it as a souvenir.圆盒子完成得很好,我想要把它当做一个纪念品

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