
作者&投稿:产复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Abstract : In this paper the manufacturing material, manufacturing process and application of optical waveguide were introduced, also the development of research on the femtosecond laser was elaborated, esp. the detailed research on optical waveguide parts made of femtosecond laser. About the interactoin between the femtosecond laser and its medium, it was elaborated in this paper from the view of the index change of refreactive index and non-linear absorption, in which some more detailed explanations on how femtosecond laser and lithium niobate crystals react were made. Regarding the concrete operating steps, instructions on how to make 1×2 optical waveguide power dividers were introduced, including manufactring method, main equipments and metarials required for experiments. In the end of the paper, testing on the optical properties of optical waveguide was elaborated and the testing results was discussed as well.

On the Wuning music Park plant species ’、Growth status and configuration investigation and analysis systemBy plants of different classification of scenic spotAnalysis of the allocation of the plant in the form of selection and landscape effects、The improvements of Park plant landscape configuration花咯十分钟翻译出来的 希望可以帮忙不 诚心第一

Tramp novel produced in the middle of the sixteenth century of a kind of new literature genre, it is described in the lower city
Life as a center, from the urban character permanently in the Angle to observe and analyze the various social evils,
With the form of characters, humor LiuLangShi nifty style, concise and fluent language, widely reflects that
Social life, has certain ideological significance and artistic value of the novel.
In the nineteenth century American novels, mark? Twain's "huckleberry? The inspector general adventure" a stray
Han novels in the United States new development. The novel is highlighting the traditional western tramp the art of fiction
Features, and is characterized by The Times mark, enrich and deepen the hobo novel of the ideological connotation, the full champions
American literature has had a broad and profound effect. The adventures of huckleberry? Analyzed adventure "grind
To investigate, the basic characteristics of the novel tramp image is discussed, for its image analyses.
The adventures of huckleberry adventure? Authors chose shaping tramp such an image (surface augean
Dirty, but inner kind), also with the American society in those corruption in the so-called "ugly civilization" the image
(and clean surface but inner sinister) formed a sharp contrast, appropriately explained the American industrialization era for beauty
Good tradition and basic human impact, with strong spirit of the era. The adventures of huckleberry adventure?
Tramp image symbolizes the united nation image of formal establishment for American culture independent laid a solid

Picaresque novel in the sixteenth century produced a new literary genre, which is based on the underlying description of the city
As the center of life, from the perspective of the lower rungs of the city to observe, analyze the various social evils
History with the characters wandering the form of playful humor, style, simplicity of language, broadly reflect the current
Social life, with a certain ideological and artistic value of the novel.
In the 19th century American novels, Mark? Twain's "Huckleberry? Finn Adventures" is the stray
Han novel new development in the United States. The novel not only highlights the Western tradition of art picaresque novel
Characteristics, but also has the distinctive mark, rich, and deepened the ideological content of the picaresque novel, and later in Europe
U.S. literature a broad and profound impact. Of "Huckleberry? Finn Adventure" is analyzed research
Study of the basic characteristics of the novel tramp image are described, its image in-depth analysis.
"Huckleberry? Finn Adventures," the author chose to create an image of Tramp (surface dirty
Dirty, but good inside), also with the ugly corruption in American society in the so-called "civilized" image
(Inner surface of a clean but vicious) in sharp contrast to the proper interpretation of the American industrial age to the U.S.
Tradition and the basic human good effect, with a strong spirit of the times. "Huckleberry? Finn Adventures"
Tramp image symbolizes the formal establishment of the image of the American nation, the United States, laying a solid cultural independence

Picaresque novel in the sixteenth century produced a new literary genre, which is based on the underlying description of the city
As the center of life, from the perspective of the lower rungs of the city to observe, analyze the various social evils
History with the characters wandering the form of playful humor, style, simplicity of language, broadly reflect the current
Social life, with a certain ideological and artistic value of the novel.
In the 19th century American novels, Mark? Twain's "Huckleberry? Finn Adventures" is the stray
Han novel new development in the United States. The novel not only highlights the Western tradition of art picaresque novel
Characteristics, but also has the distinctive mark, rich, and deepened the ideological content of the picaresque novel, and later in Europe
U.S. literature a broad and profound impact. Of "Huckleberry? Finn Adventure" is analyzed research
Study of the basic characteristics of the novel tramp image are described, its image in-depth analysis.
"Huckleberry? Finn Adventures," the author chose to create an image of Tramp (surface dirty
Dirty, but good inside), also with the ugly corruption in American society in the so-called "civilized" image
(Inner surface of a clean but vicious) in sharp contrast to the proper interpretation of the American industrial age to the U.S.
Tradition and the basic human good effect, with a strong spirit of the times. "Huckleberry? Finn Adventures"
Tramp image symbolizes the formal establishment of the image of the American nation, the United States, laying a solid cultural independence basis.

Tramp novel produced in the middle of the sixteenth century of a kind of new literature genre, it is described in the lower city
Life as a center, from the urban character permanently in the Angle to observe and analyze the various social evils,
With the form of characters, humor LiuLangShi nifty style, concise and fluent language, widely reflects that
Social life, has certain ideological significance and artistic value of the novel.
In the nineteenth century American novels, mark? Twain's "huckleberry? The inspector general adventure" a stray
Han novels in the United States new development. The novel is highlighting the traditional western tramp the art of fiction
Features, and is characterized by The Times mark, enrich and deepen the hobo novel of the ideological connotation, the full champions
American literature has had a broad and profound effect. The adventures of huckleberry? Analyzed adventure "grind
To investigate, the basic characteristics of the novel tramp image is discussed, for its image analyses.
The adventures of huckleberry adventure? Authors chose shaping tramp such an image (surface augean
Dirty, but inner kind), also with the American society in those corruption in the so-called "ugly civilization" the image
(and clean surface but inner sinister) formed a sharp contrast, appropriately explained the American industrialization era for beauty
Good tradition and basic human impact, with strong spirit of the era. The adventures of huckleberry adventure?
Tramp image symbolizes the united nation image of formal establishment for American culture independent laid a solid

这么多 ( ⊙ o ⊙ )!
Picaresque novel is a new literature type emerged in the middle of the sixteenth century, which takes the description on the living condition of lower levels in cities as center.It makes analysis on various ugly phenomenons from the aspect of the lower levels people life in cities.Therefore it is a kind of novel with particular idea and significances and also the value of arts.With the form of tramp story, the style of humor and the conciseness of language,it widely reflects the social life at that time.


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庄衬锋克: From Qiqiao Cao to See the Characterization in Eileen Chang's NovelsAbstractQiqiao Cao is a rare femal character with abnormal personality in Chinese Fiction. To build this character, Eileen Chang is mainly through setting specific ...

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庄衬锋克: fang yuan, this love

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庄衬锋克: This symbol building yourdream) by the byd (three words begin letters, on the left is B right for Y D, intermediate. Font after deformation processing, appear more massiness, give a person a kind of security, also suggests that people byd autos ...

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庄衬锋克: hello ! I study in lianzhou middle school . my name is .....,nice to meet you !

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