
作者&投稿:只肿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文:我的朋友 (关于比较级和最高级 )~



My friend.
I have a good friend whoes English name is lisa.She is twelve years old and she is a very pretty girl.Everyone in our class including teachers like her,but I am her only best friend.We share everything we have and we nearly talk everything with each other.We both learn well,and we always learn together and help each other.She was very out-going and cute.She likes tell jokes and funny things.She likes smiling,you could always find simil blooming in her face.I like her not only because shind inside.Well that is my best friend.

作文小学三年级 作文 《我的朋友》作文 要求: 介绍朋友的外貌 之间发 ...
我的朋友 我的好朋友叫熊林,他是我们班上的劳动小标兵,他有一头短而齐的黑发,淡淡的眉毛,一双水汪汪的大眼睛,长得十分帅,而他的心却不输给他的外在美。记得有一次放学后外面下起了倾盆大雨,可正是熊林的值日,班主任对熊林说:"不用值日了,熊林快回家吧!"熊林说:老师没事的,清洁区...

我的朋友 人这一生,认识的人有很多很多,在家庭里的爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐···在学校里的老师同学,在社会上你会认识更多更多,在这些人中你一定有你最好的朋友 ,每个人都有,我有不例外,我有个死党朋友,她个子跟我仿佛,长的眉清目秀的,很好看!我跟她非常要好,也是同学。 我们俩还阴差阳错的在了一桌。


人们称赞友善,称赞她那颗善良的心。我对友善说:“朋友,你已经是善良的使者了。”友善说:“不,我还没有实现愿望,我还要为世界做更多的善事,这才是真正的善良使者。”  友善现在已经迁居国外了。友善留给我的话“善良的人,是一个崇高的人”永远记在我心上。 ...

六年级50个单词的英语作文(带翻译) Hello! I am a student of six.I will leave the school to a new school to study year. And I am going to be a middle school student. I like english very much. I am going to study harder in new school .And I think I can study better.大家好!我是...


要求:1、用两三件事来表现某人几方面的品质或性格特点;2、字数在600字左右。提示:朋友可以是同学,也可以是老师、父母等。... 要求:1、用两三件事来表现某人几方面的品质或性格特点;2、字数在600字左右。提示:朋友可以是同学,也可以是老师、父母等。 展开 ...

2. 作文,我的小伙伴(写两件事表现人物特点)500字 我的小伙伴 在我的记忆里,我的小伙伴就像天上的星星多的数也数不清。 但是最大最亮的一颗是小雅。她是在我上三年级时认识的。 从三年级开始,一条又一的锁链就把我和小雅连在一起。我们之间从未发生过争吵。 互帮互助,亲密的简直就像一个人。但她现在已经...

我的朋友英语作文范文一:我的朋友 My Friend     Zeng Qiao is one of my friends. She is a beautiful, outgoingand good-tempered girl. She smiles frequently. I think it’s her smile that makes her beauty. We live in the same dormitory, so that we always ...


兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: 英语作文我的朋友要求有比较级和最高级70字 -
通穆利君:[答案] My friend. I have a good friend whoes English name is lisa.She is twelve years old and she is a very pretty girl.Everyone in our class including teachers like her,but I am her only best friend.We share everything we have and we nearly talk everything with ...

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: 英语作文我的朋友要求有比较级和最高级70字 -
通穆利君: My friend. I have a good friend whoes English name is lisa.She is twelve years old and she is a very pretty girl.Everyone in our class including teachers like her,but I am her only best friend.We share everything we have and we nearly talk everything ...

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: 初中英语作文 我的朋友 用原级.比较级.最高级.600字 拜托 谢谢.》................. -
通穆利君: My friend is XXX.She is a good girl.She study better than anyone else in her school.So she is the best student in her school.She is kind and she is popular with her classmates.They think she is the kindest student in their class.But she isn't active at ...

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: myfriend比较级最高级写作文300字 -
通穆利君:[答案] 英语作文吗. 先介绍我的朋友的名字,然后按照例句 我比我的朋友高,im taller than my,friend..把优点,爱好,特长,模样,罗列些就行,最高级的话,就是三者或三者以上,用 the.in 或of 就可以了.

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: 怎么写带有比较级和最高级的英语作文50字题目《我的朋友》 -
通穆利君: My good friends I have two friends.one is called Tom ,and the other one is Bob.Tom is taller than Bob.Bob is heavier than Tim.Tim is one of the tallest my friends.well always be my good friends.

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: 有关比较级和最高级的英语作文 题目《Myfriend》重点写关比较级和最高级! -
通穆利君:[答案] My friend I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small mouth,a small nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.On the weekend,...

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: Myfriend 英语作文用adj. 比较级和最高级来介绍 -
通穆利君:[答案] I have a good friend .her name is Mary .In some ways we look the same,In some ways we look different.We both have black ... shi is the most popula r in the school.we both llike listening to music,i don't think differences are importatiao in a firiendship 最高...

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: 一篇以我的朋友为题的比较级和最高级的英语作文 初二 七十多个单词 非常感谢 -
通穆利君: I have three good friends.They are nice.John is the tallest boy in my class.He likes basketball.Ann is a beautiful girl.She is kind.Tim is a top student.He is good at English.His English is better than ours.I love my friends very much.They always help me and give me encourge.I really thank them.

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: 英语作文:My best friend要有比较级和最高级的句子 -
通穆利君:[答案] 1.I have a best friend.Her name is ****.In some respects,we look the same,but in some ways,we look different.We all have black eyes,black hair.I'm taller than her,but she quieter than me .She is very serous.I am very lively ,and I am wittier than her.We all ...

兰坪白族普米族自治县13733407376: 《我的朋友》比较级英语作文 -
通穆利君:[答案] My friend. I have a good friend.Her name is Betty.She is 12 years old.I'm one year older than her.Her eyes are bigger than ...my English.We'll be good friends forever. 我有一个好朋友.她的名字叫贝蒂.她今年12岁,我比她大一岁.她的眼睛比我的大,...

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