
作者&投稿:夕趴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I wanna kiss you outside on the balcony with all my love, witnessed by everyone, just like William and Kate, Will you marry me?


You are actually far lag behind those who just work a little bit harder than you.

Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.每个人对自己的国家都有一种共同的使命感。
Joint Quality Engineering Data联合质量工程数据。
Web Site Green Parts DataBase.网站自然数据库。
'Who am I?' When I recall the past, I can't help asking myself, feeling weird and not myself to do that something in the past. Yet they were there“我是谁?”当我回想过去,我禁不住问自己,觉得不可思议的是自己曾做过的某些事。历历在目。
nice manners彬彬有礼
casual acquaintances.过客。
highly saturated color.brilliant sunlight.饱和度高的颜色。灿烂的阳光。
if you have a movie that's in both mandarin and cantonese are there two seperate versions in either region of the country?你有普通话和广东话一起的,在全国任何一地都有两种独立的译本的电影吗?
cause i seen jing wu men where bruce lee dubs a voice in english. do they have chinese subtitles when they do that?因为我看的“精武门”里李小龙是英语配音,他们是否有中文字幕呢?

1, give a seat to his embrace of women with children.2, and my sister to the United States to study have been 4 years.3, to be a doctor, or else they would not save the wounded.4, he go to Beijing tomorrow, where he has to take a week.5, we are now sure that ...

A language becomes a world language for one reason only ---the power of the people who speak it.一种语言之所以能够成为世界性语言的唯一原因——说这种语言的人的实力。However ,as much as a dominant single language can be more inclusive ,it can also be divisive and exclusionary....

1. 我喜欢独自居住.I like living on my own.2. 谢谢你,你慷慨的捐赠将对建造儿童医院有很大的帮助。Thank you. Your generous will go a long way towards building a children's hospital.3. 幽默感使他能与人相处愉快。His sense of humor enables him to get along well with others.4....

1. When children develop a sense of self-worth, competence, and autonomy at home, they are more likely to embrace the inherent risks of learning.2. In their bustle, they overlook the most challenging part of their businesses in China: the people. As a result, many put themselv...

1. Where do you come from?你来自哪里?2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?你家乡周围有些什么景点?3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?春节期间你有些什么活动?4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.告诉我一些关于你家乡的习俗.5. Could you ...

1、你让我很失望 I'm quite disappointed of you.2、为你付出的,都是白费的 All that I have done for you go in vain.3、现在我认为我不需要再为你做任何事,因为你对我所做的都无动于衷 Now,Idon't think I need to do anything more for you,because you have pay little action ...

No\/Yes 你吃早饭\/午饭\/晚饭没? 没有\/吃了 Why not have meals ? I'm not hungry now,but the time for meal has passed.为什么不吃饭?我现在不饿,但是吃饭的时间已经过了.It's bad to your health. 对你身体不好 I know , thanks for your care.我知道,谢谢你的关心.I will notice ...

可以这样译:随着科技的发展和社会的进步,教育越来越影响人们的生活。所以教师这个行业越来越受到人们的重视。With the development of the technology and the advancement of the society ,the education will influence\/effect people's life in a deeper and deeper way. so\/therefor, teacher as a ...

也许你羡慕我,因为我可以借助计算机在家里工作。Maybe you envy me, because I can work at home with the help of computer.我也是这么想,互联网使我的工作方便多了。I think so, too, the Internet makes me work place.我可以通过电子邮件撰写、编辑并交出我的文章,在网上与我的同事聊天,...

1. wool tie comfortable 2. hold fashin show in 3. combs in the nineteen nineties 4. raise for Project Hope 5. yellow cotton pair jeans 1. What is Amy's blue scarf made of?2. How long do they give a fashion show?3. There are not lots of different...

桓台县15661461623: 汉译英,请帮忙翻译下面的句子,谢谢燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候.但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子... -
车态通脉:[答案] Swallows may have gone,but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back,but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen,but they will bloom again.Now,you the wise,tell ...

桓台县15661461623: 请用英语翻译下面的句子,谢谢假如你认为我是你的朋友,你可以向我倾诉,那将是我的荣幸!我总是没有自信,我该如何提高自己的自信心?你有什莫好建... -
车态通脉:[答案] If you treat me as your friend,you may confess to me.That would me my pleasure!I am always not confident of myself?How can... Let me see.OK,I will be waiting for your answer. 口语的句子,尽量乘法的语言,提高自己的自信心,我用的是:reinforce my ...

桓台县15661461623: 翻译下面的句子,谢谢 -
车态通脉: 你好 我想我可以猜出你的语气 1 그는 출장 어디로 간거죠?2 (1) 저 사람은 누구에&#...

桓台县15661461623: 帮忙翻译下下面的句子 谢谢啦"他看上去有些忧愁不安” -
车态通脉:[答案] He looks a little worried.

桓台县15661461623: 请英语高手高手翻一下面的句子,谢谢!要人工翻译汉译英 1.你从什么时候开始学的汉语,多长时间了? 2.汉语老师都教你什么了? 3.你每天都上汉语课吗?... -
车态通脉:[答案] When have you started learning Chinese, and how long have you been learning it? What has your Chinese teacher taught you? Do you have Chinese lessons every day? How long do you think it will take you to master your Chinese? Are you interested in ...

桓台县15661461623: 帮忙翻译下面的句子谢谢老板,在今后的日子里我会更加努力工作!奖金我已经收到,感谢你的帮忙 -
车态通脉:[答案] Dear boss .Thanks for your continuous help and prize as well. I'll work harder in the future.

桓台县15661461623: 请各位高手帮我翻译下面的句子,谢谢!请帮忙翻译下面的句子,谢谢
车态通脉: 1.有效的管理了公司中方福利帐户的合理使用,保障了职工的合法权益. - Effectively managed the suitable use of the welfare accounts for the China company, protected ...

桓台县15661461623: 翻译下面的句子,要通顺的,谢谢!the sun is shining on the side of the moon that faces us and it looks like a great round ball.It shines back its light and it ... -
车态通脉:[答案] 太阳照射月球面向我们的一面,让它看起来就像一个大的球.月球反射太阳光才显得明亮.当太阳照射月球的另一面时,我们就看不见月球了. 事实上,月球离我们要比看起来的远.它到地球的距离为3800万公里.当然,我们能够乘坐太空船飞向月球,太...

桓台县15661461623: 把下面的句子翻译成中文.多谢了.1.Hu Yulan is a driver. 6.Wu Bin is a worker.2.Chen Fang is a farmer. 7.Guo Haifeng is a student3.Zhao Jiangguo is a soldier. ... -
车态通脉:[答案] 1.胡玉兰是一个司机. 2.陈芳是一个农民. 3.赵江国是一个士兵. 4.凌涛是一个商人. 5.李泉是一个医生. 6.吴彬是一个工人. 7.郭海风是一个学生. 8.刘欣是一个售货员. 9.张敏是一个护士. 10.杨静是一个邮递员.

桓台县15661461623: 求翻译下面的句子成英语,谢谢~我想告诉我的所有朋友一件事,那就是这个世界上真的有天使存在,她是多么的美丽动人,这个天使就是你~ -
车态通脉:[答案] I would like to tell all my friends that there is an angel in this world ,and she is kind and beautiful and that you are the very angel .

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