
作者&投稿:杨韩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

1.Architecuture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures.


2.Neither is it possible to say exactly what characterises a particular movement.


3.But far from meeting human needs,the new estates often proved to be windswept deserts lacking essential social facilities and services.



1.Architecuture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures.



谓语:is the art and science of designing buildings and structures.

表语:the art and science of designing buildings and structures.

2.Neither is it possible to say exactly what characterises a particular movement.



谓语:is it possible to say exactly what characterises a particular movement.

宾语:what characterises a particular movement.


3.But far from meeting human needs,the new estates often proved to be windswept deserts lacking essential social facilities and services.


主语:the new estates


宾语:to be windswept deserts lacking essential social facilities and services.

表语:windswept deserts lacking essential social facilities and services.

5.该定语从句中缺少主语,首先,what 不能引导定语从句,它是用在主语从句中,故排除D,而在定语从句中,why=for which,但不能做主语和宾语,只能做状语,故排除AB,that 在定语从句中几乎万能,偶尔有例外 6.该句中缺少主语和谓语,i think是插入语,在从句中应提前,而第9题中i thought 是做...

文章处处都要扣题!几个例子:题目是"感动" 就要处处出现"感动"等有关的字眼!基本上就这么多!应试已经够用了,要想真正提高文学素养,那就得看平时积累了,不是一朝一夕的事哦!平时多看看经典名著,多背背诗,都对你有好处!相信你按我说的做后会成为语文高手!o(∩_∩)o...哈哈!加油吧......

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日语高手请进,帮着翻译下 就行,谢谢!

分类: 教育\/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述:1.Architecuture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures.请问这个句子怎么分析,还有怎么翻译呢?2.Neither is it possible to say exactly what characterises a particular movement.请问怎么分析呢,还有怎么翻译呢?3.But far from ...

(英语语法高手请进!)请帮我解答以下问题,选自05年专业四级试题语法部 ...
52. ___, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A. Although he is a socialist B. Even if he is a socialist C. Being a socialist D. Since he is a socialist 解释:although是从属连词,表示“虽然……但是……”,引导主谓完整的让步状语从句,从句置于主句前或后,...

include<stdio.h> main(){ char a[20];float max,min,average,sum=0;int i;printf ("please input scores of 20 students : \\n");gets(a);max=min=a[0];for(i=1;i<20;i++){ if(maxa[i])min=a[i];} for(i=0;i<20;i++)sum+=a[i];average=sum\/20;printf("数组中...

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act,react,interact是动词,在句子里用做谓语.例如:He acts as a ninja in the movie.(他在电影中扮演一个忍者)He reacts strangely.(他反应奇怪)Different parties should interact with each other frequently.(不同的党派彼此之间应该经常交流)action,reaction,interaction是名词,在句中用做主语...

我把你的复制下来然后删掉了答案做了一次,结果错了最后一题。我说一下我是怎么想的吧~11.“I’m going to the post office.””___you’re there,can you get mesome stamps?”A.As B.While C.Because D.If “我要到邮局去了”__你到那儿的时候,给我拿些邮票可以吗。明显这...

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进!谢谢!(句型转换)We are (in Beijing)(对括部分提问)()()we?Can you bring the ruler to me?(做出否定回答)No,()().I draw ... -
薛魏艾复:[答案] 1英语高手请进!(句型转换) 0 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时 We are (in Beijing)(对括部分提问) (Where)(are)we? Can you bring the ruler to me?(做出否定回答) No,(I)(can't). I draw picture on the wall.改为否定句) I(don't)(draw)picture on ...

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进!!江湖救急 -
薛魏艾复: I have a dream.I hope I can be a doctor one day.Because I want to help othes by use my knowlege.If my dream would be come ture,I will do my best.To reach to my dream,I will stu...

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进!!谢谢拉! -
薛魏艾复: 1.Architecuture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures. 建筑是设计楼房和结构的艺术与科学. 主语:Architecuture谓语:is the art and science of designing buildings and structures.表语:the art and science of designing ...

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进 -
薛魏艾复: 其实很简单啦!一般疑问局用yes或no回答就好了啦,特殊疑问局看着办喽 答案:1 NO,I don't . 2I usually read books. 3Yes,because I think the rainy days are beautiful. 4Yes,I do. 5,Sorry,I can't sure. 6Yse,there is.

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进,谢谢 -
薛魏艾复: D curious 表示好奇、感兴趣其他的意思都文不对题A. nervous 紧张不安B. eager 急切C. anxious 忧虑的; 焦急的, 担心的

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进.谢谢!
薛魏艾复: the surface dynasty sea to be bloomy spring.

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进~ 明天之前需要答案 在线等 谢谢各位高手~ 好的 给分 ! -
薛魏艾复: 1、They are at the Science Museum .2、They want to see'The World of Robots' .3、They can see two kinds of robots.4、He can play...

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手进来一下,谢谢! -
薛魏艾复: 首先这里面有一个动词的过去式 went 再次确定主语,the students 出现了bus,自然而然就是 by bus at the end of 是固定用法 然后就不难组合了 All the students went home by bus at the end of the day!Good good study, day day UP~~~

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进谢谢大家!救救我吧!帮助我也提高自己!先谢过各位高手了~~~~根据下面写对话或发表一下意见.(用英语) 1. Please talk about the ... -
薛魏艾复:[答案] 虽然我英语不错,但是还没到这种癫狂的地步……

扶风县18740782244: 英语高手请进!!谢谢!
薛魏艾复: 直接翻译的话是stinky tofu,可是如果这样去卖臭豆腐的话可能会把鬼佬吓跑哦.我建议你可以直接用中文的拼音说Chou Tofu(谐音:臭头复)说“臭头复”的时候加一点外国人说中文的那种洋音啊~ 然后好吃的是“yummy”(谐音:呀密) 连...

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