请用过去式造五个句子 并写出它的否定 句 一般疑问句

作者&投稿:况琛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ He ate an apple yesterday.He did not eat an apple yesterday.Did he eat an apple yesterday?
Tom met his old friend last night.Tom did not meet his old friend last night.Did Tom meet his old friend last night?
I finished my homework early last weekend.I did not finish my homework early last weekend.Did you finish your homework early last weekend?

1 他昨天去公园了 He went to the park yesterday 2 她昨晚看了一场球赛 She watched a football match last night 3 我上周去游泳了 3 I went swimming last week 4 我们过去曾经早起 We used to getup early 5 去年他们学了200多个单词 Last year they learned more than 200 words 6 我...

I bought a book this afternoon,she did homework on time.I helped mother to clean the room.I saw an interesting movieI ate bread in the morning.

请用过去式造五个句子 并写出它的否定 句 一般疑问句
Tom met his old friend last night.Tom did not meet his old friend last night.Did Tom meet his old friend last night?I finished my homework early last weekend.I did not finish my homework early last weekend.Did you finish your homework early last weekend?打英文好累,三个够了吗...

1.He played football every day in the past.2.She had a birthday party yesterday.3.I was wantching TV when my father came home.4.They went to Beijing a week ago.5.He got up at 7 yesterday.6.He did his homework last night.7.He ate an apple just now.8.We saw a ...

week ago,in 1990等。二、句型:I went to bed ateleven last night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉。三、句子结构 1、在表示某个时间里存在的状态的句子,系动词用过式was,were构成。2、在表示过去某个时间里发生的动作,用动词的过去式构成。如:I visited my uncle yesterday. 昨天我拜访了我的叔叔。

不完整。1、这句如果作主语,缺少宾语。It used to be like that.以前是那样的。2、这句如果作从句,缺少主语。I like the days it used to be.我喜欢过去的日子。3、这句如果作宾语,缺少主语。It is it uesd to be.这是我们应该做的。it used to be 读音:英 [ɪt juːzd...

1.I went home after school yesterday.2.Lily played games after class this afternoon.3.Bob played football after school 4.Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday.5.I went to the park yesterday.6.We went hiking last month.7.I bought this bag two hours ago.8.I lost...

过去式造句,主谓宾 主系表各造句三个,并转换。帮帮忙啦! 额很急的说...
She won the first prize 她赢了一等奖 They made a birthday cake 他们做了一个生日蛋糕 主系表:She was late for school yesterday 她昨天迟到了 He was quite excited 他很激动。I was mad at her at that time 那个时候,我很生她的气 都是一些简单的句子。望采纳,祝开心~!!!

1、She came to help us in those days.那时候她来帮助我们。2、I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨,我跟朱莉娅说了几句话。3、I used to take a walk in the morning.我过去是在早晨散步。4、Mrs. Peter always carries an umbrella.彼得太太总是带着一把伞。5、I never ...

He was planted a tree last night .他昨天晚上种了一棵树。We were watched an interesting film yesterday .我们昨天看了一部有趣的电影。I was read a book last week .我上周读了一本书。She was bought a bike two years ago .她两年前买了一辆车。

德清县18435935949: 请用过去式造五个句子 并写出它的否定 句 一般疑问句 -
枕肤双可: He ate an apple yesterday. He did not eat an apple yesterday. Did he eat an apple yesterday? Tom met his old friend last night. Tom did not meet his old friend last night. Did Tom meet his old friend last night? I finished my homework early last ...

德清县18435935949: 请用过去式造5个句子 -
枕肤双可: I went home after school yesterday. Lily played games after class this afternoon. Bob played football after school Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday. You made it awful!

德清县18435935949: 用过去式的英文造句 -
枕肤双可: 用过去式的英文造句:1. I went home after school yesterday.2. Lily played games after class this afternoon.3. Bob played football after school4. Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday.5. You made it awful! 希望对你有帮助

德清县18435935949: 造5个过去时态句子并将它们改写成一般疑问句肯定,否 -
枕肤双可: I went to the zoo last Sunday. I did not go to the zoo last Sunday. Did you go to the zoo last Sunday? She took the bus to school. She did not took the bus to school. Did she took the bus to school? He was a student when he was twelve. He was not a ...

德清县18435935949: 现在过去式的肯定句,否定句,疑问句的例句 -
枕肤双可: 没有现在过去式,只有一般过去时,你说的是一般过去式吧?例句如下: 肯定句:Tom went to school yesterday.汤姆昨天去学校了. 否定句:Tom didn't go to school yesterday.汤姆昨天没去学校. 疑问句分一般疑问句和特殊疑问句. 一般疑问句:Did Tom go to school yesterday?汤姆昨天去学校了吗? 特殊疑问句:Where did Tom go yesterday?汤姆昨天去哪里了?

德清县18435935949: 实义动词过去式造句5句 -
枕肤双可: He bought her a bunch of flowers. The cat ate a fish yesterday. She borrowed some money form her friends. She did a lot of work last week. He sang a song on her birthday. 望采纳.

德清县18435935949: 请帮我造五组一般过去式的句子 -
枕肤双可: 1. 肯定:She wondered along the coast line and felt confused about her future. 否定:I didn't get anything from my hard working. 疑问:How could you break her heart like that? 2. 肯定:The sweet summer breeze toched my cheek. 否定:I didn't ...

德清县18435935949: 用一般过去时 造五个句子. -
枕肤双可:[答案] She was a student two years ago.We were on the farm last week.We sang at the party yesterday.I did not go to school yesterday.I was not a child anymore.

德清县18435935949: 求用一般过去时造句,急用! -
枕肤双可: 1.What did you do during the last summer vocation?你去年暑假做了什么?2.She was in Grade 1 last year.她去年上1年级.3.She wasn't in Grade 1 last year.她不是去年上1年级.4.Was she in Grade 1 last year.她去年上一年级吗?5.Where was ...

德清县18435935949: 用过去式造五个英语句子 -
枕肤双可: I got a praise from my teacher last week我上个星期得到了老师的表扬 I did my homework at nine o'clock yesterday我昨天是九点做作业的 I ate a very big apple last month上个月我吃了一个很大的苹果 I saw a plane when I went to school yesterday昨天我去学校的时候看见了一架飞机 I took my mother to my classroom last Monday,上个星期我带我的妈妈去了我们班

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