
作者&投稿:羊仲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello everybody come over. (说这句的时候,你可以拍手吸引大家的主意)I have something to say. I have brought you some gifts from China and wish you would like it. Yours. (给礼品的时候这样说就可以了,重复4次。当然人家在你分礼品的时候肯定会谢谢你。你就要回句you're welcome 或者Not at all.或者微笑啦。)It's my first time to live here alone, so any inconvenience or trouble for you, thanks for your understanding and help.

May I ask whether the mobile game displayed by the site is licensed to the Chinese mainland by your company? Is a genuine game? Web site is: XXXX

Suddenly, I felt helpless
Without tears, no one knew my sorrows
Be not understood, I suffered loneliness
Just to remember everything would come to a finish
Ambivalently, I felt helpless
Desiring for your protection, though little
Words failed to what I wanted to express



最后一句让我想到 I love you more than I can say.

I suddenly helpless
No tears of sadness no man clearly
Only breathing cannot be understood loneliness
A man just remember that everything will be ended
I contradiction the helpless
Very need can you give me a little protection
Want to say to you of words are always could not say

suddenly, i felt totally helpless
nobody knows my sorrow without tears
only can I breath such lonliness that cannot be understood
one solely remembers that all things will end up finally
who can tell me what i should do
i really need your help
what i want to say to you
and i do not know how

No tears of sadness no man clearly
Only breathing cannot be understood loneliness
A man just remember that everything will be ended
I contradiction the helpless
I am Very need can you give me a little protection
I Want to say to you of words are always could not say

My sudden helpless
nobody realize the sadness without the tears
just breathing the loneness that has not being understood
one just remembers everything will be over
I am confusing with helpless
and need a bit of your protection
always the words I want to talk to you is hard to express

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will further consummate initiates is popular Dong Zhaiwei the core initiates is popular the scenic area the infrastructure and the servicing facility, the key making your health ecology museum and the Chinese Dong minority constructs the museum, as well as the Dong minority produces the ...

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人骂海斯: 1. About the English evening About tourism 2. 3. About my birthday yesterday 4. About teenagers of the dangers of smoking 5. Last summer and parents go to the farm, taste of food, food is delicious

五台县13542128545: 英语翻译麻烦哪位好心人士把以下汉语句子给我翻译成英语.1.当我遇到困难时,他总能送我帮助.2.你可以把书放到书包里.3.我们这里的农民种很多的蔬菜.4.... -
人骂海斯:[答案] 1 When I'm in trouble,he always give me a hand.2 You can put the book into the bag.3 The farmers here plant many vegetables.4 The olds often tell the children stories about heros.5 As long as you don'...

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人骂海斯: Q Since then on, plus the rest of my trumpet Ifanyone has anything at all! Thank you for your cooperation!

五台县13542128545: 请各位英语高手来帮个忙.(翻译以下中文) -
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五台县13542128545: 英语非常好的人麻烦帮忙把以下这篇中文翻译成英文~ -
人骂海斯: Leona Lewis is a famous British singer.The singer joined a large singing competition which about a hundred thousand people took part in with many challenges.At last she became the champion from all the superior singers.Her strength is ...

五台县13542128545: 哪位英语高手能不能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英语啊?急啊!要写论文的!非常感谢啊! -
人骂海斯: Along with the deepening of the concept of sustainable development in the global scope, a positive response and other parts of the world, the sustainable development of tourism has gradually become the focus of attention of the tourism. Starting ...

五台县13542128545: 高手:麻烦帮我把下面汉语翻译成英语…...
人骂海斯: Angry ... is taking other people's mistakes ※ punish their "own"

五台县13542128545: 麻烦帮我把下面的中文翻译成英语
人骂海斯: My vision is to become a doctor, because I was able to life-saving. To become a good and successful doctors, it is necessary to do the following: 1, effort to learn professional knowledge, because only in this way, I can better help patients; 2 patients ...

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人骂海斯:[答案] 楼上的:学农的英文请用learn farmingA:The five-day school learn farming over.B:Yes,I am a little reluctant.A:What do you think?B:At first I felt very hard,No matter what have to be very soon.A:And then?...

五台县13542128545: [急需!]请哪位高手帮我将下面中文翻译成英文,谢谢!
人骂海斯: "Since seeing king's speech after the movie some deep feelings, I think we should learn in the film the stuttering problem defect of the king, to confront finally to succeed, also told us that the world had no difficulty could not be overcome as long as intentional."

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