
作者&投稿:云勇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ here is my suggested opening
hope it is useful for you: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sirs
We refer to your letter dated XX June 2007
kindly please find our reply as below: 1. No
there is no management in arrears as per our records. 2. No
there is no .................. 3. No
there is no .................. Should there is any
please feel free to contact our XXX at 12345678 at your earliest convenience. regards
XXX The Manager
如果封信系列点问问题,你当然要逐点覆:- Dear Sir
Thank you for your letter of (来信的日期) regarding the inquiry. According to our books and records (books and records 是指会计记录):- 1) The management fee had been paid up to (日期) and there is no arrears found. 2) ....... and there is no.... 3) ..... .. and there is no .... Please feel free to contact us for any query. Thank you for your kind attention. Best regards (Company Chop & signature) 大致咁上下啦
我认为这样会好一点 I have received your letter. Thank you for your letter. After reading your letter
we have get some idea about the question: In question1 ...... In question2 ....... In question3 ......
参考: me
用原整句子啦。 e.g. 1. there is no any / you have no fee in arrear as..... 2007-06-11 15:27:02 补充: if you want to be more polite
then use "thankyou for you letter/email as opening.

Ingeniously是巧妙地,Practical 是的实践的意思。连起来如果好听一点话可以翻译为灵活实践,巧妙完成之类的。也可以音译。

要整句话比较好翻译。比如 connecting fight 转机 I looked for flights from New York to Beijing, but there were no direct flights. So I'll take a connecting flight through Tokyo.我要买从纽约到北京的机票,但没有直飞航班!所以我会在东京转机。This time I'm booking a roundtrip flight...

麻烦英文高手 帮忙翻译成英文 (不要网上翻译)
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In China,there are eight main regional cuisines, or Eight Great Traditions (菜系): Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejiang. There is also Huaiyang Cuisine, a major style and even viewed as the representation of the cuisine.Occasionally, Beijing ...

这在很大程度上取决于丁玲个人性格气质的独特性。 Although the "Sophie had" gone through numerous changes, but still retains the original charm of the pursuit of individual liberation unique, it depends largely on the Ding Ling's unique personality temperament....

This paper introduced from various angles and aspects of gardens building sketch in landscape design classification method and the USES of garden architecture, according to the purposes skit problems, and put forward some Suggestions and ideas.WangShuDong, MaXiaoYan compiled the landscape ...

如果用于护照等正式场合,必须使用Huang Zhenxuan 如果想起一个英文名字用于一般交流:Joshua Huang 根据惯例,姓氏应该保留为汉语拼音 这个名字与你的中文名字最为谐音,且寓意不错,非常适合你:Joshua 乔休尔 希伯来 上帝所援救。

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DONGFENG MOTOR Co.,have made it a professional matching manufacturer.The company has already passed the ISO9001,ISO2000 Certificate,and with fix asset of RMB7,500,000yuan,5 plastic injection equipments of all size,1 oil hydraulic press,2 punchs of 15 ton,1 of 30ton, 4 plastic...

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译
翠皆鞣酸: 1. Some people like classical music, but some prefer pop music. This is the tastes differ. 2. They have already arranged the date of the wedding on October 8. Because their parents believed that it will be an ideal day for wedding. 3. The seriously ...

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦高手帮忙翻译成英文
翠皆鞣酸: 你好 !我的译句如下,供你参考 :Well, how are you recently ? It seems to me that you have been home for long time ! However you always hide yourself silently, living in a desolating space, thinking with self-delusion that others have forgot you ! ...

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译下!谢谢了一切尽在掌握之中 -
翠皆鞣酸:[答案] All are under control .或者 nothing is out of control 两个都是这个意思.

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦哪位英语高手帮一下忙,,拜托了...我会感激的 -
翠皆鞣酸: 51. Can I help you?52. Do you have size 8?53. Do you have any other colors?54. How much is it?55. it's too expensive.我这么辛苦的打,希望能帮到你...

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译 -
翠皆鞣酸: 今天我知道了我在QQ空间的文章使我的一些朋友很沮丧,对此我真的感到很抱歉,我会向你们道歉并感谢你们的祝福! 你们知道我是一个多愁善感而且情绪化的人,我总是甚至对一些很微不足道的事情想的很多.所以我的=朋友,你们没必要把它看的很严肃,有时候那只是一些同时发生的事情,大部分都是没有什么意义的,但这是我缓解我内心的压力和沮丧的一种很好的方法. 现在很晚了,那就这样吧,晚安! 祝你们所有的人都生活幸福! contemperary这个不知道是不是你写错了还是我不认识,不好意思.

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译下!
翠皆鞣酸: Hold on a long time. she is sleeping who i want to hold. who am i?can't remember the taste of happiness.

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦英语高手帮下忙-----any of the problems he raised would upset his plan 空格处为什么填almost 而不能填nearly 呢 -
翠皆鞣酸:[答案] nearly,almost虽然都可以表示“几乎”,但是当要表示“接近”或“就要到了”时最好用nearly;当想表达“不足”或“尚差一点儿”时最好用almost I had nearly reached town,when the young man suddenly said,very slowly,'Do you speak English?'...

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下We have a large factory, professional production of T - shirts, shirts, skirts and jeans. Welcome to provide a model for free quotes, do ... -
翠皆鞣酸:[答案] We have large factory, specializing in the production of t-shirts, shirt, skirt and cowboys. Welcome customers and offer free samples, do. 5-8 days of delivery. Can also take the customer to fabric market and clothing market selection model(嗯,应该还...

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦英文高手帮忙翻译几个词 要简写 谢谢 -
翠皆鞣酸: 信息 information--info(简写) 技术 technic 新闻 news 产品 product 视频 video 推广 popularize 行情 market 图片 picture 防疫 epidemic prevention 反馈 feedback 广告 advertisement--ad(简写) 起火 on fire 企业 corporation

凯里市19152559435: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻一个句子 -
翠皆鞣酸: No matter how capricious the fate is, we should still hold on tight; No matter how freak our life may be, we must live with it.希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O

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