
作者&投稿:敖奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I went to Hong Kong Disney Land with my mum, my brother and my grandma in July. Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favorite game. We sat in a cup; it is green with a lot of waves pattern on it. The cups have different colors and patterns. When the game started, the cup turned and turned and turned around. It went faster and faster gradually. When it's time up it stopped slowly. When I was in the cup I didn't feel dizzy, when I got out of the cup I felt very dizzy. But I wanted to try it again

Zehui replied (March 5, 1914 - June 20, 2011), female, native of shanxi LingShi, was born in suzhou, jiangsu province, Chinese physicist, member of Chinese academy of sciences. Is a famous Chinese nuclear physicist Qian Sanjiang lady. Since 1946, the college DE France in Paris, France nuclear chemistry laboratory is engaged in research work. Once and Qian Sanjiang cooperation found a new way of uranium fission - three divisions and four split phenomenon. She led the team success in the 1950 s developed the performance reached the international advanced level of the nucleus of latex, to explore China's fission neutron physics and physical experiment field and the cause of China's science and education has made important contributions. On June 20, 2011, member of zehui replied due to illness, died in Beijing at the age of 97.

Longyan is in the west of Fujian. It's very beautiful. It's a city with a long history and has a population of 2.8 million

又没有人给我写一篇作文啊。类容如下拜托各位大神 类容:有关青少年的先进人物,先进事迹,问题,研究。建议。主题:“我心中的青少年”,“青少年偶像”,“我们的青春多美丽”“健康成长,从我做起”,“请祖国和人民放心”。字数:1... 类容:有关青少年的先进人物,先进事迹,问题,研究。建议。主题:“我心中的青少年...

Longyan is in the west of Fujian. It's very beautiful. It's a city with a long history and has a population of 2.8 million

”一位青年作家的话。春兰秋菊,各有芬芳,学会追求赞美、羡慕自己,会更全面地认识自己,更深刻地挖掘自己的内在潜力,把握好自己的人生,月缺了就是月圆,坎坷了就是以后的一马平川,人生几何,要活出真我的风采!不能预知明天,但可以选择:把握今天 虽然不能预知明天,但可以用微笑面对今天的一切,把...

求大神助我!!! 我是高中生,学校留了一篇作文:《狮子追长颈鹿》,但是没...

有没有日语大神帮忙写一篇有关介绍校园的日语作文 一两百字






潍坊市19316132590: 有没有大神帮忙写一篇介绍龙岩的英语短文 -
辟海盐酸: Longyan is in the west of Fujian. It's very beautiful. It's a city with a long history and has a population of 2.8 million

潍坊市19316132590: 用英语写一篇作文,比较两个城市,单词数约100左右,要求原创,谢了.大神们帮帮忙 -
辟海盐酸: There are plenty of difference between Wuhan and Xiaogan. To begin with,the traffic in Wuhan is crowded.Traffic jam often happens.There are so many people that you can mot take a bus easily on weekend.But in Xiaogan it is much better.However...

潍坊市19316132590: 一篇80字旳英文短文,介绍一个地方求大神帮助 -
辟海盐酸: Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province, with a population of 5.3 million and covering an area of 18,000 square kilometers. Located in eastern Songnen plain, it\'s a rolling land with low hills, and shallow valleys and crossed by the Songhua ...

潍坊市19316132590: 求一篇不长的介绍家乡的英语小短文:我的家乡是美丽的木垒,哪里春暖 -
辟海盐酸: 我的家乡景色优美,四季分明,春暖,夏热,秋凉,冬冷,每个季节都那样迷人. 家乡的小河绿如蓝,尤其是夏天,一条条小鱼跃出水面,拿着我们用网去捞.我们喜欢在小河边捉蜻蜓,放在自己家的蚊帐里,这样,就可以安心入睡了.冬天,小河结冰了,我们在冰上砸了一个洞,在里面摸泥鳅.有时,还在河面上滑冰呢! 我们的家乡有一座小山,山上的树木枝繁叶茂.有时,我们还在山上比赛滑草呢!先拿一块长长的,窄窄的木板,放在山坡上的绿草上,然后坐在木板上,紧紧抓住木板两边,一下子滑下去,那感觉就像滑滑梯一样,可好玩了! 这就是我们美丽的家乡,有兴趣的话就来我们的家乡游览吧!我会当你的小导游,为你介绍家乡的美景.

潍坊市19316132590: 求大神帮忙写一篇英语作文(100 - 200单词)题目是我最喜爱的城市苏州(苏州不是我的家乡),谢谢啦 -
辟海盐酸: My Favorite City——SuzhouHi,everybody.Today I'd like to talk about Suzhou,the city I like best.It goes without saying that Suzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.People all say "Above there is heaven and below there are Suzhou and ...

潍坊市19316132590: 求一篇关于城市交通的英语作文,100词以内,不要复制 -
辟海盐酸: There have been a lot of changes in the city's transportation. Nowadays, there are more people and as a result, there are more cars, more underground subways and more bikes. During rush hours, it is hard to get on the bus or the subway and even ...

潍坊市19316132590: 求一篇英语作文,英语大神帮帮忙,不少于80个单词,不要百度找的!(My happiness in -
辟海盐酸: Last sunday, Mr.Lee got up very early to go fishing.He spent the whole day sitting beside the river but got nothing at the end of the day.Therefore, Mr.Lee was very dissapointed due to that he had to go home by dinner time.On his way home, Lee ...

潍坊市19316132590: 求英语大神帮帮忙写一篇英语作文 ,题目是,上个星期你干了什么.内容为,上个星期是端午节,但是我觉得 -
辟海盐酸: What did you do last week?June 2nd last week was DragonBoat Festival. Except for eating some “Zongzi” I didn't have much to do, so Ifelt very bored. Because the National Entrance Exam for College would takeplace the coming weekend, we ...

潍坊市19316132590: 帮个忙,求大神帮我写一篇英语作文,小弟跪求了.!~! -
辟海盐酸: Job advertisement Our company is a high-tech firm, we are mainly to develop the application software for bank and insurance companies. We are sincer...

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