
作者&投稿:关竹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Title: Fish and Chips

Once upon a time, in a small seaside town, there were two best friends named Fish and Chips. Fish was a colorful and playful fish, while Chips was a mischievous little potato chip. They were always together, exploring the ocean and having fun.

One sunny day, Fish and Chips decided to embark on an adventure to find a hidden treasure. They swam through coral reefs, dodging friendly sea creatures along the way. Their excitement grew as they discovered a mysterious shipwreck deep in the ocean.

As Fish and Chips explored the shipwreck, they stumbled upon a treasure map. Thrilled with their discovery, they followed the map's clues, encountering various challenges and solving puzzles together. Along the way, they made new friends like Sammy the seahorse and Sally the starfish, who joined them on their quest.

Finally, after many obstacles, the friends reached the X on the map, which marked the spot where the treasure was buried. With teamwork and determination, they dug up a chest filled with sparkling jewels and golden coins. It was a moment of triumph and joy!

Fish, Chips, Sammy, and Sally celebrated their success by having a picnic on the sandy beach, enjoying delicious fish and chips—their favorite meal. They laughed, shared stories, and cherished the memories of their adventurous journey together.

From that day on, Fish, Chips, Sammy, and Sally became inseparable friends, always ready for new adventures and discoveries.

The end.


《鱼和薯条》是一本适合儿童阅读的英语绘本,以下是一个简单的故事概要:Title: Fish and Chips Once upon a time, in a small seaside town, there were two best friends named Fish and Chips. Fish was a colorful and playful fish, while Chips was a mischievous little potato chip. They...

英文绘本-llama llama mad at mama《羊驼拉玛生妈妈的气》
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