
作者&投稿:祢瞿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  Clerk: Can I help you find something?


  Alissa: Yes, I’m looking for some dress shoes for work, something with a low heel.


  Clerk: Have you tried this brand? They make really comfortable shoes. This company makes several styles of dress shoes, including a sandal, a low boot, and a loafer. These right here are open toe and those over there have a strap in the back.


  Allissa: Oh, I like these slip-ons, but they seem too narrow. My feet are pretty wide.


  Clerk: Those actually come in three widths: narrow, medium, and wide. Do you want to try them on?


  Allissa: Sure. Do you have them in a 6-and-a-half or a 7, in black or brown?


  Clerk: I’m not sure. I’ll have to check in the back…Here you are. How does the 6-and-a-half fit?

  男:我不肯定,要到后面去查一下…… 给你,看看这个六号半的是否合适

  Allissa: They’re a little too tight in the toe. Let me try the 7. Oh, that’s better, but now the heel is a little too loose.


  Clerk: Keep in mind that since they’re leather, they’ll stretch a little.


  Allissa: In that case, I’ll take the black pair in the 6-and-a-half.


  Clerk: Great. I can ring you up over here.



  Adam: With our expansion into these new areas of business, I think we need to think seriously about changing our corporate image. We’re much more than just a paper company now.


  Eva: I think you’re right. Our brand has changed, and if we want to keep brand loyalty, we need to think about protecting and improving our product image.


  Adam: I agree that that’s a key issue as we reposition ourselves in the industry. We can never lose sight of our end-users.


  Eva: And, even though we have registered trademarks on some of the new prestige products, we need to have a plan if we want to turn these new products into household names.


  Adam: I suggest we think about hiring a public relations firm. They may be able to help us update our corporate image and logo, and to shape our new corporate identity.


  Eva: Why don’t I contact a few PR firms and set up some meetings?


  Adam: Yes, do that. That seems like the logical next step.



  Adam: With our expansion into these new areas of business, I think we need to think seriously about changing our corporate image. We’re much more than just a paper company now.


  Eva: I think you’re right. Our brand has changed, and if we want to keep brand loyalty, we need to think about protecting and improving our product image.


  Adam: I agree that that’s a key issue as we reposition ourselves in the industry. We can never lose sight of our end-users.


  Eva: And, even though we have registered trademarks on some of the new prestige products, we need to have a plan if we want to turn these new products into household names.


  Adam: I suggest we think about hiring a public relations firm. They may be able to help us update our corporate image and logo, and to shape our new corporate identity.


  Eva: Why don’t I contact a few PR firms and set up some meetings?


  Adam: Yes, do that. That seems like the logical next step.


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隆歪十味: 学英语方法很关键,我给你几点方法建议 第一步:大量背诵原汁原味的单句、对话、生活习语.第二步:把每天背诵过的素材反复消化,借助想像力,身临其境把它们表演出来.第三步:写日记.这个习惯看上去练习的是写作,其实它更是练习口语的妙法.当你动笔的同时,你的大脑正在激烈地做着英文体操.用英文进行思维是高级的口语训练方法.第四步:大量阅读报刊、杂志及各种故事、杂文,之后将它们复述出来.(超级提示:是“复述”而非“背诵”.)同一篇文章的复述工作应该反复滚动.更多方法你可以参考下我个人的英语学习博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_65409bbf0101b3p3.html

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