英语翻译 帮我翻译几个句子 帮助我写一些personal statement 关于经济的(不要用翻译网页来翻译) 谢谢大

作者&投稿:叱干枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

By exposure, restrain and punishment, audit can restrict all kinds of negative aspects in business, and be useful to fulfill all kinds of economical responsibilities and continuously develop social economy.
Accounting is one of the important parts of economy management, as well as significant tools of it. It's mainly measured by currency and proved by accounting document. In professional way, it reflects and inspects business of all units completely, continuously and systematically, which strenghten economy management and boost benefits, what's more, it's words, rules and bases to all commercial and economical activities.
We can realise that there is impartable relation between audit and accounting. Audit can inspect and punish the irregularities in accounting.

Once he decides to do something, he will never give up.
If we are free, we will see you next Wednesday.
Zhang Hong and Li Ming are both students of Grade three.
If you practice it again and again, you will sing better.
I am sorry that I can not go to shopping with you today, how about tomorrow?
Because of the thick fog, the driver cannot see the way clearly.
Harder you study,better you will be.
English is one of the most important subjects.
Please keep our classroom clean.
He is more and more popular.
Who is you favorite movie director?
Your classroom is brighter than ours.
What makes you so happy?

Economics can not help me make money, but can explain why people make money

Economics is a way of looking at the world, it constantly reminds us that the world is no free lunch, which road would mean giving up the other way. This may make our ultimate regret. Without consequences and costs of the world is a world of value is not selected. No responsibility for the world is not the adult world - animals, children and the robot world.

Around us a lot of problems every day: Why is so difficult to buy train tickets New Year? Why do doctors received repeated red envelopes? Why are the rich star husband? Why are banks interest rates high and sometimes low? Why are fewer and fewer whales in the sea? ... ... They may make you feel confused, too often become the subject of debate. However, if the science of economics, in others to feel confused and debating these issues, you know the clear answer because of the pleasure.

Resources are scarce, and now the U.S. is still fighting for oil, we\u0026#39;re forced to build a conservation-oriented society, is the scarcity of resources make trouble

Why not save mathematical economics, no doubt, mathematics is a science, if they can use mathematics to precise quantitative analysis of economics, then the science of economics has also been demonstrated. The fact that, of course not, we do everything possible to put an economic phenomenon abstracted as a mathematical model, not to mention the distortion of this abstract is not an attempt to explain the assumption that one of the other variables constant, changing only one variable when the result of the change , but the fact is that real-world variables from X1 to Xn, each variable is changing, both in the absence of the rule change, why is not the rule? Because these variables, some rational

Economics is the starting point of human nature, it is the object of study is human behavior and social activities. Understand economics, you will be able to clearly see all sorts of human Vientiane, you will remain on the chaos of life, calm and cool. In this way, you kill the pain, you will not be so painful; in your promotion, you will not be so unexpected; others to help you, you will be thankful; when you help others, you will not demanding return; You will not believe the story of a dream come true, would question the sincerity of those who actively do good ... ... can make you short of economics into a natural harmony of this society.

Economic success can not guarantee that you rich, but it allows you full of wisdom and happiness. One day when you take the economics front of his mind when talking about the love of people, you will find, economics and even help you to capture his heart

自己搜“经济学 personal statement”

要申请出国啊 这是。。0分还搞这么长?

朝阳市17249623605: 英语翻译帮我翻译几个句子好吗?1布朗夫人喜欢每天去公园散步 2我打算明天去购物 3他当教师已经六年了 4你昨天上课迟到了 5同学们正在操场上打篮球 ... -
之话当归:[答案] Mrs Brown likes walking in the park every day. I am going shopping tomorrow. He has been a teacher for six years. You are late for class yesterday. Classmates are playing basketball in the playground.

朝阳市17249623605: 英语翻译帮我翻译几个句子!1.她总是让我笑,尽管我不知道那些事到底有什么好笑的.2.她的人缘很好,和谁都能玩到一块2.她的成绩不好,但是她非常的努... -
之话当归:[答案] 1.She always makes me laugh although I don't know what to laugh. 2.She is very popular so she could get alone with anyone. ... well but she really works hard. 4.She likes literary output. 5.I'm sure that she would get a excellent achievement in a few days.

朝阳市17249623605: 英语翻译帮我把这几个句子翻译成英文 1.我们的英语老师在学习上对我们要求严格 2她对我们非常有耐心 3在她的帮助下 我们的英语已取得很大进步 4我们感... -
之话当归:[答案] 1.Our English teacher is very strict in our studies.2.She is very patient with us .3.With her help, we have made great progress in English.4.We are very grateful for her help and respectful to her.

朝阳市17249623605: 英语翻译请帮我翻译几个句子,中译英,1.一天一苹果,医生不找我.2.冬吃萝卜下吃姜,不用医生开处方.3.关于食物的俗语(谢谢支持) -
之话当归:[答案] 1、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (这是俚语原句 谢谢支持……) 2、原句是中国俗语 所以没有很对应的 Having radish in(during) winter while having ginger in(during) summer keeps the doctor away. 请参考~ 3、slang on/about food

朝阳市17249623605: 帮下忙、、英语请帮我翻译几个句子1.除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉2.我告诉他什么时候想回来就回来3.他很快就会好的4.许多旧的风俗已不复存在 -
之话当归:[答案] 1 i'll never make a apology unless she does it first 2 i told him that he could come back whenever he wanted 3 he will be better soon 4 many old customs have gone with wind

朝阳市17249623605: 翻译几个英语句子.~大家帮忙.!~我明天单词默写,有几个句子帮我翻译.! 1.我居住在光明路的尽头. 2.我的确不喜欢那条紫色的短裙. 3.你的自行车怎么了? ... -
之话当归:[答案] 1. I lives at the end of Guangming Road. 2. I don't like that purple miniskirt. 3. what's wrong with your bike? 4. People like living in the houses with a garden 5. I can hear Tom playing the piano 6....

朝阳市17249623605: 帮我翻译几个句子1.我能帮您做点什么嘛?(英语) 2.你最喜爱的动物是什么? 3.这只狮子怎么了? 4.该是我们吃早餐的时候了. 5.你需要多少本书? 还有... -
之话当归:[答案] 1、What can I do for you? 2、What is your favourite animal? 3、What's wrong with this lion? 4、It's time for us to eat breakfast. 5、How many books do you need/ I go shopping for fruits and beget...

朝阳市17249623605: 英语翻译英语大神帮我翻译几个句子!1.将来会有更多的树2.人们将会活到200岁吗?3.人们将不使用钱4.我想,未来汽车会更少 -
之话当归:[答案] 1. There will be more trees in the future 2. People will live to be 200 years old? 3. People will not use the money 4. I think the future car will be less

朝阳市17249623605: 帮我翻译几个英语句子 1以事实为基础 2在警察的帮助下 3如此努力以至于大家对他评价很高 4别灰心 -
之话当归:[答案] be based on the facts,2with the help of police 3 He works so hard that people speak highly of him .Don't lose heart.

朝阳市17249623605: 帮我翻译几个英语句子,还有一些英语题目一、翻译1、他们因坐不起出租车而步行.2、尽管他有时很烦人,我还是喜欢他.3、我感到吃惊的是,那计划成功了... -
之话当归:[答案] 1.They go on foot because they have no money to take a texi.2.Although he is sometimes tiresome,I still like him.3.To my surprised,the plan succeeded.4.Be determined as soon as possible or it will be ...

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