求高手指点engage和 involve的区别

作者&投稿:桓黎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




engage in sth,involve直接加sth.








  • 1 [with object] occupy or attract (someone’s interest or attention):he ploughed on, trying to outline his plans and engage Sutton’s attentionI told him I was otherwise engaged

    engage in sth,involve直接加sth

    involve:to take part actively in a particular activity.When you get involved in something. It's not easy to get out.
    再看题目翻译:这个中心的资助方由两大势力构成:全球通信商业和关心顾客的商业专家的集体联盟。可见两方合作的规模庞大,hard to get out.

    如果觉得可以,付分后译完给发消息(本人一向如此,因有极度无聊的人自己刷分,骗人)。Chemical engineering is a discipline influencing numerous areas of technology. In broad terms, chemical engineers are responsible for the conception and design of processes for the purpose of production, ...

    We engage with you that drafts drawn under and incompliance ...是...
    We engage with you that drafts drawn under and incompliance with terms of this credit shall be duly honored on due presentation to us.我们搞你的说法,草案拟定,并根据不符的条款与本信贷,将受到应有的荣幸,就因介绍给我们。

    请哪位高手指点!感激不尽! 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 绿叶子小红花 2006-08-08 · 超过40用户采纳过TA的回答 知道答主 回答量:186 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 make, do , take这些都是咯. 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的...

    3.1承认需要 在决策过程开始于客户承认一个问题需要解决或需要得到满足。需要承认是客户需要的东西,他们找回了自己的正常状态的实现 身体和心理安慰。在这个阶段,风险知觉可能会增长,因为消费者担心没有立即解决,并没有足够的informationisavailable.Acustomer seekingtoengagefora与供应商在不确定的环境中...

    求高手翻译,工作经历 机械方面的
    200X年X月-200X年X月:XXXX公司,机械零件测绘;engaging on the mechanical part mapping during the_ of_year to the_ of_year 200X年X月至今在XXXX有限公司技术科从事技术工作,作为一个项目负责人,工作内容包括以下几个方面:engage as a technician in xxx Co. Ltd from the_ of _(year...

    1, wow, little sister, your space (QQ) is too beautiful, and I like a good ah!2, little sister, how can you engage in the space so beautiful? Day teach me!3, I turn to you a few logs, you should not mind it!4, little sister, are you out of space so pretty, I...

    Nowadays college students are suffering from fairly heavy academic stress.Apart from those seniors starting job-hunting course,others are invariably busy with their school work,unwilling to engage in sports and extracurricular work.总之,他们压力大,时间少,功课多.Anyway,they are under great ...

    In Hefei some Japan Well-known Brand Measuring appliance Sale Company (Japan Sole-source investment enterprise), no matter what the northern area sells vice-is always engaged in the Japanese well-known brand flowmeter measuring appliance product the sale and the market introduction work, ...

    I trade the knowledge is very understanding, including China's foreign trade policies and the international community to some common practice. And the L \/ C use, I have been obsessed with, on some of its rules, master the more, so very willing to engage in on the L \/ C ...

    I'm sure, should I be able to join your company, I would comply with as soon as possible the company's regulations, engage myself in the company's culture, cooperate with the colleagues in the team and apply my abilities and experiences into the real work to ensure every ...

    攀枝花市18923167070: 关于engage用法 -
    勤琰垂盆: engage主要用法和短语如下: vt&vi (使)从事/忙于... engage (oneself) in (doing) sth = be engaged in (doing) sth 从事...;忙于... 如:He wants to engage (himeself) in foreign trade. = He wants to be engaged in foreign trade. 他想要从事外...

    攀枝花市18923167070: 英译中 engage的用法 -
    勤琰垂盆: engage vt. [常用被动语态]从事, 着手, 忙于(in) 约束; 约定; 使订婚, 与…订婚(to) 保证, 担保, 允诺 雇用, 聘; (预)定(房间、座位等) 吸引, 引起(兴趣), 占用 接战, 与...交战(with); 使参加, 使...卷入其中 【机】使(...

    攀枝花市18923167070: engage的汉语意思 -
    勤琰垂盆: engage [in'ɡeidʒ]英汉翻译vt. 雇佣;吸引,占用;使订婚;使参加;预定 vi. 答应,保证;从事;交战;啮合

    攀枝花市18923167070: engaged的用法 -
    勤琰垂盆: 1、be engaged (in) 被动语态:忙着,做着,参加,有时可无in.有被迫忙碌的意味. be engage in 的否定结构是"can/do/does...not be engaged in",这里的be engaged in则取"参与、从事"的意思. 例如:be engaged in business 从事商...

    攀枝花市18923167070: 求大神解一下英语句子 怎么这么多动词 尤其是involve的存在 不懂 -
    勤琰垂盆: (being seen by others) involves (a level of) (vulnerability and exposure )that we ought to engage in (一直被人看着/监视)就意味着(一定程度的)(弱点和隐私曝光),而这是我们要反对的

    攀枝花市18923167070: 英语engage有参加的意思吗? -
    勤琰垂盆: engage的定义,来自google translate -participate or become involved in 意思就是参加

    攀枝花市18923167070: engage是什么意思啊~~ -
    勤琰垂盆: engage KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 吸引;占用(时间、精力等) The book engaged my full attention. 这本书把我完全吸引住了. Housework engages much of her time. 家事占用她很多时间. 2. 使(齿轮等)啮合 3. 与...交战,进攻 4. 雇,聘[(+as)][O2] ...

    攀枝花市18923167070: "engaged"的用法是什么? -
    勤琰垂盆: be engaged by 为...所吸引 be engaged in 正做着, 正忙着 be engage oneself in 正做着, 正忙着 be engaged on 着手(某事), 从事(某事) be engaged upon 着手(某事), 从事(某事) be engaged to 同...订婚 be engage oneself to 同...订婚 be engaged with 正与...接洽; 正忙于, 从事

    攀枝花市18923167070: engage hostile是什么意思这个短语是我在《变相金刚.1》中偶然看到的...就是特种部队在沙漠中遭遇蝎子的那段,求高手指点. -
    勤琰垂盆:[答案] Engage hostile(Engage:交战.hostile:敌军的):(译作:与敌军交战) 在剧中是“开火/攻击”的意思

    攀枝花市18923167070: Engaged和in a relationship的不同 -
    勤琰垂盆: be engaged是订婚 in a relationship是保持一种关系,没有前后文的情况下默认是谈恋爱engage表示正式的订婚,没有你说的这种意思.

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