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简介:Farhan Qureshi (R. Madhavan), Raju Rastogi (Sharman Joshi), and Rancchoddas "Rancho" Shyamaldas Chanchad (Aamir Khan) are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering, one of the best colleges in India. While Farhan and Raju are average students from modest backgrounds, Rancho is from a rich family. Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer, but has joined engineering college to fulfill his father's wish. Raju on the other hand wants to uplift his family fortunes. Rancho is a wealthy genius who studies for the sheer joy of it. However, Rancho's passion is for knowledge and taking apart and building machines rather than the conventional obsession of the other students with exam ranks. With his different approach Rancho incurs the wrath of dean of college, Professor Viru Sahastrabudhhe (ViruS) (Boman Irani). Rancho irritates his lecturers by giving creative and unorthodox answers, and confronts ViruS after fellow student Joy Lobo hangs himself in his dormitory room. Joy had requested an extension on his major project on compassionate grounds—his father had suffered a stroke—but ViruS refused, saying that he himself was completely unmoved by his own son's accidental death after being hit by a train. Rancho denounces the rat race, dog-eat-dog, mindless rote learning mentality of the institution, blaming it for Lobo's death.

Threatened by Rancho's talent and free spirit, ViruS labels him an "idiot" and attempts on a number of occasions to destroy his friendship with Farhan and Raju, warning them and their parents to steer clear of Rancho. In contrast, ViruS’ model student is Chatur Ramalingam or "Silencer", (Omi Vaidya) who sees a high rank at the prestigious college as his ticket to higher social status, corporate power, and therefore wealth. Chatur conforms to the expectations of the system. Rancho humiliates Chatur, who is awarded the honour of making a speech at an award ceremony, by substituting obscenities into the text, which has been written by the librarian. As expected, Chatur mindlessly memorises the speech, without noticing that anything is amiss, partly aided by his lack of knowledge on Hindi. His speech becomes the laughing stock of the audience, infuriating the authorities in the process.

Meanwhile, Rancho also falls in love with ViruS' medical student daughter Pia (Kareena Kapoor) when he, Raju and Farhan crash her sister's wedding banquet in order to get a free meal, in the process further infuriating ViruS.

Meanwhile, the three students continue to anger ViruS, although Rancho continues to come first in every exam, while Chatur is always second, and Farhan and Raju are inevitably in the last two positions. The tensions come to a head when the three friends, who are already drunk, break into ViruS's house at night to allow Rancho to propose to Pia, and then urinate on a door inside the compound before running away when ViruS senses intruders. The next day, ViruS threatens to expel Raju lest he talks on the other two. Unable to choose between betraying his friend or letting down his family, Raju jumps out of the 3rd floor window and lands on a courtyard, but after extensive care from Pia and his roommates, awakes from a coma.

The experience has changed Farhan and Raju, and they adopt Rancho's outlook. Farhan decides to pursue his love of photography, while Raju takes an unexpected approach for an interview for a corporate job. He attends in plaster and a wheelchair and gives a series of non-conformal and frank answers. However, ViruS is unsympathetic and vows to make the final exam as hard as possible so that Raju is unable to graduate. Pia hears him and angrily confronts him, and when ViruS gives the same ruthless reply he gives to his students, she denounces him in the same way that Rancho did over the suicide of Lobo. Pia reveals that Viru's son and her brother was not killed in an accident but committed suicide in front of a train and left a letter because ViruS had forced him to pursue a career in engineering over his love for literature; ViruS always mentioned that he unsympathetically failed his son on the ICE entrance exams over and over to every new intake of ICE students. After this, Pia walks out on the family home, and takes ViruS's spare keys with her. She tells Rancho of the exam, and he and Farhan break into ViruS's office and steals the exam and give it to Raju, who with his new-found attitude, is unconcerned with the prospect of failing, and refuses to cheat and throws the paper away. However, ViruS catches the trio and expels them on the spot. However, they earn a reprieve when Viru's pregnant elder daughter Mona (Mona Singh) goes into labour at the same time. A heavy storm cuts all power and traffic, and Pia is still in self-imposed exile, so she instructs Rancho to deliver the baby in the college common room via VOIP, after Rancho restores power using car batteries and a power inverter that Rancho had dreamed up and ViruS had mocked. Rancho then delivers the baby with the help of a cobbled-together Vacuum extractor.

After the baby is apparently stillborn, Rancho resuscitates it. ViruS reconciles with Rancho and his friends and allows them to take their final exams and they graduate. Rancho comes first and is awarded ViruS's pen, which the professor had been keeping for decades before finding a brilliant enough student to gift it to.

Their story is framed as intermittent flashbacks from the present day, ten years after Chatur vowed revenge on Rancho for embarrassing him at the speech night and promised to become more successful than Rancho a decade later. Having lost contact with Rancho, who disappeared during the graduation party and went into seclusion, Raju and Farhan begin a journey to find him. They are joined by Chatur, now a wealthy and successful businessman, who joins them, brazenly confident that he has surpassed Rancho. Chatur is also looking to seal a deal with a famous scientist and prospective business associate named Phunsukh Wangdu. Chatur sees Wangdu, who has hundreds of patents, as his ticket to further social prestige. When they find Rancho's house in Shimla, they walk into his father's funeral, and find a completely different Rancho (Jaaved Jaffrey). After accusing the new man of stealing their friend's identity and profiting from his intellect, the host pulls a gun on them, but Farhan and Raju turn the tables by seizing the father's ashes and threatening to flush them down the toilet. The householder capitulates and says that their friend was a destitute servant boy who loved learning, while he, the real Rancho, was a lazy wealthy child who disliked study, so the family agreed to let the servant boy study in Rancho's place instead of labouring. In return, the real Rancho would pocket the qualifications and the benefits thereof, while the impersonator would sever all contact with the world and start a new life. The real Rancho reveals that his impersonator is now a schoolteacher in Ladakh.

Raju and Farhan then find Pia, and take her from her wedding day to Suhas by performing the same tricks with his material possessions, and having Raju turn up to the ceremony disguised as the groom and eloping with Pia in public. When they arrive in Ladakh, they see a group of enthusiastic Ladakhi children who are motivated by love of knowledge. Pia and the fake Rancho rekindle their love, while Chatur mocks and abuses Rancho the schoolteacher. He asks Rancho to sign on a "Declaration of defeat" document. And sees that Rancho is using the pen which ViruS had gifted him. Chatur snatches the pen from Rancho and starts to move back. When Rancho's friends ask what his real name is, he reveals that his real name is Phunsukh Wangdu and phones Chatur, who has turned his back, and tells him that he will not be able to sign the deal with him because he has his pen. He asks Chatur to turn around meet his prospective business partner. Chatur is horrified and falls to his knees, accepts his defeat and continues to plead his case with Phunsukh to establish the business relationship he was after.
经典台词:all is well

1、Free as the wind was he, like a soaring kite was he.
2、We were led by the path we took while he carved a path of his own.

3、Stumbling, rising, carefree walked he.

4、We fretted about the morrow, he simply reveled in today.

5、A realization that only comes with time is that knowing which friends are real is much more important than having a lot of them.

6、Living each moment to the fullest.

7、All is well.

1、He simply reveled in today.他却今朝有酒今朝醉。

2、Like a soaring kite was he.他像风筝般高飞。

3、Living each moment to the fullest.让每一分钟活得充实。

4、Where did he go, let's find him.他去哪儿,让我们找他。

5、Stumbling, rising, carefree walked he.跌倒,爬起,他无忧无虑的前行。

6、We fretted about the morrow.我们为明日之忧烦恼。

7、Free as the wind was he.他像风般自由。






1、Living each moment to the fullest.让每一分钟活得充实。

2、He simply reveled in today.他却今朝有酒今朝醉。

3、Like a soaring kite was he.他像风筝般高飞。

4、Living each moment to the fullest.让每一分钟活得充实。

5、We were led by the path we took.我们靠前人的路引导。

6、While he carved a path of his own.但他却自己铺路。

7、Stumbling, rising, carefree walked he.跌倒,爬起,他无忧无虑的前行。

1、All is well.


2、We fretted about the morrow.


3、Free as the wind was he.


4、Living each moment to the fullest.


5、He simply reveled in today.


6、Like a soaring kite was he.


7、Living each moment to the fullest.


8、Where did he go, let's find him.


9、We were led by the path we took.


10、While he carved a path of his own.


11、Stumbling, rising, carefree walked he.


12、He who touched our hearts and vanished.


13、Follow excellent, And success will chase you, pants down;



1、He simply reveled in today.他却今朝有酒今朝醉。2、Like a soaring kite was he.他像风筝般高飞。3、Living each moment to the fullest.让每一分钟活得充实。4、Where did he go, let's find him.他去哪儿,让我们找他。5、Stumbling, rising, carefree walked he.跌倒,爬起,他无忧...

三个傻瓜经典台词有:1、Living each moment to the fullest.让每一分钟活得充实。2、He simply reveled in today.他却今朝有酒今朝醉。3、Like a soaring kite was he.他像风筝般高飞。4、Living each moment to the fullest.让每一分钟活得充实。5、We were led by the path we took.我们...

经典台词:all is well 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 百万符文 2010-12-14 · TA获得超过594个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:119 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:99.8万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 3 Idiots is a 2009 Bollywood comedy film directed by Rajkumar Hirani...

1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.(生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)2. There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes.(通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西)3. His back’s as crooked as a politician.(他的背...

4. Mama says,"Stupid is as stupid does. " 妈妈说,“做傻事的才是傻瓜”。5. Jenny and mewas like peas and carrots. 珍妮和我形影不离。6. I was getting yelled at. 我给骂得狗血喷头。7. You stick with me. 你们跟紧我。8:he had a lot to live up to. 他很有荣誉感。9....

希望是一个好东西,也许是最知名的,好东西是不会离开。 “阿甘正传阿甘正传”1.Life。就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。 人生就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid是愚蠢。 傻瓜,傻人傻福,做愚蠢的事情,也是可以理解的。 3.Miracles发生每天奇迹每天都在发生。 4.Jenny我很喜欢的豌豆豌豆,胡萝卜...

5.“我在向你求婚,你这个小傻瓜。” 出处:1940年影片《蝴蝶梦》(Rebecca) 6.“玫瑰花蕾。” 出处:1941年影片《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane) 7.“孩子,就看你的了。” 出处:1943年影片《卡萨布兰卡\/北非谍影》(Casablanca) 8.“不,高尔夫球场不过是一个会动的户外台球室罢了,除此之外,它什么也不是。” 出处:...

下面是我收集整理的经典台词,希望大家喜欢。1.I was a fool to fall for a man like you.我真是傻瓜,竟然爱上你这样一个人。我想,我们的故事永远不会出现在银幕上,可是当我看着你离去,我的心一样的痛楚。2.I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca. You know I've never ...

希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 二《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》1.Life was like a boxof chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。2.Stupid is as stupiddoes. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。3.Miracles happenevery day. 奇迹...

爱情电影经典台词 《开往春天的地铁》: 我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。 我一直怀疑27岁是否还会有一见钟情的倾心 《榴莲飘飘》: 结婚了吧,傻X了吧,以后挣了钱都两个人花——原始社会好,原始社会好,原始社会男女光着屁股跑。 《东宫西宫》: 这不是贱,这是爱情。 《东宫西宫》: 你到底是男...

五家渠市14728866733: 电影三个傻子英文台词 -
历屠君维: 电影三个傻瓜(3 Idiots)的英文台词,见附件.如果看不到附件,请用电脑访问.

五家渠市14728866733: 三个白痴中的优美台词 -
历屠君维: 1、All is well.一切皆好.2、We fretted about the morrow.我们为明日之忧烦恼.3、Free as the wind was he.他像风般自由.4、Living each moment to the fullest.让每一分钟活得充实.5、He simply reveled in today.他却今朝有酒今朝醉...

五家渠市14728866733: 求三傻大闹宝莱坞中,蓝就 说的那句经典的话,中文和英文都要. -
历屠君维:[答案] Aal izz well(一切皆好) 还是 Follow Excellence.Success will chase you.(追求卓越,成功就会在不经意间追上你)(我个人觉得这句最好)

五家渠市14728866733: 三傻大闹宝莱坞 10句 中英文台词 -
历屠君维: Follow Excellence. Success will chase you追求卓越,成功就会在不经意间追上你 You majesty,thou are great,Accept our humble offering尊敬的阁下,您太伟大了,请接受我们谦卑的供奉 LanChe: records, analysis, the article, the sort of tool. To ...

五家渠市14728866733: 求三傻大闹宝莱坞经典对白中英对白 -
历屠君维: Follow excellence ,and success will chase you , pants down..追求卓越,成功就会在不经意间追上你.

五家渠市14728866733: 三个傻瓜里的那句英语怎么写? -
历屠君维: Three a fool

五家渠市14728866733: 三傻大闹宝莱坞的英语台词,要全部.最好有中英对照,急~~ 在线等 -
历屠君维: 没找到全部,只有经典的 百度文库:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/95df521e55270722192ef7e1.html

五家渠市14728866733: 三傻大闹宝莱坞常用的那句英文啥意识 -
历屠君维: 你说的应该是Ali izz well吧,电影《3 idiots》(三傻大闹宝莱坞)里面的经典台词,主题曲名字也就叫这个.是英语All is well(一切顺利)的意思.“ali izz well”是按照带有印地语口音的英语发音拼写的,其实就是英语.

五家渠市14728866733: 三傻大闹宝莱坞的英文台词
历屠君维: Instruments that record, analyze, summarize,organize, debate and explain information that are illustrated,non-illustrated; hard bound, paperback, jacketed,non-jacketed; with foreword,introduction, table-of-contents,index,that are intended for ...

五家渠市14728866733: 电影《三个傻瓜》台词 -
历屠君维: 语言差异,翻译版本不同可能具体的不一样,但大致意思相同 台词如下: 考官:“你的成绩一直都很差,为什么?” Raju Rastogi :“恐惧 我从小就是个好学生,父母希望我能结束他们的贫穷,那让我感到惧怕. 在这里,我又看到疯狂的竞赛...

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