六年级PEP上册英语的28 31 29 32页的单词有什么

作者&投稿:姬玉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
六年级上册英语书29 32页有什么单词,我忘带书回家了~

PEP的是29没,30没,31post card'''''

30页: (1) Every four years.
Five. Olympic flag.
Blue, yellow, read. Green, black.
Begin ctober 8
3One would one dream. Faster Higher Stronger.
(2) Between. He's peter.
he doesn't.
It's passing the ball.
are cheering.
31页(3) Bring me a basket.
Take an umbrella.
My have noodles, salad, fish.
(4) Dress. Daughter.
A pair of shorts. Son.
Skairs Dresses.
Shorts Trousers.

take a irip read a magazine go tu the cinema magazine comic book newspaper

Unit 1 无 Unit 2 bag(包) pencil(铅笔) pen(钢笔) book (书) ruler(尺子) pencil-case(铅笔盒)Unit 3 teacher(教师) student(学生) boy(男孩) girl(女孩) friend(朋友)Unit 4 home(家) room(房间) school(学校) classroom(教室)window(窗户) desk(课桌;书桌)...

小学英语六年级(PEP)(上)四会、三会、二会单词及重点句型 四会(听、说、读、写)单词 by (经,乘), foot(脚), bike(自行车) ,bus(公共汽车) ,train(火车) ,how(怎样), go to school(上学), traffic(交通), traffic light(交通灯), traffic rule(交通规则), stop(停,...

人教版小学英语•六年级上册•单词表 Unit 1 by [bai] (经,乘) foot[fut] (脚) bike [baik] (自行车) bus [bʌs] (公共汽车) train [trein] (火车) plane [plein]飞机 ship [ʃip] 船;舰 subway ['sʌbwei] 地铁 how [hau] (怎样) go to school(上学) fifth [fifθ] 第五 traf...

Unit 1:Young (年轻的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的)strong (强壮的) kind (和蔼的、亲切的) old (年老的) short(矮的)thin (瘦的) Mr (先生) like (像、喜欢) strict (严格的)smart (聪明的、巧妙的) active (积极的、活跃的) quiet (安静的、文静的)very...

二.动词三单的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks 2.以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies 练习: 写出下列动词的第三人称单数。drink ...

pep英语六年级上册1的story time的内容翻译是什么
zip:我们怎么去呢?zoom:打的在么样?zip:那太贵了?zoom:你有什么主意?zip:我们走路去吧。那是个不错的运动。zoom:你知道交通规则吗?zip:当然。介绍 《PEP小学英语》(三年级起点)共配有八本学生用书、八本教师用书、八本教学参考、八本活动手册、八盒(上下册)由人民教育电子音像出版...

PEP英语义务教育课程标准实验教科书六年级上册所有五角星单词 急! 回...
六年级上册所有五角星单词 Unit 1:by (经,乘) foot(脚) bike(自行车) bus(公共汽车) train(火车)how(怎样) go to school(上学) traffic(交通) traffic light(交通灯)traffic rule(交通规则) stop(停,停车站)wait(等待) get to(到达)Unit 2:library(图书馆) post ...

Let's start 你们有新老师吗?是的。我们有一位新数学老师。他又高又强壮。Let's chant 我的数学老师非常聪明。我的英语老师心地善良。我的体育老师非常健壮。我的音乐老师唱歌动听。他们帮我们学习。他们助我们玩耍。放学后,我还想留下来。Main scene 噢,不!那是我们的新科学老师!你们好,我是...

pep小学英语3-6年级上下册所有单词 该毕业了,老师让找书复习一下单词,但我书都找不找了,所以就拜托各位了。(注意:所有单词哦.)找的齐的话,追加20分哦!... 该毕业了,老师让找书复习一下单词,但我书都找不找了,所以就拜托各位了。(注意:所有单词哦.)找的齐的话,追加20分哦! 展开  我来答 ...

Unit 1 How do you go there?Period One Teaching contents: Part A let’s learn & let’s play Teaching aims:1 .To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot ,by bike ,by bus ,by train, by plane ,by ship ,by subway 2 .To enable the students to...

新泰市17168732921: 六年级PEP上册英语的28 31 29 32页的单词有什么
禹骅板蓝: take a irip read a magazine go tu the cinema magazine comic book newspaper

新泰市17168732921: pep小学英语六年级上册第三单元单词表单pep小学英语六年级上册第三单元单词表单词词 -
禹骅板蓝: next week下周 this morning 今天上午 this afternoon 今天下午 this evening 今天晚上 tonight 今晚 tomorrow 明天 take a trip 去旅行 read a magazine 阅读杂志 go to the cinema 去看电影 theme park 主题公园 the Great Wall 长城 busy 忙碌的 ...

新泰市17168732921: pep六年级上册英语重点知识 -
禹骅板蓝: 第一单元How do you go there?重点:小学英语PEP六年级上册重点句1.How do you go to school?2.Usually I go to school on foot.3.Sometimes I go by bike.4.How can I get to ZhongShan Park?5.You can go by the No.15 bus.6.Where is the cinema,...

新泰市17168732921: pep小学英语六年级上三单元的单词 -
禹骅板蓝: post card(明信片)newspaper(报纸)comic book(漫画书)dictionary(字典) magazing(杂志) Where are you going this afternoon? I'm giong to the bookstore. What are you going to buy?I am going to buy a comic book.

新泰市17168732921: 小学六年级上英语人教pep -
禹骅板蓝: PEP六年级下册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1:tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger更强壮的 old—older 年龄更大的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small...

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禹骅板蓝: read--------read row---------rowed sing-----------sang dance---------danced see---------saw climb-------climbed take-----------took make ---------made go----------went visits-------visitsed buy -----------dought wash---------washed 还有很多,大多都是在动词后面加ed,有特殊情况不是!要注意单词的末尾的那个英文!

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禹骅板蓝:[答案] PEP六年级上册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1 by (经,乘) foot(脚) bike(自行车) bus(公共汽车) train(火车) how(怎样) go to school(上学) traffic(交通) traffic light(交通灯) traffic rule(交通规则) stop(停,停车站)wait(等待) get to...

新泰市17168732921: 英语pep六年级上册第二单元四会单词句子 -
禹骅板蓝: libary post office hospital cinema bookstoie science museum excuse me where piease nexe to fai supeimaiket bank after school want buy a pair of shoe store get of minute north sourth east west turn right left straight then twelfth party tell start take ...

新泰市17168732921: pep小学英语六年级上册第三单元单词表单pep小学英语六年级上册第三单元单词表单词词 -
禹骅板蓝:[答案] next week下周 this morning 今天上午 this afternoon 今天下午 this evening 今天晚上 tonight 今晚 tomorrow 明天 take a trip 去旅行 read a magazine 阅读杂志 go to the cinema 去看电影 theme park 主题公园 the Great Wall 长城 busy 忙碌的 together 一...

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