
作者&投稿:荣试 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

space permission

Shanghai, an international city, is located in the east of China. With its world-famous landmarks such as Jin Mao Building, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Lujiazui financial centre(金融中心), Shanghai has become most travellers’ tourist destination.If you enjoy shopping , you can visit Nanjing Road and Huaihai Road . They are called “Shopping Paradise “ in Shanghai. You won’t feel bored if you walk on these two roads and many goods(货物) will attract your eyes. If you enjoy eating delicious food, don’t forget to visit Yu Garden and a lot of local snacks will wait for you there.Now that the World Expo has been held in Shanghai , lovely Shanghainese welcome you to visit Shanghai. Why not spread your wings and visit it ? It’s your choice---Shanghai.

authorization:这个是名词~是给与的许可,权利~这么个意思~i have got authorization to open a book store here.
authority:这个是 有权利的人 the authority of thie country
Privilige: 这个是 比别人多的权益,~跟别人相比之下的~ My priviliege of hight against her for basketball.
Access:这个是 去执行什么事,进到什么地方的权利 I have access to this building~
Permission:准许~别人给的许可~ I have permission to go into this building~
Rights:权利:比如人权~自由发言权~ We have the right of freedom of speech.

Authorization 这个是授权,像授权使用商标,授权代理,授予某种权利做什么事的,常用词。
Permission 许可,相对于Authorization 没那么正式,口头答应之类的可以用这个词,当然有些时候可以代替Authorization.
Rights 范围最广,权利,法律用词。但不如以上具体。如:human rights 人权。
Access 这个词相对而言可以认为是 可以做什么事,你有钥匙,门禁卡就有门的ACCESS, 有密码就有电脑的 ACCESS。


rights 权利

authorization:这个是名词~是给与的许可,权利~这么个意思~i have got authorization to open a book store here.authority:这个是 有权利的人 the authority of thie country Privilige: 这个是 比别人多的权益,~跟别人相比之下的~ My priviliege of hight against her for basketball.Access:这个是 ...




计算机中一般是 permission

permission 权限; 使用权限 权限的英文:limits to rights 参考例句:Limits of authority for examining and approving loans should be rationally defined.合理划分贷款审批权限 The site has requested client authentication.网站已请求客户程序验证其权限。An IO error occurred during security authorization....

The term commonly used for "permissions" in English is "level." This word is often employed to refer to the access rights and privileges granted or restricted to individuals or systems within a particular context or system. It signifies the hierarchical levels of authority and control...

权限 计算机术语 翻译成英语
permission 权限 permission guard 许可保护机制 permission 使用权限 access permission 访问权限 参考资料:英语计算机网络词汇

在计算机术语中,"权限"可以用 "authorization" 或 "permission" 来表示,前者通常用于更正式的场合,后者更常见于日常交流。例如,"你没有足够的授权" 可以这样翻译:"You do not have the necessary authorization",强调的是特定的许可或准入级别。当遇到"对不起,您没有访问权限"的情况,用英语可以...

1、The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.外国银行账户不在英国警方的管辖权限之内。2、An agent shall perform Juristic Acts in the principal's name within the scope of the power of agency.代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。3、It is worth...

开远市19750511951: 关于英语中对于权限的几个单词做个介绍authorization、Privilege、 Access 、authority、 Permission、 rights 这几个单词都有权利的意思,它们之间有什么具... -
矣脉赛乐:[答案] authorization:这个是名词~是给与的许可,权利~这么个意思~i have got authorization to open a book store here.authority:这个是 有权利的人 the authority of thie countryPrivilige:这个是 比别人多的权益,跟别人...

开远市19750511951: 权限的解释英文怎么写 -
矣脉赛乐: 权限的解释 [词典] [法] construction of references; [例句]在为这些常规操作分配权限时,应用程序以特定于该应用程序的方式解释这些操作.When you assign rights for these general operations, the application interprets them in a way specific to that application.

开远市19750511951: 后台管理中“权限”一词英语单词怎么写 -
矣脉赛乐: 计算机中一般是 permission

开远市19750511951: 权限和权利这两个单词的区别?
矣脉赛乐: 权限是指权力的大小范围.

开远市19750511951: 我已经批准了关于这个人的所有的权限,用英语怎么说? -
矣脉赛乐: this guy's access has been granted.不过最好对权限能有个说明,比如是查阅所有文件的权限,access to all files.

开远市19750511951: 设置权限的英文怎么写? -
矣脉赛乐: 你这个问题不清楚啊,你是要问设置权限这几个字在系统中的英文,还是说你要在英文系统里设置相关权限啊,还有就是对什么设置权限啊,如果只是这几个字的英文翻译的话是这样的:“competence set”

开远市19750511951: 英语中动词,形容词,副词,名词,代词等在句子中分别做什么成分 -
矣脉赛乐: 1.动词:分为实义动词:see,look,watch情态动词:can,may,shall,need. Be动词:am,is,are. 实义动词和Be动词通常作谓语,情态动词后面接的动词原形作句中的谓语. 2.形容词: 分为(1)形容词作表语, 例:I feel sad. sad就是表语. (2)...

开远市19750511951: 英语单词类型 -
矣脉赛乐: 一、词性的分类 词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功用,可以分成十个大类. 1 名词 noun n. student 学生 2 代词 pronoun pron. you 你 3 形容词 adjective adj. happy 高兴的 4 副词 adverb adv. quickly 迅速地 5 动词 verb v. cut 砍、割 6 数...

开远市19750511951: 急求,在汉语中作动词但是在英语中作介词的词语有哪些啊! -
矣脉赛乐: 抄的 1. With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下 2. be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下 under ...

开远市19750511951: 英语单词root什么意思 -
矣脉赛乐: 本意是根源;root存在于UNIX系统(如AIX、BSD等)和类UNIX系统(如Debian、Redhat、Ubuntu以及Android系统等各个发行版的Linux)中,超级用户一般命名为root.root是系统中唯一的超级用户,具有系统中所有的权限,如启动或停止一个进程,删除或增加用户,增加或者禁用硬件等等.

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