
作者&投稿:向婕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Sorry to let you know that though the two fans of the oven have been installed,
it cannot be used before trial tests.

(1) it 这里是指 烤炉
如果原意是风扇,改为 they

(2) 真正使用
it is not yet available for practical uses before trial tests.
it shouldn't be used for practical purposes(jobs) before trial tests.

Hi,my IT colleague,

I found that when the computer No. SZPC0074 runs the software ai, some of the characters are changed. Pls check the attachment and deal with it as soon as possible.Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Your name

1. draws back the single registration form
2. serial numbers
3. to receive the human (to take over human)
4. receive time
5. to make wrong (to be wrong person)
6. to process human 7. processing to complete the time
8. reason
9. labor single conditions (order form condition)
10. zinc plate/resin version

1.registered form for returning order
2.sequence number
4.received time
5.person who did thing wrongly
7.time of process finished
9.order status
10.zincotype/resin type

1、Refund single registration form
2、Serial number
4、Receiving time
5、Who do wrong
7、Complete the processing time
9、The order status
10、Resin version

Returned Order Registration Form
Number , Serial Number
time of receipt
(Handling)completion time
Order Status
zinco type/Resin type

1.Refund single registration form. 2.Receiver 4.Receiving time 5。Do wrong people 6.handler 7.Complete the processing time 8.reason
9.order status 9.zinc etching\resin etching

你用 谷歌翻译 不都可以了吗

想怎么翻 都 怎么翻

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Preceded engaged in mold manufacturing and mold design, engineering analysis of the review. Mold department, together with the company to grow, this sector cover the major manufacturing mobile phones and laptop (Apple ipad), LCD TV shell, light guide plate in the mold, the customer ...

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The incoming letter receives, now has been much better? Hoped that you will soon be restored to health! I have received 250 dollars which you on 25th send. Because of yours peculiar circumstance, you may after arriving at Beijing the spare money 500 dollars, pays us with the ...

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卓尼县17082414519: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译几句话,请不要用软件翻译,谢谢拉! -
蔽和京制: Founded in 1950, is the national construction ministry in 1987 approved the first class post nine construction enterprise, and also one of the telecommunications construction enterprises in the 1st class qualification of contracting enterprise. ...

卓尼县17082414519: 请高手帮忙确认把下面这句话翻译成英语的,不要翻译软件的啦,谢谢———————— 1.我们有以下两 -
蔽和京制: 1 we have the following two improvement measures according to the requirements of the headquarters 2 we will together to confirm the vacuum packaging machine with internal PM, the confirming results will come out next week.请采纳

卓尼县17082414519: 英文邮件 看不懂 急需高手帮忙(请不要用翻译软件给我答案) 谢谢Dear sir Our company SANDELO LTD, is one of the biggest importer of promotional gifts ... -
蔽和京制:[答案] 尊敬的先生, 我们SANDELO 有限公司是我国最大的促销品进口公司之一.在我们出差广州期间,我们拿到了样品包.我们急需关于这种两种颜色加图案的购物袋的估价.你们有没有像照片中黑色无图案或者上面印有双色logo的...

卓尼县17082414519: 急!英文高手来帮下忙请将下列文字翻译成英文 请务必不要使用翻译软件 谢谢既然如此,是否我们就该对吸烟行为放任不管呢?当然不行,我们认为,在人... -
蔽和京制:[答案] That being the case, whether or not we on the smoking behavior regardless of laissez-faire? » Of course not, in our view, people can not kick the smoking habits of the circumstances, the use of low tar content, less harmful components of cigarettes, in ...

卓尼县17082414519: 请高手把下面一段话翻译成英文 不要软件翻译 谢谢 谢谢
蔽和京制: Hi, I've looked the picture that you sent to me. There is a problem with the package. Usually the BOSS logo on the package come with 2 different color, Gold & silver, if there is no special request from the customer, we will assorted the package. ...

卓尼县17082414519: 急!请高手翻译成英语,本人在线等.... -
蔽和京制: 您好: 【原文】香洲分局翠香派出所证字【201103】2065号证明经我所电脑查询,我辖区居民XXX,男/女,身份证号码XXXXX,无违法犯罪记录.特此证明. 【译文】 Xiangzhou sub-bureau cui fragrance station Card words [201103] ...

卓尼县17082414519: 请高手帮忙翻译这段话,不要用软件,谢谢,急急急What does "getting along with your teacher"mean,anyway?"Getting along "means you and your ... -
蔽和京制:[答案] 说真的,“和你的老师相处”究竟是什么意思?“相处”意思是你和你的老师之间有一种对你们俩都有效的方法,在师生关系中来得到各自所需要的东西.对你的老师而言,他(她)想要确信你是在乎她的,尊敬她,对她有礼貌,并且你会尽力去学习...

卓尼县17082414519: 请高手翻译成英文 急 -
蔽和京制: Would you help me contact Adam about it? Candle on the issue if the case is not solved in time will affect the delivery time. Now packing plant workers are waiting for the packaging. Very anxious

卓尼县17082414519: 请英语高手翻译句子请大家帮忙翻译下面句子,请不要用软件翻译,谢谢!1:得马上请医生来.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤... -
蔽和京制:[答案] 1:得马上请医生来.1.We must go for a doctor at once.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬2.They were praised for their good work.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤3.Nobody wounded in the accident yesterday.4:不能把这些...

卓尼县17082414519: 各位英语高手,帮我翻译一下!急呀!下面是那段句子,另外,请各位人工翻译,不要使用翻译软件!谢谢!谢谢!这个假期,我一直在家,没有出去玩,因... -
蔽和京制:[答案] I stayed home during the holidays. I didn't go out because we were moving. The place we're moving to is much bigger than the old one. My parents were busy moving things every morning, I wanted to help as well, so I decided to move this big box. But it ...

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