
作者&投稿:岑夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There is a farmer who works at sunrise and rests at sunset. He wanted to improve his life, but he was too lazy, too timid, too lazy and afraid to do anything, and always wanted to encounter unexpected wealth.
The miracle finally happened. One day in late autumn, he was plowing in the field, and a rabbit, impartial, hit his head on the root of the tree beside his field.
On that day, he had a good meal. From then on, he stopped planting. From day to night, the magic tree roots, waiting for the miracle.
当天,他美美地饱餐了一顿。 从此,他便不再种地。一天到晚,守着那神奇的树根,等着奇迹的出现。


The song has in the farmer field to turn the soil. Suddenly, he sees to have a hare to flee flustered from the side thick patch of grass, hits in on the edge of a paddy field tree pillar, as soon as then poured in there moves is also motionless. As soon as the farmer walks looked that,The rabbit died. Because it runs the speed too is quick, all hit the neck folds (shé). Farmer happy extremely, a his strength has not spent, Bai Jian also has been fat the big hare. He thought; If all can pick the hare daily, the day felt better. Henceforth, he again was not willing to leave the strength to farm. Side every day, he places the hoe, lies down nearby the tree pillar, was waiting for second, third hare hit this tree pillar to come up. In the world where has that many cheap matter. The farmer does not certainly have the hare which picks again hits dies, but his paddies went out of cultivation actually.


A farmer from the state of song every day in the field work. One day, the farmer working in the fields, suddenly a rabbit from the bushes out of nowhere. The hare due to see someone and frightened. He desperately run, but suddenly hit a cut tree farmer turnrow onto them, he broke his neck died. The farmer was put down his farm work, walk over to pick up dead rabbits, he was very thankful for their own good luck. Coming back home in the evening, the farmer died rabbit to his wife. Wife made savoury meat, the couple talking and laughing rabbits ate a meal. The next day the earth in the fields, but he didn't like the former so devotion. Wait for windfalls
He dried soon toward the brushwood take aim, listen and hope to have a rabbit out of nowhere crashed on the stump. In this way, he absent-mindedly dry day live, this hoe land also didn't finish hoe. Until dark also did not see any rabbit came out, he was unwilling to go home. The third day, the farmer came to DeBian, has fully centerless tillage. He put aside, farm tools is sitting on the stump beside the weevils on, specialized waiting hare out of nowhere. But he waited in vain day. Later, the farmer every day so keep the stump edge, hope again pick up to rabbit, but he didn't get. But in the fields seedlings for him wilted. The farmer therefore become song about the laughingstock of the countrymen. Now if they use old method to manage now people, like holding a tree to hit the same.

A farmer from the state of song every day in the field work. One day, the farmer working in the fields, suddenly a rabbit from the bushes out of nowhere. The hare due to see someone and frightened. He desperately run, but suddenly hit a cut tree farmer turnrow onto them, he broke his neck died. The farmer was put down his farm work, walk over to pick up dead rabbits, he was very thankful for their own good luck. Coming back home in the evening, the farmer died rabbit to his wife. Wife made savoury meat, the couple talking and laughing rabbits ate a meal. The next day the earth in the fields, but he didn't like the former so devotion. Wait for windfalls
He dried soon toward the brushwood take aim, listen and hope to have a rabbit out of nowhere crashed on the stump. In this way, he absent-mindedly dry day live, this hoe land also didn't finish hoe. Until dark also did not see any rabbit came out, he was unwilling to go home. The third day, the farmer came to DeBian, has fully centerless tillage. He put aside, farm tools is sitting on the stump beside the weevils on, specialized waiting hare out of nowhere. But he waited in vain day. Later, the farmer every day so keep the stump edge, hope again pick up to rabbit, but he didn't get. But in the fields seedlings for him wilted. The farmer therefore become song about the laughingstock of the countrymen. Now if they use old method to

A farmer from the state of song every day in the field work. One day, the farmer working in the fields, suddenly a rabbit from the bushes out of nowhere. The hare due to see someone and frightened. He desperately run, but suddenly hit a cut tree farmer turnrow onto them, he broke his neck died. The farmer was put down his farm work, walk over to pick up dead rabbits, he was very thankful for their own good luck. Coming back home in the evening, the farmer died rabbit to his wife. Wife made savoury meat, the couple talking and laughing rabbits ate a meal. The next day the earth in the fields, but he didn't like the former so devotion. Wait for windfalls
He dried soon toward the brushwood take aim, listen and hope to have a rabbit out of nowhere crashed on the stump. In this way, he absent-mindedly dry day live, this hoe land also didn't finish hoe. Until dark also did not see any rabbit came out, he was unwilling to go home. The third day, the farmer came to DeBian, has fully centerless tillage. He put aside, farm tools is sitting on the stump beside the weevils on, specialized waiting hare out of nowhere. But he waited in vain day. Later, the farmer every day so keep the stump edge, hope again pick up to rabbit, but he didn't get. But in the fields seedlings for him wilted. The farmer therefore become song about the laughingstock of the countrymen. Now if they use old method to manage now people, like holding a tree to hit the same.

One day a farmer was working in the fields.Suddenly a hare ran very fast and crashed into a tree.It feii to the ground and died.The man picked up the hare and took it back home.He cooked it and had a delicious meai."To pick up a hare is cerainly easier than to work in the fields," he said to himself.From then on , the farmer didn't work any more. All day long he sat in the fields and waited for a hare to appear.

One day. a farmer was working in the field.
Suddenly a harassment ran very fast and crashed into a tree.
It fell to the ground and died.
He picked up the hare and took it back home.
He cooked it and had a delicious meal.
The farmer was happy.


古文版:守株待兔 宋人有耕者。田中有株。兔走触株,折颈而死。 因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔。兔不可得得,而身为宋国笑。翻译版:古时候一个种田人偶然捡到 一只撞死在树桩上的野兔,从此他丢下锄头,整天坐在树桩旁等,结果再也没有捡到野兔,地也荒了,. 庄稼全完了。


译文 宋国有个农民,他的田地中有一截树桩。一天,一只跑得飞快的野兔撞在了树桩上,扭断了脖子死了。于是,农民便放下他的农具守在树桩子旁边,希望能再得到只兔子。野兔不可能再次得到的,而他自己却被宋国人所耻笑。现在的国君居然想用过去的治国方略来治理当今的百姓,这都是在犯和守株待兔一样...

守株待兔 宋人有耕者。田中有株。兔走触株,折颈而死。 因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔。兔不可得得,而身为宋国笑。宋国有个农夫种着几亩地,他的地头上有一棵大树。一天,他在地里干活,忽然看见一只兔子箭一般地飞奔过来,猛的撞在那棵大树上,一下子把脖子折断了,蹬蹬腿就死了。这个农夫飞快...

守株待兔 守株待兔 ( shǒu zhū dài tù )解 释: 比喻死守狭隘经验,不知变通,或抱着侥幸心理妄想不劳而获。出 处 先秦·韩非《韩非子·五蠹》:“宋人有耕田者,田中有株,兔走触柱,折颈而死。”用 法 连动式;作宾语、定语;含贬义 示 例 明·冯梦龙《古今小说·杨八老越国奇逢》:“妾...


原文宋人有耕田者。田中有株,兔走触株,折颈而死。因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔。兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑。 ——出自《韩非子•五蠹》译文宋国有个农民,他的田地中有一截树桩。一天,一只跑得飞快的野兔撞在了树桩上,扭断了脖子死了。于是,农民便放下他的农具日日夜夜守在树桩子...


《守株待兔》译文 宋国时期,有个种地的农民,他的田地中有一截树桩。有一天,一只跑得飞快的野兔撞在了树桩上,折断了了脖子死了。于是,他便放下他的农具日日夜夜守在树桩子旁边,希望可以再得到一只兔子。然而野兔是不可能再次得到了,而他自己也被宋国人耻笑。《守株待兔》的启示 《守株待兔》...

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家狭君可:[答案] Warring States, Song of a farmer, and every day when he went to the fields to work hard to maintain family life. One day, which seems to be quite the same to the farmers working in the fields when I s...

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家狭君可:[答案] 守株待兔Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against It 相传在战国时代宋国,有一个农民,日出而作,日入而息.遇到好年景,也不过刚刚吃饱穿暖;一遇灾荒,可就要忍饥挨饿了.他想...

安新县18264103907: 谁有英文版《守株待兔》?我有急用, -
家狭君可:[答案] The song has in the farmer field to turn the soil.Suddenly,he sees to have a hare to flee flustered from the side thick patch of grass,hits in on the edge of a paddy field tree pillar,as soon as then poured in there moves is also motionless.As soon as the ...

安新县18264103907: 守株待兔英文篇 -
家狭君可:[答案] Waiting for a Hare to Turn up There was a peasant in the land of Song who had a tree in his field. One day a hare dashed up,knocked against the tree and fell dead with its neck brocken. Then the peasant put down his hoe and waited by the tree for ...

安新县18264103907: 守株待兔英文版简短
家狭君可: Wait for windfalls 守株待兔In the Spring and Autumn Period, one day a farmer in the State of Song was working in the fields when he saw a rabbit bump into a tree stump(树...

安新县18264103907: 守株待兔的英文版 -
家狭君可: In the past, there was a farmer .His farm had a tree .One day, a ran fast hare knocked against the tree. It was dead . So,the farmer picked up this hare.Then he had a good dinner. From that day on,he didn't work. He sat under the tree waiting for food every day.But ,a long time passed. There was no hare.

安新县18264103907: 英语翻译请用英文写出(守株待兔)这一成语的内容 -
家狭君可:[答案] 守株待兔:(后面有其中文意思)Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against ItThis story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C....

安新县18264103907: 守株待兔英语写 -
家狭君可: Waiting for rabbitsLong long ago , a farmer was working ,suddenly , there came a rabbit , then , the rabbit hit the tree, and died . The farmer was very happy. He ran to the place where the rabbit died and picked it up. Then ,he brought it home . ...

安新县18264103907: 英文版《守株待兔》 -
家狭君可: The song has in the farmer field to turn the soil. Suddenly, he sees to have a hare to flee flustered from the side thick patch of grass, hits in on the edge of a paddy field tree pillar, as soon as then poured in there moves is also motionless. As soon as ...

安新县18264103907: 在线等答案,《守株待兔》英文版的首字母填空!英语高手进!首字母填空——《守株待兔》One day it was very hot.A fammer was t - 1__ - after work. he sat ... -
家狭君可:[答案] 1.tired 2.rest 3.over 4.after 5.about 6.aroad 7.sleep 8.pick 9.under 10.wait 老师订正完答案要告诉我哦!也许错了!(应该全对)

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