
作者&投稿:步甄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is said that every heart has its own sorrow.. yes, living in the world, we must experience lots of frustrations and difficulties, which are unforeseen, traffic accident, floodwater, illness,etc. we can’t predict that when they will happen...when we have difficulties, we can turn to others, others' help are so important to us that I can’t imagine how the life will be without it.
Help is needed in everyone’s daily life. One day, I had a stomachache, I felt terrible. my best friend looked after me carefully. No words can express my thankfulness to her for the help .He offered me a cup of hot water, and told me to have the medicine. In addition, she also cleaned the classroom instead of me (that day, I was on duty).
All of above tell us a truth——everyone needs help .Do you know volunteers,?they are a group of people who always help others without expecting any rewards. They devote their whole life to people who need help. They are heroes who are ordinary people but have noble-minded spirits , such as the volunteers of the 2008 Olympic Games. They give helps to the 2008 Olympic Games, but ask nothing they only want to make a contribution to China. they set examples for us to help others. If someone asks me this question -----who is the greatest person in the world , I will replied him without hesitation ----volunteers!
My friend’s help makes me moved and let me get out of trouble, and I think your help will make more and more people feel warm, everyone needs help, why don’t us be a warmhearted person, Give a helping hand as a volunteers and make a contribution to others .let’s create a better and nicer tomorrow together.

Like May Day,we enjoy another seven-day holiday--National Day.We can travel to many places of interest.And I usually begin to do my homework only two days before the holiday ends.So I can have some time to play on the computer On October 6th and 7th.On the morning of October 1st,I always think of the long story of our motherland when I see our national flag going up on TV.So I like National Day very much.

My favourite cartoon character
My favourite cartoon character is luffy. He is one of the leading characters of a feature-length cartoon. The cartoon called “one piede” and I like this cartoon very much.
Luffy is a pirate. He is the captain of his sea rover. He always fight with the navy and gets them into troubnle.
Luffy is not tall or handsome. He is not clever, either. But he is hot-blooded and impulsive. Many people think pirates are bad guys,but luffy isn’t. He is a righteous guy.he always helps the people who are in trouble though he doesn’t know them. He gets lots of friend because of his temperament,. He always does some funny and absurd things.
Luffy wants to be the king of pirates. This is his principle.
I like luffy very much,because he tells us an: believe yourself and never give up, then you can make your dream come true.

我最喜欢的卡通人物是路飞。他是一部长篇卡通的主角之一。这部卡通叫做“One Piece(海贼王)”,我非常喜欢这部卡通。

我最喜欢的卡通人物是路飞。他是一个长篇卡通的主角之一。卡通的名字是“海贼王”,我非常喜欢这部卡通。(The cartoon is called "one piece")路飞是一个海贼。他是她的海盗船的船长。他经常和海军交战,并使他们陷入困境。(he always fights, into trouble)他也很讨厌混蛋...(不知道你是不是要说混蛋,如果是的话混蛋的英文是asshole). 路飞是个热血少年,很容易冲动。(没见过hot-blooded这个词,和impulsive差不多一个意思,删掉也可以)。很多人认为海贼是坏人,但路飞不是(Most people think pirates are bad guys) 他很正直,经常帮助有困难的人即使他不认识他们(Even though he doesn't know them.) 他因为这样的性格交了很多朋友(He made a lot of friends) 他要成为海贼王,这是他的梦想(This is his dream) 我很喜欢路飞因为他告诉我们一个重要的事情one important thing:相信自己你就可以实现梦想 Being confident.

My favourite cartoon character
My favourite cartoon character is Luffy. He is one of the leading characters in a feature-length cartoon. The cartoon is called “one piece” and I like it very much.
Luffy is a pirate. He is the captain of his sea rover. He always fights with the navy and gets them into trouble. He also hates bad eggs.
Luffy is hot-blooded and impulsive. Most of the people think pirates are bad eggs,but Luffy isn’t. He is a righteous guy.He always helps the people who are in trouble though he doesn’t know them. He gets lots of friends because of his temperament. He wants to be the king of pirates. This is his principle.
I like Luffy very much,because he tells us an important thing: Believe in yourself,then you can make your dream come true.





做个热爱自己命运的人 命运,也许有时是不公平的,有些人生来残疾,有些人生来四肢健全,有些人梦想着成为音乐家,命运却让他失去了听力,有些人梦想着成为舞蹈家,命运却让他失去了脚,有些人梦想着成为钢琴家,命运却让他失去了双臂。但是不管命运如何对待你,请你热爱它。周云蓬的一番话,让我无限...


1、这句话点明鸟的来历。2、从鸟的性格,外貌,声音和成长过程写的。3、本文的感情线索就是围绕珍珠鸟在成长的过程中对作者的态度转变来写的 。《珍珠鸟》是当代作家冯骥才于1984年创作的一篇散文。此文描绘了在一丛绿意盎然、充满生气的吊篮里的一只鸟笼里,一只红嘴小精灵在快乐地飞来飞去的图景...

My friend I have a good friend, whose name is XX. he is 14 years old, and he looks very handsome. We are classmates, he is very tall, and has big eyes, and a round face. He likes playing basketball and also be good at it. When it's weekend, he always askes me to...

My name is Lihua.I'm 18 years old.I'm in the third grade of senior high school.I was a lively and cheerful, helpful person.I like reading 、writing and playing sports.I won the first prize in the contest of countrywide middle school student English.I was in the English ...

I go to school.I always do my homework after I have lunch.In the evening,after having super,I go to do my homework,after that,sometimes I read books,sometimes I watch TV,sometimes I play computer.This is my life in a day,and I feel happy .我很认真写的哦.给我哈1`...




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并盲复方:[答案] My birthday was in July was改为is. 建议不要分那么多段 语法上面没有什么大错误, 但是结构可以修整 我不知道你是几年级的学生 以下是我对你作文的一些建议哈 我重新写了一篇 i plan to go for a visit to yunnan,in order to see my .grandmother and ...

兰州市13515859895: 英语高手帮忙检查一下这一篇文章有什么语病或用词不当!谢谢!如有不当,请修改后给我.The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese ... -
并盲复方:[答案] 修改:1. ...and it is when all family. 2. People who live away from home shall all get back. 定语从句的引导词丢了. 3. It大写 5. On the eve of the Spring Festival, ... 6. Everyone is very happy. 7. the Spring Festival,冠词没加. 9. always一词应当去掉. 12. ...

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并盲复方:[答案] 内容写得不错哦~有些细节方面的时态和用法替你改过了.文章如下 Mrs xu: I am very careless,so my English is not very good..I am fear of English.When I was a junior high school student,you became my English teacher.Your English is very good.You are ...

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并盲复方:[答案] 第5行she always looks after some patients.(look加s)倒数第6行I saw a yellow pants(see过去式saw)倒数第7行There was a big sale.(is变was)She asked me try them on (ask加ed)My mother bought them for me(b...

兰州市13515859895: 请英语高手帮我点评一下这篇四级英语作文,非常感谢(语法和用词,如果总分15分,你能给我多少)1:据调查显示,现在大学生每月的花销越来越高,很... -
并盲复方:[答案] 基本可以,我给10分.已经不错了.有一些语法错误和汉式英语.还有及物动词与不及物动词的错用,specially应该是尤其ESPECIALLY ,In a world ?这是什么意思》再看看 ,the difficulty of earn money?of后面是动词?有一些语...

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并盲复方:[答案] 具体没有什么语法错误 但是我想说的是你的the,and用得太多.涉及的方面不够多,套用的句型不够多.这样哪怕你是全对的也是要扣那么一两分的. 希望你能把能容多改改,多参考一下英语书

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