
作者&投稿:杭拜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Struggle in the heart of the tao ancient theory, struggle today without limits, and all struggle.
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Struggle is life, and it is also the driving force of all life conditions.
In our real life, will experience many setbacks, a person's whole life is never problem-free life path as same winding brook. This time, how should we do? Is escape? Or surrender? Or blind? So all not line, we need -- brave struggle.
Prodect winners necessary weapons -- struggle.
Hua luogeng said: "for the Chinese to dig up and reading." This is struggle. He became a great mathematician, was entirely his struggle results. He, with "for the Chinese determination establishes ambitious goals in life, on reading open mathematics heaven and earth. I believe you all want such as great as the beams of our motherland. So, we need to establish their own team goal, to work hard. What are you waiting for? Ctivity. Hurry struggle life!
Why do we will only shrink from difficulties? When we encounter difficulties, instead of relying on the classmate? Even depend on their parents, so useful? I can firmly said: "it is useless. Soon, five, four, three, no! Perhaps this will step into the society.
Everyone said: "reading is the best way." And I think that's struggle is the only way out. No matter what your job is, need you to strive, otherwise you are sleeping turn. Impending death also does not know. In society, as the saying goes: "the survival of the fittest, sick eliminated." This is always remind us to strive for life. If no goal to strive like no eyes a fly, without direction, not yo the goal, the thing north and south are confused, so how to struggle! So make sure target again go to struggle.
New China's success, how many heroic fight for it? Including now, China has flourished rises, it is inseparable from the Chinese communist party hard struggle.

In my view, there are 8 reasons for us, the young, to be indepedent:
1.Personal independence boots your confidence
Independent people naturally tend to be a little more confident on handling issues affecting their lives. This is mainly because they are more prepared to take actions and do things without having to wait for support or permission from someone else. Being independent therefore means that you will be more likely to try out new things that you want, rather than what or how you are expected to. This also means that you will have more experience than a less independent individual. This will in time build up more confidence in you with the knowledge that you can do things on your own.

Hard Work Is Good for Health
Scientists find that the hard-working prestigious people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives.Evidences show that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders.An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly by 2%.All this comes down to one point: work is helpful to health.
Why is work good for health?It is because work keeps people busy, away from loneliness and solitude.Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and solitary when they have nothing to do.Instead, the happiest are those who are busy.Many high achievers who love their careers feel they are most happy when they are working hard.Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work, people come into contact with each other. By collective activity, they find friendship and warmth.This is helpful to health.The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and hence makes him liable to disease.
Study Maths Harder
A new term is coming soon. I will be in Grade 6 soon.My plan is to study maths harder.
I am not good at maths.I often make mistakes in my homework because I am so careless.I want to improve my maths.I want to do well in all the subjects. So this term I'll be careful when I do my homework.I'll listen to the teacher carefully.If I have any questions, I'll ask my classmates who are good at maths.I know maths is very important. I'm sure I can do well in this subject.
Study Maths Harder
A new term is coming soon. I will be in Grade 6 soon.My plan is to study maths harder.
I am not good at maths.I often make mistakes in my homework because I am so careless.I want to improve my maths.I want to do well in all the subjects. So this term I'll be careful when I do my homework.I'll listen to the teacher carefully.If I have any questions, I'll ask my classmates who are good at maths.I know maths is very important. I'm sure I can do well in this subject.


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