一篇英语作文,讨论一下为什么许多年轻人是“粉丝” 你想做粉丝么?为什么?150字左右

作者&投稿:邸肢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With the development of the society. more and more people are falling in love with traveling. Not only can we enjoy the fantastic scenery during the journey, but also we have the chance to relax ourselves and be in good spirits.

Take myself for example. What left me the deepest impression is the journey that I took last summer holiday. After my passing final examinations of the semester, our family set off for Qingdao which is famous for its sea. This was the first time that I had seen real sea. Walking along the beach and listeming to the beautiful singing of the sea, I was fully attracted to the sea. Also, it is the treasure that I will always treasure in my life.

As far as I am concerned, traveling is such a good way for us to enjoy life and understand life.

My first experience of surfing the internet
I still remember clearly about the first time I surfed the intenet. I was asked to search some information through the internet by my teacher. So I had to go to the Internet Cafe. I just spent a couple of minutes to get those stuff and it was a little bit too early to go home. Then I tried to play the game that my classmates always mentioned. It was also my first try. The game was amazing and intersting for me.I was addicted completed to the game so that I forgot the time. When I got home,I was scolded by my mother and I've never gone to the Internet Cafe since then.

Fans is no longer a strange word for us, because there are many of them around us.There are several reasons why people become fans.If they are crazy about some singers or movie stars, maybe they like their appearance, enjoy their songs and dances and appreciate their performing skills. If they admire some athletes, maybe they respect them for there perseverance and courage.
Many people become fans since they are attracted by someone. They pay more attention to the stars they love and this makes their life more colorful.
I would rather listen to some singers songs freely than focus on one of them. Being a fan also wastes time and energy when you collect their CD records, MTV and so on.


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