
作者&投稿:经迫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

意义上来看 颜色是被选的 所以用被动。
记住 主动doing 被动done
没做要做就用 to do
将要被做当然是to be done

Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems _____(他们至今都没有找到答案)
一定是which thay haven't found answers to
能不能是and they haven't found answers yet.

这句的意思是这些 many problems 是他们至今都没有找到答案的 problems,所以说"他们至今都没有找到答案"是用来修饰 problems的, 那就要用定语从句修饰problems了,所以一定要用which thay haven't found answers to。and是并列结构,起不到修饰作用。

_______ (大多数父母所关心的) is providing the best education for their children
What most parents care about


Throught the project ,many people have received training and ___(决定自己创业)
decided to start their own business.
为什么不是they decided to start their own business.???and之后不就是另一句话了吗?

and 是并列结构,前后不一定都是句子做并列成分的,比如 I have an apple and a pear.前后都是名词结构。 I have read the book and finished my homework. 同样都不是完整的句子结构来做并列成分的。

The anti-virus agent was not known _____(直到一名医生偶然发现了它)
until it was accidentally found by a doctor
能不能是a doctor find it accidentally.

可以,但是find要改为 found,过去式。
until 作为连词,其后所跟的是一句完整的句子,其被动主动都不会被其前后句子所限制。
until 此外也能做介词,后跟名词作宾语。


1 What are you going to do on Saturday?
2 Do you like Children's Day?
3 Kitty can't take a photograph.
4 What does your mother like?
5 Your school is beautiful.
6 How are you today?

1 what do you do on saturday?
2 do you like Children's Day?
3 Kitty can't take a photograph
4 what does your mother like ?
5 your school is beautiful
6 what is the weather like today?

2orange 3feel,hard 4are 5like 6season,autumn 7but 8has

1.taste 2.touch 3.see 4.smell 5.feel 3.(1)c (2)c

1 What are you going to do on Saturday?2 Do you like Children's Day?3 Kitty can't take a photograph.4 What does your mother like?5 Your school is beautiful.6 How are you today?

A positive attitude _C__your work is necessary if you want to be successful A with, B in, C to ,D for 答案解析:固定短语搭配: attitude to sth 对某事的态度;答案为C 句子中文翻译:如果你想要成功,一个积极对工作态度是很必要的....

帮我看看这两个英语题呗1.we were surprised to see the heavy log...
其次,第二题主语是people所以用are.,2,帮我看看这两个英语题呗 1.we were surprised to see the heavy log ___ by the little boy.a.could be lifted b.was able to be lifted 为什么选?这两个词组有什么不同?2.--- more and more people suffered by the earthquake ___ keep living...

1) 要把 what's in store 看做一个整体来理解, 意思是: 我们所储备的东西.2) 第二句话的大致意思就是, IQ的不同会造成很大的差异,那么这个差异是什么呢?就是about后面提到的 how much of what we're seeing is natural capriciousness 和 how much is the consequence of human activity.也...

to follow代表将来。剩下的一年内给我。

您好,Professor Lee's book will show you ___ can be used in other contexts.这里的考点是 show somebody something,也就是(双宾语结构),表示空格应该是(宾语从句)的引导词。所以从空格开始到 contexts 都是(宾语从句)。细看这个 ___ can be used in other contexts. 中可以发现,...

be aware of v.知道 in despite of the heavy rain, she went shopping.in despite of adv.不管, 尽管 It’s too expensive for me. I can’t _afford_ it.afford 供应得起 接下来依次填 in completing put through v.接通 having mind doing sth the First World War exchange vt.n....

帮我看看这几道英语题怎么做吧,在横线上填上适当的介词 the train pa...
1. through 因为through从tunnel的空间穿过。2. on, by 词组play a joke on sb by doing sth.和某人开...的玩笑,通过做某事和某人开玩笑 3. with 因为be jammed with sth 塞满了\/挤满了...祝你学习愉快~

涵江区18530017863: 帮我看看这道英语题!着急!!! -
谢俩欣丰: 选择B. 因为"LOOK!"表示正在发生. 所以要用现在进行时. A是将来时.表示LiLie将要帮他学英语.不符合时态. C是一般时、表示经常地.不符合时态.. D就错光了..直接用原型.. 意思就是:看!LiLie正在帮Tom学习中文呢.

涵江区18530017863: 帮我看看这道2014安徽英语单选题The exact year___Angela and her family spent together in Ching was 2008.A when B whereC whyD which 帮我分析一下这... -
谢俩欣丰:[答案] 定语从句~选d~做从句的宾语~

涵江区18530017863: 学哥学姐们,快帮我看看这到英语题吧 It was seven o'clock in the evening. The Smiths___supper. -
谢俩欣丰:[选项] A. had B. was having C. were having D. will have 选哪个啊?为什吗?学哥学姐们快来快来帮帮忙

涵江区18530017863: 帮我看看这道英语题
谢俩欣丰: 不能代替 with是介词.take是动词 两个意思就不同了 前句意思是我打算对这个花瓶怎么样.后句的意思是我拿起花瓶想对他怎么样.

涵江区18530017863: 帮看看这道英语题
谢俩欣丰: 可以呀,用that引导定语从句,当然,这个that是可填可不填的 应该用which,请看此处 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/75755528.html?fr=ala0

涵江区18530017863: 这道英语题帮忙看看
谢俩欣丰: 动词加ing有三种用法:一、be+动词ing形式,表示现在进行时;二、在某些特定动词后面要加ing,变成了名词性短语.三、动词短语位于句首,要加ing,做主语. 上题属于第二种情况,like后面跟的动词要用动名词形式,动词短语playing basketball做了宾语. 该题的语法是:like+动词ing

涵江区18530017863: 帮我看看这道英语填空题,急!!!
谢俩欣丰: distinguished outmade won是错的,因为win在此处是及物动词. 据意思理解应为对过去的陈述,故用过去时.当然也可以理解为一般现在时,那就用distinguishes.

涵江区18530017863: 各种英语高手们!帮我看看这道题吧We stood there for - seemed hours, -
谢俩欣丰: what seemed (to be) hours 作宾语 =We stood there for a long time.由于无先行词,不用that

涵江区18530017863: 帮我看看这道英语题,谢谢! -
谢俩欣丰: 问得好!在虚拟语气的从句中,动词'be'的过去时态一律用"were",不用was, 即在从句中be用were代替. If I were you, I would go to look for him. 如果我是你,就会去找他. If he were here, everything would be all right. 如果他在这儿,一切都会好的.

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