
作者&投稿:充罗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With the universe of blog, almost everybody has one. What's more, celebrities'blogs have been the main channel for communicating with fans. But, the "words war" in entertainment circle is now in the trend transferring from general media to internet! Han Han, Zheng Jun, Wang Shuo and other celebrity have quarreled with netizens on their own blogs.
In addition, Jin Sha, Jin Qiaoqiao, Zhou Jie, etc, are exposed to exaggerate themself on their blogs in hope of enhancing their previlige. The impact of blog could not be overlooked more and more!

Hello everyone,the city we are staying is Sichuan Suining.Suining has a long history also has beautiful scenery.The famous temple named Guang De Temple was founded the middle of the Tang Dynasty.Guang De Temple has a large of scope and in pinus,and it is suroundded by many brooks,looks like in a beautiful picture!Now have a good time!

A madam in gorgeous dress went into a up-scale shop one day. The shop assistant went up to greet the guest. Sally asked the madam what she was interested in. The madam looked at Sally disdainfully and said, " Look your miserable and shabby appearance. Persons like you are not qualified to serve me." Sally and her friends are very angry. They decided to give the madam a lesson. They raised the price by 500 yuan for the commodity the madam bought.

我是一个文静的女孩,但和朋友在一起是我就变成了一个活泼的人。I am a gentle and quiet girl, but with friends is my becomes a lively.不过我兴趣爱好十分广泛。But my hobbies is very extensive.绘画、古筝、奥数、阅读、英语。Painting, guzheng, mathematical olympiad, reading, English.我...

1.在我的世界,你很重要.In my world, you are very important.2.别让我太难过 Don't make me too sad.3.记得别想他 Don't think of him.4.故事没有然后 In the story, there's no "thereafter."5.我们的未来会不会很渺茫,以致没有一点点的的希望 Will our future be too unclear,...

Well, a tree is planted successfully.

1.我谁也不模仿.我不去奴隶似的跟着别人走.我只要看上去就像我自己,非我莫属!I am nobody's mirror. I am no one's humble follower. I am myself, just look like myself.2.没有善良-- 一个人给予另一个人的真正发自肺腑的温暖--- 就不可能有精神的美!Without goodness, the warmest ...

very good,不过我正在努力地学好英语. but I'm trying my best.很高兴可以认识你,I'm very glad to know you and 我希望我能有幸和你成为朋友.I hope that I'm lucky to make friends with you.我认为既然我们碰到,那就是一种缘分.I think it's fate that makes us meet each other ...

Therefore, he asked the police for help.警察告诉他,杭州饭店离这里不远.The police told him, "The hotel is acutally not far from the place where we were at.向前走,在红绿灯处右转,在沿马路,饭店就在马路的做边,大约200米.Walk straight , turn right after the traffic lights and ...

1、您好:Hello!2、感谢您在百忙之中回复我的邮件,我从新更新了一下订单。您帮忙计算一下总价,然后告诉我。Thank you for your busy schedule in reply to my email, I updated the order. Please help me calculate the total price and let me know.3、如果无误,我就给您打款了,请您在...

Your efforts finally paid off, you get more and more excellent, but please remain modest attitude to work. Believe you a better future, I always support you.Wish can help you!!

汉译英 翻译一段话
手工翻译,杜绝机译 因为我爱你 所以 在这个世界上 除了我妈妈 我就只有你这一个亲人了 Just because I love you, so you are my only loved one besides my mother.我没有其他的亲人 但是一直以来我并未觉得孤独 大概是因为我早已经孤独习惯了吧 我的生活经历让我明白了什么叫做 世态炎凉 什么...

网易有道词典就可以通过拍照翻译一段话或者文章 步骤 1、首先打开手机里的应用商城 2、打开应用商城后搜索网易有道词典 3、搜索成功后点击并安装 4、安装软件成功后打开网易有道词典 5、最后打开软件就可以在左上角看到拍照翻译的标识,点击标识就可以完成翻译 ...

龙南县13989046130: 汉译英高手进把一段话翻译成英语,完整的,内容如下:"下周一康康的生日1月28日,我们要为他举行一次生日聚会.聚会前我们有许多事要做,星期日,我... -
索禄牛黄:[答案] Kangkang's birthday is Jan.28,next Monday and we will hold a bithday party for him.Before this party we have a lot of things to do,like going shopping for our parents on Sunday and buying some apples,...

龙南县13989046130: 汉译英.将下列的一段话翻译成英语:如果我成为一名医生,我会快乐吗?也许我将会成为一名医生.如果我成为一名医生,我将会快乐吗?我非常喜欢医生这... -
索禄牛黄:[答案] 如果我成为一名医生,我会快乐吗?If I become a doctor,I happy?也许我将会成为一名医生.Maybe I will become a doctor.如果我成为一名医生,我将会快乐吗?If I become a doctor,and I will be happy?我非常喜欢医生这个职业,因为它能帮助别人,...

龙南县13989046130: 一段话的英语翻译【汉译英】 -
索禄牛黄: 我是一个文静的女孩,但和朋友在一起是我就变成了一个活泼的人. I am a gentle and quiet girl, but with friends is my becomes a lively.不过我兴趣爱好十分广泛. But my hobbies is very extensive.绘画、古筝、奥数、阅读、英语. Painting, ...

龙南县13989046130: 英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译下列几个句子,汉译英1吸烟者应尽快把烟戒掉2我们为你做的越多,我们越高兴3我肯定你在那里能找到你想要的4如果我们很好地... -
索禄牛黄:[答案] 你好为你Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The more we do for you, the happier we are.I am sure that you will find what you want there.The Internet can offer us a number of b...

龙南县13989046130: 汉译英(一个超简单的句子)我家有两个卧室,四个阳台,一个餐厅,一个客厅,一个厨房和一个卫生间 -
索禄牛黄:[答案] My house has two bedrooms,a dinning room,a living room,a kitchen and a washing room.

龙南县13989046130: 汉译英在线翻译句子:我来威海后交了一些好朋友. -
索禄牛黄:[答案] I have made some good friends after I came to WeiHai

龙南县13989046130: 汉译英几个简单的句子. -
索禄牛黄: 1. Which things on the floor.2. Please bring these books to your teacher.3. My baseball in the bed.4. The keys in the drawer.5. My notebook in there? It under the table it?6. This is my math book.7. You be able to take to school for it?8. My identity card...

龙南县13989046130: 急,汉译英,帮忙翻译一小段话. -
索禄牛黄: Come on guys, English no is 这么 write 的 but 1L 翻译的 pretty 好 ls 的 朋友 English 可不是像 Chinese 这么说的 if 你 do not 知道 then 就别乱 translate.1. Serious casualties and property loss as a result of fire hazard, 或 用 [caused by] 代替 [as a ...

龙南县13989046130: 汉译英在线翻译句子
索禄牛黄: You can be defeated by anyone but yourself

龙南县13989046130: 汉译英【一段话】
索禄牛黄: I have a new house. My house have a living room, a dining-room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, two bedrooms and a study. There is a television in front of the living room, and a group of sofas at back. Dining-room and kitchen on the right of living room; ...

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