
作者&投稿:艾委 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这个节日流传著很多传统民间故事。然而,感动大多数人的,莫过于嫦娥的故事。美丽的嫦娥是后羿的妻子。 后羿射下了九个太阳,女神给了他神丹妙药以酬谢他,谁喝了这药都会长生不老,后羿打算与嫦娥共享。然而,坏人逄蒙试图趁后羿不在家时盗药,嫦娥拒绝给他,把药一口喝下。她变得很轻,飞向月球。后羿太难过了,他每天晚上向著月亮呼唤嫦娥的名字。


Full Moon, Full Feelings
Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. They carry people's wishes to the families they love and miss.
There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang'e is the most touching. Chang'e was Hou Yi's beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hon Yi planned to drink it with Chang'e. However; a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Chang'e refused to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called her out her name to the moon every night.
One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang'e could come back!
After this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.



Chu already has destroyed a dragon and, the item king fears, messenger Xuyi person martial art is gone through saying along Wang Xin once ) to doctrine (: `Land under heaven is troubled by Qin Jiu together , joins hands with each other striking Qin. Qin already breaks , counts meritorious service ceding territory , mark is local but Wang Zhi, uses rest soldiers. Now Chinese king Risorgimento soldier but the east , mark of invading person , field of seizing person, already break Shanxi , cause soldier to go to the other side of a pass , strike Chu to the east of soldier of collecting leud, it's intention must swallow person in the world at the furthest end of ceaselessly , the person detests a foot without the knowledge of like this very much also. The Chinese king is at present be not allowed the body residence item king to know a median well necessarily, two ) item kings be sympathetic with but be so living that, but as to come off , always to make an appointment with very , complex strike item king, it's forbidden trusted follower so-called (. Now you resort to arms as far as possible though self takes that Wang Wei Hou intersects with Chinese as, that , the end is that bird of institute. You get a moment therefore so far person, use item Wang Shang Cun also. Nowadays two Wang Zhi powers or authority of office, are in you. You go to Chinese Wang Sheng for help to right , that left is thrown is Wang Sheng . Item king today destroys , time fetches you then. You and the item king have a reason , why not on the contrary Chinese and Chu are linked with a sum , impeach mark of Wang Zhi in the world? Now lets now go, but Yu Han uses strike Chu certainly necessarily, be that the sage is as solid as here at present! 'Han Xin thanks for saying: The king , the government official do not go over ancient official `my item, the place holds a halberd only , three )-character listens to , draws nonutility (times late Chus but return to Chinese. The Chinese king confers seal upon my upper General , gives my number the multitude , unties clothes clothes I, give up food in order to feed me , accept sb.'s advice and adopt his plan, therefore I manage to go so far as to be like here. Deep trusted follower of wife though stubbornly refusing to exchange inauspiciousness of my , my times. Good fortune be to believe the Xie item king!

Chu has been dead long and, Xiang Wang fear, so that military intervention Xuyi 〔1〕 people to say Qiwang Xin said: "There is a total pain Qinjiu Yi, phase and my best to attack Qin. Qin has been broken, namely, power cede territory, sub-soil The King to break his soldiers. Hanwang revival today as soldiers in the East, invaded the points, won the man of the land has been broken Sanqin, led his troops out of customs, income princes of Chu soldiers east of the attack, which means non-exhaustive swallow the world who endlessly, so even their feet are tired I do not know. and Kingship is not necessary, occupying the number of items in the king master men, and 〔2〕 key live the king pity, however Detuo, Zhe times about, complex items hit king it can not be trusted so. Although this first step and the Kingship from to pay for the thick, whom try to use military force, and finally moved by the birds carry on. with a single step so far even for a moment those who have to have the remaining items of the king. today's two kings of the things right in a single step. with a single step right-hander is Hanwang wins, the left vote is key Wang Sheng. Xiang Wang death today, then the time to take a single step. with a single step with the item there so the king, why do not anti-Chinese and Chu Lian, king of the world reference points? this release at this time, but does take on the Chinese to attack Chu, and for the wise solid if this peace! "Han Xin Xie, saying:" matters of the king, the official but doctor, bit, but the Executive Ji, 〔3〕 words do not listen, do not draw, so Chu and times Guihan. Hanwang grant me the general printing, to me the number of Peoples, Xie Yiyi me, push me fresh food, made to listen to terms with, so I have to so this. Mrs. trusted me, and I fold the ominous, lived and difficult to . Fortunately for the letter Xie Xiang Wang!

1、译文 晋平公向师旷问道:“我年龄七十岁了,想要(再)学习,恐怕已经晚了。”师旷说:“为什么不点燃蜡烛呢?”平公说:“哪有作为别人的臣子(的人)戏弄他的君主的啊?”师旷回答:“我哪敢戏弄我的君主啊!我听说,年轻时喜欢学习,如同早上升起的太阳;壮年时喜欢学习,如同中午的太阳;年老时...


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孟子梁惠王下 翻译



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说明:不否认其他翻译的正确,但是要选择现在商务中常用的;财务部,技术部,前面的财务,技术,工程等以n为好,一般无人用adj,如我司Operating Dept 运营部Marketing Dept营销部。division,根据我所了解信息,一般为大公司的大的分区,如GE亚洲区,GE Asia Division,公司部门间一般均为dept(department...

《嗟来之食》文言文 翻译 (还要原文)!!!

济源市15791264385: 求翻译.急急急.在线等~~~~~ -
允蔡养血: 第一句:浮生若梦 Float to living if dream 或 Life is only illusion 第二句:我一生渴望被人收藏好,妥善安放,细心保存.免我惊,免我苦,免我四下流离,免我无枝可依. I hope earnestly from cradle to the grave drive store well and carefully dress...

济源市15791264385: 求翻译,急急急!!
允蔡养血: 您好,这句话翻译过来意思就是: 亲爱的,我太想你了.在我脑海里整天都想着你. 原创翻译,满意就采纳吧.

济源市15791264385: 求翻译急急急...
允蔡养血: 如果将来的某一天我要选择某个人当我的另一半,答案是,你便是那个人.但是,很抱歉,那天是永远不会到来的.

济源市15791264385: 求英语翻译 急急急... -
允蔡养血: 我们在成长中会和我们亲密的朋友发生争吵 发生矛盾 年轻的我们都很有自尊不愿意先道歉 这是我很大的烦恼 We will quarrel with our intimate friends during the period of our growing up . so will we have contradiction with them . we young people all have strong self-esteem and we are relectulant to be the first to make an apology to others , this is the big my annoyance

济源市15791264385: 求翻译文言文译文!急急急~~~
允蔡养血: 千里马老了,驾着装盐的车爬太行山.它的蹄子僵直了,膝盖折断了,尾巴被浸湿,皮肤也溃烂了,口水洒到了地上,汗水满身流淌.被鞭打着爬到山路的中间,再也上不去了. 伯乐遇到了它,从车上跳下来,抱住它痛哭,并脱下自己的麻布衣服给它披上. 千里马于是低下头叹了一口气,又昂起头高声嘶叫,那声音直上云天,响亮得就好像金石发出来的一样,这是为什么呢?他知道伯乐是自己的知己啊.

济源市15791264385: 求翻译,急急急 -
允蔡养血: shipping lien 是不是打错了是shipping line(中海运),如果是就是:是的,当我们从中海运那里收到货物已装船发货的信息后就.....

济源市15791264385: 求.翻译...急急急..~! -
允蔡养血: What the Romeo and Juliet tells is that..... In my opinion, the first of the most important scenes is .. the second of the most important scenes is ...The two movies are quite different, though they are concerning the same story, but ... I prefer the old one,...

济源市15791264385: 求英语翻译..急急急 -
允蔡养血: 英语就是 I am looking for the hero/heroine in the story. You are the part that can't be missing.

济源市15791264385: 求翻译 急急急 -
允蔡养血: 原文是《唐律疏议·户婚律》中规定的四种脱户漏口罪之一的“脱户漏口增减年状”.诸脱户者,家长徒三年;无课役者,减二等;女户,又减三等.(谓一户俱不附贯.若不由家长,罪其所由.即见在役任者,虽脱户及计口多者,各从漏口法.)脱口及增减年状(谓疾、老、中、小之类.)以免课役者,一口徒一年,二口加一等,罪止徒三年.其增减非免课役及漏无课役口者,四口为一口,罪止徒一年半;即不满四口,杖六十.(部曲、奴婢亦同.) 是关于“脱户漏口增减年状”的罪名、量刑标准等的规定.

济源市15791264385: 求英语翻译!急急急
允蔡养血: 1. was admitted to a school the ideal university, found satisfaction to work the 2. enhancement competitive power, found satisfaction work 3. to understand foreign culture study vanguard technology the 4. rich life

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