
作者&投稿:吉睿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



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Home Where Our Heart Resides By: Tom Tomer
Furniture is generally a movable object made of wood, metal and now plastics too. They solve the purpose of comfort, storage, and style too. Today, maximum use of furniture is in human comfort, sitting, sleeping or just laying, there are different types of furniture to cater each purpose. Earlier movable storage furniture was in great demand and tradition was to use them only. But with stress on style, design and interior decoration, people are now using permanently made closets and shelves fixed with the wall of houses. Furniture is also a product of artistic design and often used as a form of decorative art.

With change in time the house is not confined to four walls. But it is the furnitures which dominates. Just as there is house with no members staying. Furniture fulfills the emptiness in the house. With beautiful house combination of elegant furniture enhances the importance of the house.

After working long at office it is the home where one gets peace of mind. It is the home where we can get comfort and feel relaxed after our hectic work schedules. Comfortable and good looking furnitures are helpful in providing peace of mind and relaxation after working aggressively. Furnitures not only give an everlasting and elegant looking but also tell about the nature of man. More social and fashionable a person is more will be his style of living. This collection of furniture at home perfectly displays one's style of living.

Home is the place where heart of man resides. So, home should be such that it should take men away from all his worries. Rather it should provide him new energy to start new life every day. Furniture at house from sofa, dining table, wardrobe, to bed all has its own importance. Though, with change of time new fashion and style of furniture has immerged. Like Antique Living Room Furniture, Modular Furniture, Victorian Living Room Furniture, Rustic Living Room Furniture, Traditional Living Room Furniture or casual furniture, to create home environments that reflect their own individual sense of style and sophistication.

Home is the place your heart resides
Home is the place that you decide
Home is the womb that holds the soul
Home is the place where one is whole

Home is the glow you hold in your eye
Home is the emotion that makes you cry
Home is safe and a place of peace
Home is where all strivings cease

Home is protective against the others
Home is full of sisters and brothers
Home is where you find your rest
Home is where you feel your best

Home is a memory that follows your being
Home is a dream for those agreeing
Home is the place where reserves fall
Home is the place you yearn to call

Home is where the family meets
Home is a place of restful retreats
Home is the place you know you’ll be heard
Home is the pace where nothing blurs

Home is all these wonderful things
Home is the place you develop wings
Home is the place that you’ll find one day
Home is the place where your heart will stay

Home Where Our Heart Resides
Furniture is generally a movable object made of wood, metal and now plastics too. They solve the purpose of comfort, storage, and style too. Today, maximum use of furniture is in human comfort, sitting, sleeping or just laying, there are different types of furniture to cater each purpose. Earlier movable storage furniture was in great demand and tradition was to use them only. But with stress on style, design and interior decoration, people are now using permanently made closets and shelves fixed with the wall of houses. Furniture is also a product of artistic design and often used as a form of decorative art.

With change in time the house is not confined to four walls. But it is the furnitures which dominates. Just as there is house with no members staying. Furniture fulfills the emptiness in the house. With beautiful house combination of elegant furniture enhances the importance of the house.

After working long at office it is the home where one gets peace of mind. It is the home where we can get comfort and feel relaxed after our hectic work schedules. Comfortable and good looking furnitures are helpful in providing peace of mind and relaxation after working aggressively. Furnitures not only give an everlasting and elegant looking but also tell about the nature of man. More social and fashionable a person is more will be his style of living. This collection of furniture at home perfectly displays one's style of living.

Home is the place where heart of man resides. So, home should be such that it should take men away from all his worries. Rather it should provide him new energy to start new life every day. Furniture at house from sofa, dining table, wardrobe, to bed all has its own importance. Though, with change of time new fashion and style of furniture has immerged. Like Antique Living Room Furniture, Modular Furniture, Victorian Living Room Furniture, Rustic Living Room Furniture, Traditional Living Room Furniture or casual furniture, to create home environments that reflect their own individual sense of style and sophistication.

Home Where Our Heart Resides By: Tom Tomer
Furniture is generally a movable object made of wood, metal and now plastics too. They solve the purpose of comfort, storage, and style too. Today, maximum use of furniture is in human comfort, sitting, sleeping or just laying, there are different types of furniture to cater each purpose. Earlier movable storage furniture was in great demand and tradition was to use them only. But with stress on style, design and interior decoration, people are now using permanently made closets and shelves fixed with the wall of houses. Furniture is also a product of artistic design and often used as a form of decorative art.

With change in time the house is not confined to four walls. But it is the furnitures which dominates. Just as there is house with no members staying. Furniture fulfills the emptiness in the house. With beautiful house combination of elegant furniture enhances the importance of the house.

After working long at office it is the home where one gets peace of mind. It is the home where we can get comfort and feel relaxed after our hectic work schedules. Comfortable and good looking furnitures are helpful in providing peace of mind and relaxation after working aggressively. Furnitures not only give an everlasting and elegant looking but also tell about the nature of man. More social and fashionable a person is more will be his style of living. This collection of furniture at home perfectly displays one's style of living.

Home is the place where heart of man resides. So, home should be such that it should take men away from all his worries. Rather it should provide him new energy to start new life every day. Furniture at house from sofa, dining table, wardrobe, to bed all has its own importance. Though, with change of time new fashion and style of furniture has immerged. Like Antique Living Room Furniture, Modular Furniture, Victorian Living Room Furniture, Rustic Living Room Furniture, Traditional Living Room Furniture or casual furniture, to create home environments that reflect their own individual sense of style and sophistication.

新概念英语第三册 Lesson 1:A Puma at large (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 2:Thirteen equals one (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 3:An unknown goddess (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 4:The double life of Alfre (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 5:The facts (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 6:Smash-and-grab (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 7:Mutilated ladies (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 8:A famous monastery (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 9:Flying cats (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 10:The loss of the Titanic (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 11:Not guilty (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 12:Life on a desert island (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 13: It's only me (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 14: A noble gangster (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 15: Fifty pence worth of t (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 16:Mary had a little lamb (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 17:The longest suspension (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 18:Electric currents in mo (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 19: A very dear cat (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 20:Pioneer pilots (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 21:Daniel Mendoza (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 22:By heart (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 23:One man's meat is a (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 24:A skeleton in the cupbo (alex,03-04)
· 新概念英语第三册 Lesson 25:The Cutty Sark (alex,03-04)



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根河市15299197893: 一个英语问题,新概念第三册第4课Every morning,he left home dressed in a smart black suit.这里dressed为什么用过去分词?是固定搭配be dressed 那这句话... -
靳炒奥美:[答案] 恩...这么看应该是与你这整个文章事态有关,全是过去时的哇! 你前面有个left,是leave的过去时.后面当然用dressed拉!... 当然有be dressed in这个短语,但是不是用在这里的. 这里的dress是一个动词.而上一个是一个状态.(完了,怀疑自己的英语...

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靳炒奥美: 不完全是这样子的,新概念的有一些文章是不太适合背诵的,如果你要是追求速效,新概念的提升速度不是很大,只能想着撒大网补大鱼吧.以下是建议:新概念每一篇都会有一些很不错的表达方式,可能有些篇章多点,有些少点,所以,基本...

根河市15299197893: 两个动词之间什么时候可以不用tohe left home dressed in a smart black suit.这是新概念英语第三册第四课中的一个句子,为什么在dressed前不加to 我记得在... -
靳炒奥美:[答案] dressed in a smart black suit. 是做后置定语

根河市15299197893: 邦我分析一下新概念英语第三册第一课中一句话的语法.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty - five miles south of London... -
靳炒奥美:[答案] they 指代的是reports 报告 因为后面是被动语态

根河市15299197893: 新概念英语3第41课Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to ... -
靳炒奥美:[答案] 我觉得这篇文章是3册里很不错的一篇,我背得很熟.多读几遍应该能理解吧.说说我的理解 主语:Few things 谓语:could be more impressive 宾语:the peace 后面一堆都是修饰the peace 的定语从句.什么样的peace呢?the ...

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靳炒奥美:[答案] missing 和 missed 均为形容词:“丢失的”之意. 不同的是,动词加ing变形容词时,一般用来修饰物,而加ed时,则用来修饰人 举个例子吧,excite 这个动词是“使兴奋”的意思,到要将之变为形容词时,还要根据它修饰的对象是人还是物而选择...

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靳炒奥美:[答案] bus load是个单位 意思是“有一客车那么多的” 所以 several bus loads 意识是“好几客车那么多的”

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靳炒奥美: 我这儿有新概念英语1-4册PDF TXT 课文英音美音MP3(包括第一册偶数课录音) 练习详解 自学导读 名师精讲笔记等材料 都是对自学很有用的 需要的话留个QQ邮箱 我发给你 其他的邮箱附件下载容易出异常 语言学习的秘诀就是要多听录音 多...

根河市15299197893: 如何学习新概念英语第三册 -
靳炒奥美: 新概念英语第三册属中级水平的综合教材,注重 “Developing Skills”培养技能,这册书的文章着重分析句子之间内在的逻辑关系,学习者如果吃透这本书,会从中充分认识和领悟英文句型的精练、优美、实用.因为新概念3的文章全都是原汁...

根河市15299197893: 关于新概念英语第三册 “a puma at large"的一个时态问题就是文章的第一段中 .the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were ... -
靳炒奥美:[答案] 我是大二英语专业的学生.我先给你讲下这个句子的结构,它是一个for 引导的原因状语从句,里面还有一个定语从句套着一个定语从句【[]】: for the descriptions 【given by people[ who claimed to have seen the puma ]】were extraordinarily similar. 再...

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